BRYAN Police
On Friday, October 23, 2015 at 9:50 PM, Joshua James Wolf, Age 32, Homeless, was arrested on a Felony Warrant out of 2B Judicial District Court out of Hillsdale Michigan. The original charge was Manufacturing methamphetamine/Ecstasy and Operating a Laboratory involving Methamphetamine and Possession of Methamphetamine. Additionally Wolf was charged with Possession of Methamphetamine, Possession of Marijuana and Possession of Marijuana Paraphernalia. He was taken to CCNO.
Stryker Police
(Oct 22) Traffic Warning – Speed
(Oct 22) Traffic Warning – Speed
(Oct 23) Traffic Citation – Stop Sign, No O.L.
(Oct 23) Open Burning
(Oct 23) Open Burning
(Oct 24) Agency Assist
(Oct 24) Medic Assist
(Oct 25) Civil Matter – Marital Property
(Oct 25) 911 Hang Up
(Oct 25) Wellbeing Check
(Oct 26) Animal Complaint – Stray Cats
(Oct 27) Traffic Warning – Speed
(Oct 27) Loud Music
(Oct 28) Traffic Warning – Speed
(Oct 28) Verbal Dispute
(Oct 28) Found Property
(Oct 29) Traffic Warning – Stop Sign
(Oct 19) Agency Assist
(Oct 19) Theft
(Oct 19) Unruly Juvenile
(Oct 19) Medical Emergency
(Oct 19) Speed/DUS/Citation
(Oct 20) Wellbeing Check
(Oct 20) Animal Problem (2)
(Oct 20) Traffic Offense
(Oct 20) Medical Emergency
(Oct 21) Wellbeing Check (3)
(Oct 22) Menacing
(Oct 22) Stop Light/Warning
(Oct 23) Wellbeing Check (2)
(Oct 23) Telephone Harassment
(Oct 23) Criminal Damage
(Oct 23) Keep the Peace (2)
(Oct 23) Medical Emergency
(Oct 23) Failure to Yield Right Way/Warning
(Oct 24) Unsecure Premises
(Oct 24) VIN Inspection
(Oct 24) Domestic Dispute
(Oct 24) Property Crash
(Oct 24) Medical Emergency
(Oct 24) Fire
(Oct 25) B & E
(Oct 25) Hit Skip Crash
(Oct 25) Lock Out
Wauseon Fire
(Oct 4) 117 E Oak St, Injured Subject
(Oct 5) 620 W Leggett St, Seizures
(Oct 5) 320 Sycamore St, Difficulty Breathing
(Oct 5) HCH to St V’s, Transport
(Oct 5) FCHC to St V’s, Transport
(Oct 5) 634 N Shoop Ave, Ill Subject
(Oct 5) 14175 Co Rd C, Injury Accident
(Oct 5) FCHC to Toledo Hospital, Transport
(Oct 6) 318 W Chestnut St, Injured Subject
(Oct 6) HCH to FCHC, Transport
(Oct 6) 303 W Leggett St, Ill Subject
(Oct 6) FCHC to Heartland, Transport
(Oct 6) US 20 Alt & SH 108, Ill Subject
(Oct 7) FCHC to Toledo Hospital, Transport
(Oct 7) 260 Depot St, Ill Subject
(Oct 7) 555 W Linfoot St, Ill Subject
(Oct 7) 415 Cole St #27, Lift Assist
(Oct 7) 423 Cedar St, Ill Subject
(Oct 7) FCHC to UTMC, Transport
(Oct 8) 721 S Shoop Ave, Ill Subject
(Oct 8) FCHC to St V’s, Transport
(Oct 8) FCHC to Toledo Hospital, Transport
(Oct 9) 1285 N Shoop Ave #102, Lift Assist
(Oct 9) 401 Parkwood Dr, Ill Subject
(Oct 9) 725 S Shoop Ave, Injury Accident
(Oct 9) 248 N Fulton St, Ill Subject
(Oct 10) 1085 Barney Oldfield Dr, Lift Assist
(Oct 10) 9353 Co Rd 14, Ill Subject
(Oct 10) 221 Greco Dr, Fall
(Oct 10) 1285 N Shoop Ave #104, Ill Subject
(Oct 12) 794 Fairway Dr, Carbon Monoxide Detector
(Oct 12) Co Rd F & Co Rd 12, Injury Accident
(Oct 12) 318 Eastwood St, Ill Subject
(Oct 12) 732 W Leggett St. Smoke Investigation
(Oct 12) 422 Clover LN, Ill Subject
(Oct 13) US 20 & SH 108, Ill Subject
(Oct 13) 4986 Co Rd 19, Ill Subject
(Oct 13) FCHC to St Lukes, Transport
(Oct 14) 13555 Co Rd H, Difficulty Breathing
(Oct 14) FCHC to Toledo Hospital, Transport
(Oct 15) 415 Cole St #18, Ill Subject
(Oct 15) 210 S Fulton St, Ill Subject
(Oct 15) Co Rd 14 & Co Rd K, Field Fire
(Oct 15) 840 W Elm St, Ill Subject
(Oct 15) 415 Cole St #18, Lift Assist
(Oct 16) 713 Third St, Ill Subject
(Oct 16) 336 E Chestnut St, Full Arrest
(Oct 16) 1005 N Shoop Ave, Ill Subject
(Oct 16) Wauseon Football Field, Injured Subject
(Oct 17) 807 Third St, Ill Subject
(Oct 17) 131 Commercial St, Ill Subject
(Oct 17) 702 Melody, Full Arrest
(Oct 18) 14692 Co Rd 16-3 Fire
(Oct 18) 8855 Co Rd FG, Fire
(Oct 18) 425 Cole St #502, Carbon Monoxide Detector
Austin, Deion. Bryan, Ohio. Phone harassment. Fine: $250; Costs: $100; Jail: 180 days. No future violations within next three years. No contact with victim. Jail concurrent with previous case.
Bates-Robinson, Mary E. Montpelier, Ohio. Barking dogs. Fine: $50 with $50 suspended; Costs: $85. No future violations within next year.
Campbell, Randolph A. West Unity, Ohio. Disorderly conduct. Fine: $250; Costs: $40; Jail: 30 days with 30 days suspended.
Castillo, Ivan C. Pioneer, Ohio. Disorderly conduct. Fine: $90; Costs: $85.
Cramer, Gabrial E. Montpelier, Ohio. Running at large. Fine: $75; Costs: $85.
Crawford, Dwight J. Bryan, Ohio. Theft. Fine: $250; Costs: $84; Jail: 30 days with 25 suspended. No future violations within next three years. Restitution.
Cupp, Slade N. Montpelier, Ohio. Disseminating matter harmful to juveniles. Fine: $500; Costs: $220; Jail: 180 days with 150 suspended. No future violations within next three years. No contact with victim or juvenile females. Credit for time served.
Eck, Kaleb C. Montpelier, Ohio. Domestic violence. Fine: $350; Costs: $370; Jail: 180 days with 170 suspended. No future violations within next three years. No violent or threatening contact with victim. Criminal damages. Fine: $250; Costs: $45; Jail: 30 days with 30 suspended. No future violations within next three years. Restitution to prosecutor; prosecutor has 30 days to produce figure.
McNeil, Dayne R. Edgerton, Ohio. Disorderly conduct. Fine: $50; Costs: $79. Open container. Fine: $50; Costs: $40. Underage consumption. Fine: $250; Costs: $90; Jail: 30 days with 25 suspended. No future violations within next two years. Recovery Services of Northwest Ohio.
Mohr, John J III. West Unity, Ohio. Drug paraphernalia. Fine: $150; Costs: $79. Operator’s license suspended from October 29, 2015 through April 26, 2016. Agency to destroy contraband.
Phillips, Mark A. Bryan, Ohio. Menace by stalking. Fine: $300; Costs: $336.72; Jail: 180 days with 180 days suspended. No future violations within next five years. Violation of protection order. Fine: $300; Costs: $143.72. No contact with victim except for court order.
Ruble, Ryan. Montpelier, Ohio. Open Container. Fine: $50; Costs: $79.
Sauceda, Victoria N. Fayette, Ohio. Theft. Fine: $250; Costs: $90; Jail: 180 days with 180 days suspended. No future violations within next three years. Restitution of $13.45 to prosecutor within 30 days. Theft, Count II. Fine: $250; Costs: $90; Jail: 180 days with 180 days suspended. No future violations within next three years. Consecutive jail time.
Swank, Dustin L. Bryan, Ohio. Drug paraphernalia. Fine: $150; Costs: $79. Possession. Fine: $150; Costs: $40. Operator’s license suspended from October 29, 2015 through April 26, 2016. Agency to destroy contraband.
Walker, Katlyn. Montpelier, Ohio. Dog at large – first. Fine: $101; Costs: $79.
Wolf, Joshua J. No address. Fugitive. Defendant waived extradition to the State of Michigan.
WILLIAMS County Traffic
Abels, Jimmy L. Defiance, Ohio. 66/55 speed. Fine: $46; Costs: $79.
Andres, Tyler D. Bryan, Ohio. FRA suspension. Fine: $125; Costs: $79.
Andrews, Ed. Wauseon, Ohio. Operator license suspension. Fine: $300; Costs: $84; Jail: 90 days with 90 days suspended. Operator’s license suspended from October 19, 2015 through January 17, 2016. No future violations within next two years.
Badenhop, Glenn A. Liberty Center, Ohio. 83/70 speed. Fine: $46; Costs: $79.
Bauer, Erin M. Mark Center, Ohio. 66/55 speed. Fine: $46; Costs: $79.
Beattie, Regan M. Bryan, Ohio. Seat belt. Fine: $30; Costs; $40.
Bebler, James M. Angola, Indiana. 66/55 speed. Fine: $46; Costs: $79.
Bible, Christopher L. Montpelier, Ohio. 68/55 speed. Fine: $46; Costs: $79.
Bower, Rodney A. Sherwood, Ohio. Driving under suspension. Fine: $500; Costs: 180 days with 180 suspended. Operator’s license suspended from October 23, 2016 through April 20, 2016. No future violations within next five years.
Chan, Wendy T. Bryan, Ohio. 51/35 speed. Fine: $46; Costs: $79.
Christy, Amber. Ney, Ohio. 66/55 speed. Fine: $46; Costs: $82.50.
Cox. Johnathan B. Montpelier, Ohio. 75/55 speed. Fine: $46; Costs: $82.50.
Crawford, Christopher M. Hillsdale, Michigan. Stop sign. Fine: $65; Costs: $85.
Daly, Jessica R. Defiance, Ohio. Stop sign. Fine: $71; Costs: $79.
Davis, Paul E. West Unity, Ohio. Stop sign. Fine: $65; Costs: $85.
Divjak, Nick Jr. Montpelier, Ohio. 67/55 speed. Fine: $46; Costs: $79.
Enderle, Holly N. Hicksville, Ohio. Stop for school bus. Fine: $200; Costs: $106.52.
Farnham, Andrew M. Edgerton, Ohio. 69/55 speed. Fine: $46; Costs: $82.50.
Fifer, Brendan M. Montpelier, Ohio. Seat belt. Fine: $30; Costs: $43.50.
Forry, Jennifer E. West Unity, Ohio. 66/55 speed. Fine: $46; Costs: $82.50.
Funes, Amanda. Fayette, Ohio. No operator’s license. Fine: $250; Costs: $79. Operator’s license suspended from September 7, 2015 through October 7, 2015.
Garver, Caleb R. Bryan, Ohio. Failure to yield. Fine: $71; Costs: $79.
Green, Cody B. Montpelier, Ohio. Tag/sticker violation. Fine: $46; Costs: $79.
Heger, Paul A. Bryan, Ohio. Stop sign. Fine: $71; Costs: $79.
Hill, Tessa K. Liberty Center, Ohio. Seat belt. Fine: $43; Costs: $43.50.
Holthues, Dennis A. Pioneer, Ohio. Lanes of travel. Fine: $46; Costs: $79.
Horton, Cynthia D. Stryker, Ohio. 66/55 speed. Fine: $46; Costs: $79.
Huffman, Michael T. Bryan, Ohio. Passenger seat belt. Fine: $20; Costs: $40.
Jacob, John F. Defiance, Ohio. OVI. Fine: $650; Costs: $84; Jail: 20 days with 17 suspended. Operator’s license suspended from October 24, 2015 through April 21, 2016. 1st Timer’s Retreat within 90 days. BMV to vacate ALS and fees. May apply for driving privileges after 1st 15 days from offense date.
Jay, Christine K. Montpelier, Ohio. Solid tire requirement. Fine: $46; Costs: $79.
Kerr, Sean D. Defiance, Ohio. 66/55 speed. Fine: $46; Costs: $82.50.
Klear, David M. Defiance, Ohio. Safety disregard. Fine: $150; Costs: $40. Assured clear distance ahead. Fine: $71; Costs: $79.
Langenderfer, Troy S. Bryan, Ohio. Tag/sticker violation. Fine: $46; Costs: $82.50.
Long, Casandra J. Bryan, Ohio. Stop sign. Fine: $71; Costs: $82.50.
Mingus, Melissa M. West Unity, Ohio. Seat belt. Fine: $30; Costs: $40.
Mollohan, Steven P. Hicksville, Ohio. 66/55 speed. Fine: $46; Costs: $82.50.
Moore, Victoria A. Montpelier, Ohio. 43/25 speed. Fine: $46; Costs: $82.50.
Neighoff, Jeremiah J. Bryan, Ohio. 75/55 speed. Fine: $55; Costs: $98.
Netcher, Shawn R. Wauseon, Ohio. 52/35 speed. Fine: $46; Costs: $79.
Olson, Vanessa L. Expired plates. Fine: $46; Costs: $79.
Overly, Jason. Defiance, Ohio. 45/35 speed. Fine: $40; Costs: $85.
Patterson, Blake A. Archbold, Ohio. Driving under suspension. Fine: $150; Costs: $85.
Perry, Pamela M. Defiance, Ohio. 66/55 speed. Fine: $46; Costs: $79.
Phillips, Mark A. Bryan, Ohio. Restriction violation. Fine: $300; Costs: $102; Jail: 180 days with 180 days suspended. Operator’s license suspended from July 31, 2015 through October 29, 2015. No future violations within next five years.
Quigley, Shawn C. Fayette, Ohio. 71/55 speed. Fine: $40; Costs: $85.
Robbins, Kyle B. Stryker, Ohio. 71/55 speed. Fine: $46; Costs: $82.50.
Ruble, Ryan S. Montpelier, Ohio. 70/55 speed. Fine: $45; Costs: $79.
Seigneur, Robert L. Pioneer, Ohio. 52/35 speed. Fine: $46; Costs: $79.
Shirkey, Daniel P. Bryan, Ohio. Fine: $650; Costs: $96; Jail: 180 with 174 suspended. Operator’s license suspended from July 11, 2015 through January 7, 2016. Must complete 1st Timers Retreat within 90 days. BMV to vacate ALS and fees. No future violations within next five years. No motorcycle endorsement. Fine: $50; Costs: $40.
Schultz, Derek S. Stryker, Ohio. 71/55 speed. Fine: $46; Costs: $79.
Steury, Ben D. Butler, Indiana. 67/55 speed. Fine: $46; Costs: $87.50.
Swank, Dustin L. Bryan, Ohio. Driving under suspension. Fine: $300; Costs: $84; Jail: 30 days with 30 suspended. Operator’s license suspended from October 27, 2015 through January 25, 2016. No future violations within next three years.
Thatcher, William D. Montpelier, Ohio. 65/55 speed. Fine: $46; Costs: $79.
Wareham, Amanda R. Defiance, Ohio. 49/35 speed. Fine: $40; Costs: $85.
Weaver, Alex M. Archbold, Ohio. 66/55 speed. Fine: $46; Costs: $79.
Wertman, Morgan L. Edon, Ohio. 72/55 speed. Fine: $46; Costs: $79.
Whitlock, Devin J. Stryker, Ohio. Stop light. Fine: $46; Costs: $79.
Wyse, Tracy N. Stryker, Ohio. Failure to control. Fine: $71; Costs: $79.
Zartman, Adam P. Bryan, Ohio. Traffic control device. Fine: $40; Costs: $85.
Zimmerman, Michael J. Archbold, Ohio. Stop sign. Fine: $65; Costs: $85.
For: Capitol Holdings, DBA. Against: Hill, Richard B. $307.10.
For: Chapin, Tina. Against: Curtis Services. $3000.
For: Farrell’s Lawn and Garden, et al. Against: Partners in Dough, LTD. $2541.41.
For: First Federal Bank of the Midwest (Defiance, Ohio). Against: Premier Building Supplies (West Unity, Ohio). $95,391.16.
For: Hickman, Dan. Against: Phillips, Bethany and Jones, Dustin. $2976.03.
For: Schafer, Nelson. Against: Knapp, Nicole. $450.
For: State Bank and Trust (The). Against: Gipson, Monica. $107.94.
Vandeveer, Hunter M. Wauseon, Ohio. Aggravated menacing. Costs: $54; Jail: 4 days.
Brink, Scott W. Montpelier, Ohio. No mud flaps. Fine: $37; Costs: $80.
Hand, Anthony L. Fayette, Ohio. 70/55 speed. Fine: $47; Costs: $88.
Helton, Rory A. Delta, Ohio. 70/55 speed. Fine: $47; Costs: $80.
Hendricks, Patrick R II. Swanton, Ohio. 73/55 speed. Fine; $47; Costs: $80.
Landolt, Diane E. Wauseon, Ohio. Assured clear distance ahead. Fine: $37; Costs: $88.
Kruse, Deborah E. Ridgeville Corners, Ohio. Failure to yield. Fine: $102; Costs: $88.
Navarre, Francis J III. Lyons, Ohio. 73/55 speed. Fine: $47; Costs: $80.
Scalf, Adam C. Wauseon, Ohio. 75/55 speed. Fine: $77; Costs: $88.
Weirauch, Kelsey L. Wauseon, Ohio. 70/55 speed. Fine: $77; Costs: $88.
Zuidema, Jordan L. Wauseon, Ohio. Failure to yield. Fine: $102; Costs: $88.
For: Fulton County Health Center (Wauseon, Ohio). Against: Holmes, Brendan (Delta, Ohio) and Holmes, Sarah (Swanton, Ohio). $1442.95. Against: Adkins, Zachary D. (Delta, Ohio) $610.20. Against: Hawkins, Nicole R. (Delta, Ohio) $192.15.