“Marathon Running”, was Jim Watkin’s (Bryan) speech topic at the December 3rd Northwest Ohio Toastmasters’ meeting. He said that his wife suggested the idea of a 26.2 mile marathon. Jim had not run a marathon for ten years since Chicago and New York City.
He indicated that a training plan was very important and that plans are available on the internet. Getting running shoes from a local running store, where the sales people are runners, can save you money with the right shoes. Jim completed the Marine Corp Marathon in Washington, D.C. He said that it is an awesome feeling of accomplishment.
“Words and How We Use Them” was the other speech of the evening by Karen Lyke (Whitehouse). She talked about non-violent communication in which compassion is used. Karen reviewed five components of communicating which included collecting data, feelings, thoughts, needs, and how to make requests. She also provided several examples of the process.
The word of the day was ‘illuminate’. It was provided by Larry Zuvers (Bryan). The definition relates to brighten with light or to be intellectually or spiritually enlightened. Sue Stamm (Archbold) evaluated the Marathon speech and various members evaluated the Words speech. Sue was also the Ah counter and indicated overuse of some words. Loretta Torres (Fayette) reported on the times of each speech.
The Toastmaster was Rebecca Lovelass (Fayette). She provided reflections on the Thanksgiving Day holiday with family and a home tour & bell ringing program in Fayette. Darlene Sheperd (Bryan) provided a general evaluation of the meeting and as President, conducted a business meeting in which members received newly designed business cards.
Barb Steckly (Bryan) coordinated impromptu responses from members to table topics. This covered the impact of the top five inventions: IPhone, Radio, TV, Hypodermic syringe, and Personal Computer. It was noted that four items related to communication which is a key part of Toastmasters. Barb also provided an inspirational close on keeping balance by keeping moving.
Guests are always welcome to attend Northwest Ohio Toastmasters’ meetings on the first and third Monday of each month at 6:30 pm in the Allied Health Building Conference Room at Northwest State Community College south of Archbold. However the next meeting is a Christmas party on December 17th at 6:00 pm at the Home Restaurant in Archbold. For more information contact Larry Zuvers at 419-636-2329 or lzuvers@gmail.com.