SPELLING AWARD … Barbara Turner presents Spelling Bee Award to Maggie Oates in Honor of Denver Bechtol.
By: India Kenner
The Montpelier Board of Education met on Tuesday, February 11th. At 5:30 p.m. after the Pledge of Allegiance and a moment of silence the meeting was called to order.
In attendance were board members Jennifer Schlosser, Board President Nate Rose, Troy Roth, Dunne Gambler, Patti Rockey, Treasurer/CEO Carla Rice and Superintendent Travis Lichty, Elementary Principal Lance Thorp and Jr/ High School Principal Su Thorp as well as high school government students and a few members of the community.
Barbara Turner presented the Spelling Bee Award in Honor of Denver Bechtol to student Maggie Oates.
Lance Thorp talked about the ELA curriculum with Benchmark Education Company for the principal reports. He also mentioned parent-teacher conferences on February 13th and PD days for teachers on February 14th.
Jr/HS Principal Su Thorp also mentioned that PD meetings and calendars are being worked on for new electives and math classes.
Superintendent Lichty commented on how great winter sports have been and congratulated Montpelier girls basketball on winning the BBC championship.
He mentioned the lockdown drill went well, and the new PA system will be up and running and the bus fleet looks good so there is no need to purchase a new bus this year and that it will be reevaluated next year.
For the treasurer’s report, Carla Rice talked about real estate settlements and income tax collection which was over 75% collected.
Motion to waive the reading of the minutes and approve the minutes from the organizational meeting and the regular monthly meeting of January 14, 2025, as presented.
Items recommended for approval were: the financial reports for January 2025, as presented; the following donations: From anonymous – $5,000.00, to Elementary Principal Fund – $4,000.00, to Facility Dog Fund – $1,000.00; Spangler Candy Company – $900.00; DYCO – $1,000.00, Altenloh, Brinck Co. – $1,250.00; Skilled Trades – $3,150.00; First United Methodist Church – $456.00, Nurse’s Discretionary Fund, Athletic Boosters – $9,128.00, football – $4,000.00, softball – $1,100.00, track – $4,028.00, Constance Dunseth $50.00 to art department, from Altenloh Brinck – $1,250.00 To Robotics; from music boosters – $2,000.00 To music trip.
Recommend to approve appropriation modifications and increases in estimated revenue as presented.
Recommend to approve the following transfer Locomotion Fund, $1,000.00, and from General Fund, $3,209.00 to the Music Department Trip. Recommend motion to approve the Financial Report.
Recommend to approve supplemental contracts for the 2024-2025 school year.
Recommend to approve a supplemental contract for E. Bess Cooley as Head Volleyball Coach for the 2025-2026 school year.
Recommend to approve unpaid Parental Leave (MEA Negotiated Agreement, Article X, Section E) for Brooke Lamberson from October 20, 2025 to December 19, 2025.
Recommend to approve the resignation of Jordan Birdsall, K-6 PE, effective the end of the 2024-2025 school year.
Recommend motion to approve the Certificated Staff Items.
Recommend to approve supplemental contracts for the 2024-2025 school year. Recommend to approve the retirement resignation of Mary Weirich, aide, effective May 22, 2025. Recommend adding Connie Jacoby, Stephanie Mills, Hannah Wells, and Lindsay Willis to the substitute aide list for the 2024-2025 school year.
Recommend to accept the resignation of Diane Willis, Head Cashier, effective December 31, 2024. Recommend to accept the resignation of Paul Ledyard, Cafeteria Cook, effective February 12, 2025. Recommend to add Paul Ledyard as a substitute for the cafeteria.
Recommend to approve Policy #1617, #3217 and #4217 Weapons. Recommend to rescind Policy #5131-Student Transfers-Revised, Policy #5136-Personal Communication Devices-Revised, and Policy #6550-Travel Payment & Reimbursement/Relocation Costs-Update.
Recommend motion to approve the policy Items. Moved by Rose seconded by Rockey.
Recommend to approve the Revised Foundation Deduction Agreement with the Northwest Ohio Educational Service Center for FY2025 and direct the Board President, Treasurer, and Superintendent to sign the applicable 412 certificate.
The revised cost includes an increase of $51,222.40 for special education services for an estimated total of $734,414.27 for FY2025.
Recommend to approve an English Language Arts (ELA) curriculum for grades K-5, with Benchmark Education Company, at a total cost of $134,481.47, with 50% to be paid in FY25 and 50% to be paid in FY26 and to approve the 412 Certificate attached to the contract. The agreement is for six years.
Recommend to approve the agreement for membership with the Ohio School Council, a council of government organizations participating in cooperative purchasing programs, and to approve that the membership application and bylaws be initialed and executed by the superintendent and the prorated membership fee for the remainder of the year be paid, as invoiced, by the Treasurer. The minimum membership fee for a full year is $350.00.
Recommend motion to approve the Purchases and Service Contract Items. Moved by Gambler seconded by Rose.
Recommend to approve a resolution authorizing certain employees to possess firearms on school property and in designated school safety zones and direct the treasurer to provide public notice that the Board of Education of the Montpelier Exempted Village School District has authorized one or more people to go armed within the schools operated by the Board, per ORC 2923.122. Moved by Gambler seconded by Rockey.
Motion to enter into executive session for employment and compensation of an employee. Moved by Rose seconded by Roth.
The Montpelier Board of Education meeting adjourned at 6:15 p.m. The next meeting will be March 11th at 5:30 p.m.