Members of the Montpelier Village Council convened in regular session on the evening of November 23.
Ms. Callie Lockhart addressed Council, and explained that she has contacted different towns regarding their utility procedures. She said some of the towns will not call the landlords because they do not hold landlords responsible for the tenant’s bills. She contacted Edon who holds the landlord responsible for water and sewer bills, Pioneer who holds the landlord responsible for utility bills, Bryan who holds the landlord responsible for utility bills, but does not certify to taxes except for some commercial accounts, and Edgerton who does not hold the landlord responsible for tenant’s bills unless they waived their utility deposit. She said that she wants the landlords to have the say in whether or not their tenants are permitted a payment plan. Mayor Steve Yagelski told her she would need to get together with Village Director of Finance Kelly Hephner when she is back from vacation so they can go over each other’s notes before the next Council meeting. He also explained to her that not everyone does business exactly the same.
Councilor Nathan Thompson wanted to thank the Village for helping with the Old Tyme Holiday Gathering. He said it was a nice event with all the vehicles and horses, and that the decorating looks really nice.
Supervisor of Administrative Services Kurt Roan explained that the Cranberry Run project is starting November 24, and that the 100 block of West Washington Street will be limited to residents only.
Mayor Yagelski reminded landlords that own buildings downtown that they are responsible for shoveling their sidewalks. It is in their best interest to remove the snow as a downtown business owner for liability reasons. They should not rely on the Village to do it for them. That goes for homeowners as well.
Village Manager Pam Lucas thanked the Village employees for getting the Christmas decorations up. There are two new decorations: the Train at the Main Street Park and a new Santa on the water slide at the pool. Mes. Lucas also thanked Village employees for supporting the RokerThon, and gave a special thanks to the Mercer family for bringing their goat. She also welcomed the new employees that were just hired: Thane Apt in the Water Treatment Plant, Daniel Carlson and Sean Hannan in the Water/Sewer Department, and Luke Sines in the Street Department.
Mrs. Lucas introduced Resolution 1125, to appoint Mayor Yagelski as the Village of Montpelier Representative to the OMEA Board, and the ability to appoint an alternate. Under suspended rules of reading, Resolution 1125 was passed.
Mrs. Lucas presented Ordinance 2191, an ordinance to exempt certain income and include certain income of individuals under the age of 18 years within the meaning of “municipal taxable income”, effective January 1, 2016, for a third reading and passage. Ordinance 2191 was passed without dissent.
Mrs. Lucas presented Ordinance 2193, an ordinance to add Chapter 185 to the Codified Ordinances of the Village of Montpelier, regarding municipal income tax effective on and after January 1, 2016, for a third reading and passage. The Measure was approved without dissent.
Mrs. Lucas presented Ordinance 2195, an ordinance amending the allocation of funds section in Ordinance 2194 of the one percent income tax. Under suspended rules of reading, Council unanimously approved the Ordinance.
Council adjourned into executive session for the discussion of the sale of Village property. Upon returning to open session, Mrs. Lucas introduced Ordinance 2196. This ordinance would allow her to enter into an agreement with Tiger Trust, LLC to lease with the option to purchase land owned by the Village of Montpelier, Tax Parcel ID Number 072-110-56-008.000. Tiger Trust, LLC is wanting to purchase the property to put up a communications tower, and the Village did not have a need for holding onto the property. After discussion on the matter, Council opted to again suspend the rules of reading in order to take immediate action. Under suspended rules, Council approved the measure.
With no further business to address, Council adjourned for the evening.