AUDIT IN PROGRESS … Treasurer Eric Smeltzer updates the board on the status of the 2022 fiscal year audit. (PHOTO BY ANNA WOZNIAK, STAFF)
By: Anna Wozniak
The North Central Local Board of Education began their March 14, 2023 meeting at 6 p.m. with the pledge of allegiance and roll call.
Present were Board President Anthony Burnett, Vice President Tim Livengood, members Kati Burt, Chuck Haynes, Shane Martin, Treasurer Eric Smeltzer, and Superintendent Michael Bute.
Member Haynes used his opening remarks to welcome everyone to the April 3, 2023 6 p.m. meeting to listen to Superintendent Bute give a culture piece presentation.
Member Kati Burt remarked on how wonderful this weekend’s concert was.
President Anthony Burnett thanked everyone for their work and effort, and member Shane Martin took a moment to congratulate the basketball teams that made it to championships.
Treasurer Eric Smeltzer gave the treasurer’s report, and the board approved the minutes of the February 21, 2023 meeting.
Smeltzer and the rest of the board gave special thanks to Nickloy’s Fix & Fab for their continual support of the Backpack Program while accepting donations.
The audit for the 2022 fiscal year has just started this week and is estimated to be done by the end of April.
Superintendent Michael Bute’s report included aspects of what the school’s new culture program entails, relating that there will be a work session for staff April 18, 2023 at 5 p.m. in the Eagle Room.
Mr. Bute took a moment to encourage the community to come to his April 3, 2023 culture program presentation that is at 6 p.m. in the school auditeria.
Public participation is wanted so that the community can come together as a whole to do what is best for the kids.
Administrative reports were then given, and Mr. Andy Morr spoke on the success of the 4th grade field trip to the Williams County Fairgrounds for the Maple Syrup Education event.
Mr. Greg Puthoff related how they’ve had yet another student of the month at Ford County Center, Cody Cruise.

Efforts to start culture program presentations to students will begin after spring break.
Athletic Director Michael Babin reported that they have started to roll all of their fields, and that the concrete foundation for new bleachers should be finished in May, while the steel for the bleachers is expected to arrive sometime in June.
Mr. Brent Saneholtz detailed training programs that staff are participating in, as well as the schools recent switch to Really Great Reading for their phonics programming.
The superintendent’s recommendations included to attend the April 3 presentation, and Mr. Bute took a moment to ask the community to educate themselves on House Bill 1 and Senate Bill 1 as they both have major impacts on the education system.
The board then accepted a recommendation to allocate April 10, 2023 as a professional development day. There will be no school for students on April 10, 2023.
After approving changes to employment contracts, the board adjourned at 6:37 p.m.

The next regular meeting will be held on Tuesday, April 18, 2023 in the Eagle Room at 6 p.m.
Anna can be reached at