COMING DOWN … Demolition is underway of a Montpelier Main Street property that was at risk of collapsing. (PHOTO BY ANNA WOZNIAK, STAFF)
By: Anna Wozniak
Montpelier saw a busy week this week with the demolition of some buildings that have been neglected.
The Williams County Landbank took on the demolition of these practically abandoned buildings for a couple of reasons, the most important being citizen safety.
Jason Rockey, the Village Manager of Montpelier, noted how there were valid safety concerns regarding falling bricks and glass from dilapidated buildings, as well as the buildings themselves presenting a collapse risk.
While the village is excited to see these properties cleaned up, their future utilization can only be guessed at, as it is the Williams County Landbank that will eventually propose what is to be done with them.
Anna can be reached at