Two new members of the Academy of Friendship Degree were honored at a special meeting Thursday, April 7th for Montpelier Chapter No. 270, Women of the Moose. Shown from left to right are Gloria Poorman, aide; Chris Potts, new Friendship Degree recipient; Joyce Schelling, Higher Degree Committee chairman; Terri Groll, new Friendship Degree recipient; Pat Fitzcharles, aide; and Lee Hart, pro-tem Jr. Graduate Regent and presentation officer. Both Chris and Terri received their degrees at Mid-Year Conference in February and were honored by the chapter with their special Academy of Friendship gold rings, symbol of the degree. Joyce conducted the special Ring Ceremony with other members of the Academy of Friendship participating. Members earn the first degree of the Women of the Moose by serving as an officer, appointed officer, committee chairman and sponsoring members in the fraternal organization of the Moose, and the chapter must earn the Award of Achievement to qualify. Aides Gloria and Pat, assisted by Lee, presented yellow carnation corsages with the gold rings tied on the corsage ribbons. Following the meeting, refreshments were served including a decorated cake, relish plate, fruit, pinwheels and punch. The next regular meeting of the chapter will be Thursday, April 21st at 6:30 p.m. Installation of officers for the 2016-17 year is scheduled for Thursday, April 28th at 6:00 p.m. This will be an open meeting with all chapter members, Loyal Order of Moose members and qualified guests welcome to attend. Among those to be installed for the new year beginning May 1st are Cindy Pierce, Senior Regent; Bonnie Gonzales, Junior Graduate Regent; Kara Custar, Junior Regent; and Melinda Evers, Secretary/Treasurer.
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