FEELING FESTIVE … Pioneer Mayor Ed Kidston decorated as a Christmas tree.
STAR OF THE SHOW … The lighted Christmas tree.
By: Brianna Balogh
Young and old gathered in downtown pioneer to kick off the Holiday season. Approaching the lighted gazebo, attendees were handed song lyrics and jingle bells. Inside the gazebo cookies and hot cocoa were offered for a free will donation benefiting cancer research.
Around 6 pm the crowd gathered to hear Mayor Kidston welcome everyone to the 9th annual tree lighting ceremony.
Prior to lighting the big tree, children were invited up to decorate the mayor. Mayor Kidston was decorated from head to toe with ornaments, garland, and even a lighted ‘tree topper.’
Anticipation grew as everyone was invited to countdown from 12, honoring the classic “12 days of Christmas. Three, two, one the children shouted as the switch was flipped and the tree lit up.
Shortly after the applause, a very special guest was introduced, Mort the service dog. Mort is a therapy dog working at the school to help children with behavioral issues, hygiene lessons, and a source of comfort on particularly rough days.
Attendees were invited to join in and play name that tune for the second year in a row, this year being slightly more difficult.
A small section was played of three Christmas songs and attendees were asked to write down the song. Later in the evening prizes were awarded to three lucky people who guessed correctly.
Closing out the festivities was a caroling sing along with plenty of familiar songs like jingle bells and deck the halls.
Guests were encouraged to sing and jingle along with the community choir. Mayor Kidston closed the evening by thanking everyone for coming out to ring in the holiday season.