FIRST SESSION The first session of the year for the North Central Board of Education had member Chuck Haynes Vice President Tim Livengood Superintendent Michael Bute President Kati Burt Treasurer Eric Smeltzer and new members Dustin Meyers and John Hoffman present
By: Anna Wozniak
The North Central Board of Education met for their annual organizational meeting on January 8, 2024, at 4: 30 p.m.
Present were members Kati Burt, Tim Livengood, Chuck Haynes, John Huffman, and Dustin Meyers. The board moved to appoint Kati Burt as president and Tim Livengood as vice president before approving the 2024 meeting dates, which are as follows at 6 p.m., but are subject to change at the board’s discretion with proper notice: February 20; March 12; April 16; May 21; June 18; July 16; August 20; September 17; October 15; November 19; and December 17.
The following assignments were made: Building and Facilities Committee: Tim Livengood, Chuck Haynes; Budget Committee: Dustin Meyers, John Huffman; Legislative Liaison: Kati Burt; Culture/Academic Committee: Tim Livengood, Kati Burt; Student Achievement Liaison: Kati Burt; Superintendent Pro-Tem: Mr. Greg Puthoff.
Annual authorizations for those in specific roles were then approved before the board moved into their first regular session of 2024.
It was then that new board members John Huffman and Dustin Meyers greeted the public, with Huffman sharing that he is looking forward to the year ahead, and will have to abstain from any votes having to do with electricity, as his father owns Huffman Electric.
Meyers shared that he has recently divested his interest in the company that partners with the school on matters of broken down buses, and thanked the voters for this opportunity to serve the children of North Central Local Schools.
The treasurer’s report was then approved as presented, which included the minutes from the December 19, 2023 work session, December 28, 2023 special meeting, and December 4, 2023 special meeting.
The treasurer’s report also included the financial statements and investments from December 2023 and appropriation additions as presented.
Superintendent Bute started his report off first by congratulating Huffman and Meyers on their new roles.
He then moved on to thank Sgt. Snively, the SRO for North Central, as well as Nurse Ewers, for their continued contributions to the district.
Bute then shared that January is Board of Education Appreciation Month, and gave each board member a certificate in recognition of their service to the community.
When the time came for the motion to approve this, the board said that while the gesture is nice, they don’t feel the need to vote on making January officially board recognition month district wide, with newly made President Burt sharing that they would much rather have any form of thanks or appreciation they receive come by way of the school or the community members that they serve.
Bute gave appreciation to the bus drivers, custodians, cafe staff, and teacher aides for their dedication and service to the district.
This thanks was given shortly before Bute gave an update on the current state of the culture of North Central, sharing that this month will focus on growing into the most elite version of yourself.

He again encouraged community members to attend his culture work session in the Eagle Room at 5 p.m., February 20, 2024, to see how they can grow into their most elite self.
Bute then shared the parameters around information that himself and Treasurer Smeltzer can share on the levy, which is restricted to facts about the levy.
If anyone has any questions on what the facts of the levy are, they are encouraged to reach out to Mr. Bute.
Elementary Principal Andy Morr shared that the second semester is off to a great start, with many plans in the near future for the children to celebrate their recent successes.
All administrators shared how productive the last professional development day was, with many speaking on insights provided by AI immersive educational training.
Principal Gregory Puthoff updated the board on the recent scheduling of an interview for a Spanish teacher for next school year before Mr. Babin shared the recent athletic happenings at North Central, including the girls basketball team taking a trip to Ann Arbor to see the Wolverines take on the Buckeyes.

He gave credit to Coach Jaime Brown for making it possible, sharing how great of a team building experience the trip was.
Mr. Babin also shared that there should be no scheduling conflicts between boys and girls games this year to ensure that both genders have equal opportunity for the school and community to come and support.
Mr. Brent Saneholtz added that the next professional development day will be on February 15, and that there are already plans for more curriculum training to take place.
The consent agenda was approved as presented, which included employment recommendations, before the board went into executive session at 5:10 p.m., set to meet next on Tuesday, February 20, 2024, at 6 p.m.