MUSICAL ENTERTAINMENT Paul OBrien provided several delightful musical selections including the popular sing along You Are My Sunshine for guests attending the June 2013 Birthday and Anniversary celebration at Montpelier Senior Center
Montpelier Senior Center Celebrates June Birthdays
[emember_protected custom_msg=”Full content protected for online subscribers. Purchase a one week subscription from the top menu bar for just $1.99 to read all online content (full access). Longer subscription plans are also available. Subscriptions cover our costs to attend local events; bringing forth Hometown News Coverage to our communities.”] HAPPY BIRTHDAY Celebrating June Birthdays at Montpelier Senior Center on Thursday June 13 2013 were seated from left Marie Trausch whose family flew in to surprise her at the Center for her 90th Birthday that day Janice Burkhart Sue E Kemp Russell Dunseth Charlene Housh and standing Norm Bechtol Willis Bible Linda Downs Ralph Cramer Sandie Cluckey Virginia Will Linda Moore Judy White and Jack Hancock Hosting this months celebration was Ramada Inn and Suites Paul OBrien provided the musical program In addition to announcing Frank Stahler floral arrangement from Huntington Bank Tellers and Marie Trausch two free Senior Center Lunches as Junes Monthly Door Prize winners Site Manager Jewel Head was also pleased to announce Linda Downs Carol Brumbaugh Donna Stahler Jean Dye Eunice Williams Kathy Cramer Connie Cogswell Charles Cluckey Delores Dennis Dean Cogswell Betty Freese and Betty Wheeler as winners of candy filled table decorations provided by Ramada Inn and Suites
June Anniversary Couples Honored At Montpelier Senior Center
SPECIAL DAYS June Anniversary couples honored at Montpelier Senior Center on Thursday June 13 2013 were seated Frank and Donna Stahler 59th Wedding Anniversary and standing Fred and Rose Lemke 47th Wedding Anniversary and Freds birthday and Ruth and Don Ramsey 50th Wedding Anniversary and the couples birthdays[/emember_protected]