On December 12th the Rouge Dames Pioneer Red Hatters met at the home of Marty Brace for a Christmas Pot Luck luncheon. The get together was hosted by Marty Brace, Jan Clark and Joannne Bandeen. The tables were decorated with candles and White House Christmas ornaments. The favors were filled stem glasses of Harry London Candies. Charlene Williams the Queen Mother, presented the prayer then everyone sampled and enjoyed all the tasty dishes of food. Nina Fackler won a best decorated Santa Hat contest. An after meal Bingo game followed with white elephant prizes given to all the winners. A large basket of food items was collected by the ladies and donated to the See and Do food pantry in Montpelier. Upcoming Red Hat get togethers were discussed and the Red Hat ladies will next be meeting at the Ramada Inn at 11:30, on Jan 15th hosted by Charlene Williams and Nina Fackler.
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