By: Anna Wozniak
The North Central Local Schools Board of Education met on August 15, 2023 at 6 p.m. Present were members Anthony Burnett, Katie Burt, Chuck Haynes, Tim Livengood, and Shane Martin, as well as Superintendent Michael Bute and Treasurer Eric Smeltzer.
The board began first with the pledge of allegiance and roll call, then taking a moment to reflect on being set up to start the year off with ready facilities and staff.
Everyone was especially excited about the newly finished bleachers at the football field, and the bathroom trailer that will now be provided at games.
The minutes of the July 24, 2023 meeting were approved as presented, as were the financial statements and investments for July.
Member Katie Burt was elected as delegate to the November conferences, and member Tim Livengood was voted as alternate.
All recommendations made by Superintendent Bute were passed as presented, including complimentary passes, NCLS athletic participation drug testing, NCLS Cafe fee, the SRO agreement with the Pioneer Police Department, and an agreement for services with the Wood County Juvenile Detention Center Education Program.
The consent agenda was approved as presented, including contracts, transportation requirements, and an updated substitute teacher list.
Principal Morr started his report with thanks to Nickloy’s Fix / Fab for donating nonperishable food products to the NCLS Backpack Program, and to the Kunkle United Brethren Church for their donation of school supplies.
He then thanked Mr. Shell, Mrs. Wheeler, Ms. Gillaspy, and Mrs. Masters for helping the 12 students that attended Summer school have the best possible experience.
With school starting on August 22, Principal Morr shared that they are busy changing schedules and getting everything ready to open the doors once again.
There has recently been the formation of an Eagle HERO Committee that strives to implement the Focus 3 culture playbook, and that the themes for student of the month and weekly lessons will be formulated to implement it as well.
The Eagle HERO Committee this year is comprised of: Mrs. Beauregard, Mrs. Pedraja, Mrs. Kizer, Mr. Campbell, Mrs. Waldron, Mrs. Renfer, Mrs. Stewart, and Mrs. Gillaspy.
The week ahead would see many open houses, and Principal Moore shared that he is excited to work with Sarah Paige, Angela Schuette, and Chloe Thiel the upcoming year.
High School Principal Greg Puthoff shared that they are “ready for a fantastic start to the school year,” with many new staff members to welcome and look forward to working with them.
Marion Allen, Dena Babin, Catherine Herman, Brenna LaLonde, Amy Siebenaler, Tessa Steinke, and Jessica Trausch will all begin their tenures at NCLS High this year.
The high school is still looking for a Spanish teacher and will employ NOVA OnLine Program for the first semester.
There will be no school for students on September 4th and September 11th.
Mr. Saneholtz shared that August has been busy with administrative meetings, preparing for staff development days, and ensuring that all special education paperwork is in order.
He also was happy to share the preschool students get to return to in-person speech services this year.
The NCLS Board of Education then adjourned at 6:30 p.m. with the next Board of Education meeting scheduled for September 19, 2023 at 6 p.m.
Anna can be reached at