For nearly twenty-five years, residents of Edon Northwest Local School District have demonstrated constant support in helping care for an investment made in their school system and its facilities.
Come this fall, District voters will again have the opportunity to continue that tradition by renewing its Permanent Improvement Levy for another round.
On the books since 1990 ~ and renewed each five-year cycle since its initial passage ~ the levy placed on the November 4 ballot by District School Board members in July will not result in any new tax for local residents. “This is NOT an additional tax,” noted Superintendent Ed Ewers. “This levy is a five-year renewal of a 3-mil tax ~ currently at an effective rate of approximately 1.32 mills.”
According to Williams County Auditor Deb Nester, the average home value in the Edon Northwest School District is $67,545. “What this means,” Ewers shared, “is the average home owner will pay approximately $27.29 per year; $2.27 per month; $0.52 per week or $0.07 per day in PI taxes.” Additionally, based on appraised property values, owners are now paying around $1.68 a month per $50,000 of property value.
Set to generate approximately $118,000 in annual revenue, monies brought in by the Permanent Improvement Levy can only be used for specified purchases that improve District assets. “Dollars can pay to maintain, update and repair our facilities and make purchases that have a life expectancy of at least five years,” Ewers went on to explain. “By law; however, PI revenue CANNOT be used for salaries or benefits of any school employee; [teacher supplies or daily operational expenses].”
So, just how would the District utilize Permanent Improvement funds collected by the levy renewal?
Outlined during a recent tour of the facilities, Superintendent Ewers and board members focused on repairs and upgrades that could be undertaken with PI monies, such as:
•Repairing parking lots (at the present time, minimum work is being done to keep them in drivable condition)
•Drainage issues and possible additional catch basins (to help prevent trapped water under asphalt, etc.)
•Future replacement of two busses in the present bus fleet
•Ongoing textbook and technology purchases
•Future needs of a ten-year old building, including fresh paint, carpet, office and classroom cabinetry, furniture, etc.; student playground areas; sidewalk and turf repairs (especially back gym entrance); humidity control systems in junior high and high school gymnasiums
•Campus lighting
•Safety concerns at Leanne Field, including bleachers, track resurfacing and building(s) security.
Residents wanting to find out more about the 5-Year Permanent Improvement Renewal Levy are encouraged to contact Superintendent Ed Ewers at 419-272-3213 during regular school hours or any member of the Edon Northwest Local Board of Education ~ Brad McCrea, Dave Haase, Jamie Schaffter, Aaron Hake and Dave Wehrle. Additional information and contact email addresses for those listed can be found at the District’s website