The Montpelier Village Council met for their regularly scheduled meeting on Monday November 25th at 7:30.
Mayor Yagelski was absent so Nathan Thompson filled in. They began with a call to order and Reverend Tilly opened with prayer followed with the pledge of allegiance.
The agenda was approved as well as the minutes from November 11th. The motion to approve the October financial reports was approved and the council moved onto to comments from the audience. There was one student present, and she was acknowledge by council and invited to ask any questions at any time throughout the meeting.
Next, comments from the council included a reminder to be mindful of the crosswalks in town. Council would like to remind the community motorist to be aware of pedestrians using the crosswalks, and to drive with caution.
Jason Rockey acknowledged his gratitude for everyone’s hard work with the 7th Annual Olde Tyme Holiday Gathering.
The council also wanted to make sure that the community knows that the garbage and recycling schedule will be different for the month of December and January. During Christmas week, Monday’s route will be picked up on the 23rd. Tuesdays route will be picked up on the 24th. Wednesday’s route will be picked up on the 26th and Thursday’s route will be picked up on the 27th. New Year’s Week, Monday’s route will be picked up on the 30th. Tuesdays route will be picked up on the 31st. Wednesday’s route will be picked up on the 2nd and Thursday’s route will be picked up on the 3rd.
Next, the motion was passed to award the bid for Switch Gear for the Airport Substation Expansion Project on the recommendation of Spectrum Engineering.
Then, the council approved the resignation of Lauren Hendricks from the Montpelier Fire Department. Mr. Hendricks was a third generation fire fighter and served the community for fourteen years.
The resolution 1065 for 2014 Appropriations had a second reading and was passed. The Resolution 1067 Advertise for bid and Contract for phase IV of CSO Project was suspended and passed. Finally, the ordinance 2162 to approve, adopt and enact 2013 Codified Ordinances.
The meeting was adjourned. The next meeting will be on December 16th at 7:30 at the Montpelier Police Department in the meeting room. All meeting are open to the community.