Edon P.D.
(Apr. 6) – Agency Assist
(Apr. 7) – Traffic Detail
(Apr. 7) – Citizen Assist
(Apr. 7) – Citizen Assist
(Apr. 8) – Citizen Assist
(Apr. 8) – Citizen Assist
(Apr. 8) – 911 Hang Up
(Apr. 9) – Traffic Detail
(Apr. 9) – Request For Extra Patrol
(Apr. 9) – Warning; Failure To Yield
(Apr. 9) – Warning; No Operator’s License On Person
(Apr. 9) – Electronic Communications Harassment Complaint
(Apr. 10) – Citizen Assist
(Apr. 10) – Warning; Speed
(Apr. 10) – Keep The Peace
(Apr. 10) – Well Being Check
(Apr. 11) – Barking Dog Complaint
(Apr. 11) – Well Being Check
(Apr. 11) – Fight Call
(Apr. 11) – Agency Assist
(Apr. 12) – Citation; Speed
Stryker P.D.
(Apr. 11) Open Door – Commercial
(Apr. 11) Agency Assist
(Apr. 12) Adult Arrest; OVI
(Apr. 12) Adult Arrest; Underage Consumption
(Apr. 12) Alarm – Commercial
(Apr. 13) Open Door – Commercial
(Apr. 13) Found Property
(Apr. 14) Accident – Private Property
(Apr. 14) Medic Assist
(Apr. 15) Warning; Speed
(Apr. 15) Civil Complaint; Custody Dispute
(Apr. 15) Warning; Speed
(Apr. 15) Citizen Assist
(Apr. 16) Citation; Speed
(Apr. 16) Unruly Juvenile
(Apr. 17) Warning; Speed
(Apr. 18) Citation; Stop Sign
(Apr. 18) Loud Noise
(Apr. 18) Adult Arrest; Driving Under Suspension
(Apr. 18) Neighborhood Dispute
(Apr. 18) Trespassing
Pioneer P.D.
(Apr. 13) Michelle Fry, Bryan, OH, Traffic Citation, Speed
(Apr. 14) Daniel Hand, Montpelier, OH, Traffic Citation, Speed
West Unity P.D.
(Apr. 7) Message Delivery
(Apr. 8) Warning; Failure To Dim
(Apr. 8) Injury Traffic Crash
(Apr. 8) Citation; Assured Clear Distance Ahead
(Apr. 8) Warning; Willful And Wanton Disregard
(Apr. 8) Warning; Improper Passing
(Apr. 8) 911 Hang Up
(Apr. 9) Found Property
(Apr. 9) Soliciting Business Without A Permit
(Apr. 9) Neighborhood Dispute
(Apr. 10) Disorderly Conduct
(Apr. 10) Lock Out
(Apr. 11) Lock Out
(Apr. 11) Harassment
(Apr. 11) Aggravated Menacing/Disorderly Conduct
(Apr. 11) Citation; Speed
(Apr. 11) Warning; Speed
(Apr. 12) Warning; Equipment Violation
(Apr. 12) Warning; Equipment Violation
(Apr. 12) Warning; Marked Lanes
(Apr. 12) Warning; Left of Center
(Apr. 12) Agency Assist
(Apr. 12) Medical Emergency
(Apr. 13) Warning; Speed, Headlight
(Apr. 13) Warning; Speed, Headlight
(Apr. 13) Warning; Turn Signal
(Apr. 13) Warning; Left of Center
(Apr. 13) Dog at Large
(Apr. 13) Medical
(Apr. 13) Agency Assist
(Apr. 13) Criminal Mischief
Montpelier P.D.
No reports received at time of press.
Fayette P.D.
No reports received at time of press.
Wauseon Fire Dept
(Apr. 1) 18028 Co Rd C, Ill Subject
(Apr. 1) 550 W Linfoot St., Seizures
(Apr. 1) Co Rd 9-C & Co Rd W, Fire
(Apr. 2) 16854 Co Rd B, Barn Fire
(Apr. 2) 11879 CO Rd J, Outdoor Fire
(Apr. 2)17080 Co Rd A, Toledo Edison Wires Down
(Apr. 3) 407 Cherry St., Ill Subject
(Apr. 3) 1285 N Shoop Ave #40, Ill Subject
(Apr. 3) 14900 Co Rd H, Ill Subject
(Apr. 4) 142 Clinton St., Fall
(Apr. 4) 721 S Shoop Ave., Ill Subject
(Apr. 4) 11 Hawthorne Drive Delta, Ill Subject
(Apr. 4) 721 S Shoop Ave., Ill Subject
(Apr. 4) 914 Linwood Street Delta, Ill Subject
(Apr. 5) 34 MM Ohio Turnpike, Injury Accident
(Apr. 6) 701 Burr Rd #20, Fall
(Apr. 6) 702 Wauseon Senior Village, Fall
(Apr. 7) 14900 Co Rd H #42, Difficulty Breathing
(Apr. 7) 555 W Linfoot St., Injured Person
(Apr. 7) 1170 N Shoop Ave #7, Obstetrical
(Apr. 8) 112 Depot St., Ill Subject
(Apr. 9) 722 Fairway Dr., Ill Subject
(Apr. 9) 1335 N Shoop Ave., Injured Person
(Apr. 9) 303 W Leggett St., Ill Subject
(Apr. 9) 721 S Shoop Ave., Emergency Transport
(Apr. 9) 840 W Elm St #501, Ill Subject
(Apr. 10) 840 W Elm St #501, Ill Subject
Wauseon Police
(Apr. 10) 230 Clinton St., Lost/Found/Recovered
(Apr. 10) 230 Clinton St., Lost/Found/Recovered
(Apr. 10) 1150 N Shoop Ave., 911 Hang Up Contact In Person
(Apr. 11) 940 E Oak St., 911 Hang Up Contact In Person
(Apr. 11) 420 Cole St., Investigate Complaint
(Apr. 11) 250 Linfoot St Unit 14, 911 Hang Up Contact In Person
(Apr. 11) 485 E Airport Hwy, Accident (Property Damage)
(Apr. 11) E Oak St @ N Shoop Ave, Disabled Vehicle
(Apr. 11) 1496 N Shoop Ave, Investigate Complaint
(Apr. 11) 230 Clinton St., Found Drivers License
(Apr. 11) 139 Cherry St., Family Trouble
(Apr. 11) 731 Ottokee St., Investigate Complaint
(Apr. 12) 722 Fairway Dr Unit 8, Loud Noise
(Apr. 12) 215 N Fulton St., Welfare Check
(Apr. 12) 722 Fairway Dr., Fight
(Apr. 12) 840 Parkview, Alarm Drop
(Apr. 12) 435 Potter St., Investigate Complaint
(Apr. 12) 824 N Shoop Ave., Juveniles in Car Unattended
(Apr. 12) 200-B S Shoop Ave., Hit-Skip
(Apr. 12) 485 E Airport Hwy, Domestic Trouble
(Apr. 12) 404 W Park St., Suspicious Person
(Apr. 12) 110 S Brunell St., Open Door
(Apr. 12) 840 W Elm St Unit 1003, Odor of Narcotics
(Apr. 12) 1093 Barney Oldfield Dr., Loud Music
(Apr. 13) 1205 N Shoop Ave., Juveniles (4)
(Apr. 13) 311 Joanna Dr., Suspicious Activity 3 Male, 1 Female Subjects
(Apr. 13) 225 E Linfoot St., Alarm Drop
(Apr. 13) 100-B Depot St., Lost/Found/Recovered
(Apr. 13) 485 E Airport Hwy, Larceny
(Apr. 13) 840 W Elm St., Fight
(Apr. 13) 225 E Linfoot St., Alarm Drop
(Apr. 13) 1497 N Shoop Ave., Theft of Debit Card
(Apr. 14) 415 E Linfoot St., Lost/Found/Recovered
(Apr. 14) 435 E Linfoot St., Alarm Drop
(Apr. 14) 112 Depot St., Open Door
(Apr. 14) 305 Frances Dr., Animal Call
(Apr. 14) 230 Clinton St., Lost/Found/Recovered
(Apr. 14) 455 E Airport Hwy, Alarm Drop
(Apr. 14) 723 S Shoop Ave., Investigate Complaint
(Apr. 14) 810 N Shoop Ave., Accident (Property Damage)
(Apr. 14) 230 Clinton St., Juveniles
(Apr. 14) 224 Jefferson St., Larceny
(Apr. 14) N Shoop Ave at E Linfoot, Accident (Property Damage)
(Apr. 14) 1058 N Shoop Ave., Drunk
(Apr. 15) 136 W Chestnut St., Threats/Harassment
(Apr. 15) 230 Clinton St., Narcotics
(Apr. 15) 414 W Park St., Larceny
(Apr. 15) 529 Leggett St., Accident (Property Damage)
(Apr. 15) 230 Clinton St., Theft of Cell Phone
(Apr. 15) 1214 N Shoop Ave., Black Chrysler Sebring GBS 7701 Has Dent In It
(Apr. 16) 940 E Oak St., Larceny
(Apr. 16) 226 N Shoop Ave., Welfare Check
(Apr. 16) 205 N Fulton St., Accident (Property Damage)
(Apr. 16) 1130 Barney Oldfield Dr., Animal Call
(Apr. 16) 1200-B N Shoop Ave., Debris/Item in Roadway
(Apr. 16) 247 Greco Dr., Run Away or Unruly
(Apr. 16) 151 S Fulton St., Investigate Complaint
(Apr. 16) 840 W Elm St Unit 1300, Loud Noise
(Apr. 17) 840 W Elm St Unit 403, Suspicious Activity
(Apr. 17) 418 Cedar St., Suspicious Vehicle
Sheriff’s Office
Sheriff Roy E. Miller announces that the Fulton County Sheriff’s Office conducted a High Visibility Blitz which started on April 7, 2014 and ended on April 13, 2014. Deputies who worked this Blitz made 31 traffic stops and issued 7 citations. The citations were for five (5) speed violations, a stop sign violation, and fictitious license plates. Deputies also issued 25 warnings to motorists. The High Visibility Blitz is paid from a grant that the Sheriff’s Office has received from the Ohio Department of Public Safety. Sheriff Miller and his deputies are dedicated to protecting the citizens of Fulton County and the motorists who travel its highways. This grant allows extra patrol to enforce traffic laws that will increase the safety of motorists on the roadway in areas that are prone to a higher number of serious and fatal crashes.
Sheriff Roy E. Miller announces that the Fulton County Sheriff’s Office will be conducting a High Visibility Blitz, titled Prom Blitz, which started on April 12, 2014 and will end on May 11, 2014. Deputies will be working this Blitz at various times of the stated dates in Fulton County and the dates will coincide with the Pettisville, Fayette, Wauseon, Archbold, and Delta Proms. The Sheriff’s Office will be primarily looking for speed, distracted driving, and impaired driving violations and occupants not wearing their seat belts during this Blitz. Sheriff Miller and his deputies are dedicated to protecting the citizens of Fulton County and the motorists who travel its highways. This Blitz is being funded from a grant that was awarded to the Fulton County Sheriff’s Office from the Ohio Department of Public Safety. The grant pays for extra patrol to enforce traffic laws that will increase the safety of motorists on the roadways in areas that are prone to a higher number of serious and fatal crashes.
Tyler M. Joice, Bryan, OH. No Operator License. Fine: 150.00, Costs: 79.00.
Sherman P. Baker, II, Montpelier, OH. Failure to Display Operator License. Fine: 150.00, Costs: 79.00.
Sherman P. Baker, II, Montpelier, OH. Expired Plates. Dismissed with costs: 40.00.
Andrea K. Kohlbeck, Montpelier, OH. DUS/FRA. Fine: 250.00, Costs: 84.00. Operator license suspended from 04/16/2014 to 10/13/2014.
Andrea K. Kohlbeck, Montpelier, OH. 68/55 speed. Dismissed with costs: 40.00.
Andrea K. Kohlbeck-Jones, Montpelier, OH. Operator License Suspension. Fine: 300.00, Costs: 95.00. Jail: 180, Suspended: 90. Operator license suspended from 04/16/2014 to 10/13/2014. No future violations within the next 5 years. Jail sentence consecutive to current jail sentence.
Andrea K. Kohlbeck-Jones, Montpelier, OH. 48/35 speed. Dismissed with costs: 40.00.
Andrea K. Kohlbeck, Montpelier, OH. Driving Under Suspension. Fine: 500.00, Costs: 90.00. Jail: 180, Suspended: 180. Operator license suspended from 04/16/2014 to 10/13/2014. No future violations within the next 5 years.
Andrea K. Kohlbeck, Montpelier, OH. Improper Registration. Dismissed with costs: 40.00.
Rebecca McMillen, Pioneer, OH. OVI/Breath Low. Fine: 650.00, Costs: 90.00. Jail: 20, Suspended: 17. Operator license suspended from 03/20/2014 to 09/16/2014. No future violations within the next 2 years. First Timer’s Retreat within 90 days. Vacate ADM license suspension and fees.
Rebecca McMillen, Pioneer, OH. Changing Lanes. Dismissed with costs: 40.00.
Tyler A. Trubey, Bryan, OH. Lanes of Travel. Fine: 46.00, Costs: 79.00.
Doyle L. Schindledecker, Edgerton, OH. 66/55 speed. Fine: 46.00, Costs: 79.00.
Charles B. Blue, Bryan, OH. Tag/Sticker Violation. Fine: 46.00, Costs: 79.00.
Austin M. Buehrer, Archbold, OH. Seat Belt. Fine: 30.00, Costs: 40.00.
Dereck R. Hutchison, Bryan, OH. 67/55 speed. Waived amount: 375.00.
James C. Wallace, Montpelier, OH. 68/55speed. Fine: 46.00, Costs: 79.00.
Mark D. Simmons, Montpelier, OH. Improper Registration. Waived amount: 125.00.
Juan J. Ortiz, Bryan, OH. OVI/Breath High. Arraignment.
Juan J. Ortiz, Bryan, OH. FRA/Suspension. Arraignment.
Rose M. Stewart, Fayette, OH. Seat Belt. Fine: 30.00, Costs: 40.00.
Matias J. Garcia, Bryan, OH. Failure to Control. Waived amount: 150.00.
Steven M. Thompson, Pioneer, OH. 67/55 speed Waived amount: 125.00.
Chad W. Lyons, Montpelier, OH. No Motorcycle Endorsement. Fine: 150.00, Costs: 79.00.
Chad W. Lyons, Montpelier, OH. Failure to Control. Fine: 50.00, Costs: 40.00.
Scott A. Stratton, Bryan, OH. 69/55 speed. Fine: 46.00, Costs: 79.00.
Chase A. Thomas, Montpelier, OH. Seat Belt. Fine: 30.00, Costs: 40.00.
Harold H. Carlson, Alvordton, OH. Failure to Control. Waived amount: 150.00.
Jumar S. Kissinger, Montpelier, OH. Assured Clear Distance Ahead. Waived amount: 150.00.
Victoria A. Campbell, Montpelier, OH. No Driver’s License. Fine: 250.00, Costs: 85.00.
Victoria A. Campbell, Montpelier, OH. Turn Signal. Fine: 35.00, Costs: 40.00.
Diana M. Couts, Stryker, OH. Seat Belt. Fine: 30.00, Costs: 40.00.
Timothy J. Fonseca, Stryker, OH. Seat Belt. Fine: 30.00, Costs: 40.00.
Alexus R. Valderas, Bryan, OH. 70/55 speed. Fine: 46.00, Costs: 79.00.
Danielle R. Macklin, Montpelier, OH. 66/55 speed. Fine: 46.00, Costs: 79.00.
Bradley A. Feaster, Pioneer, OH. 70/55 speed. Fine: 46.00, Costs: 79.00.
Brenda W. Dietz, Bryan, OH. Stop Light. Fine: 46.00, Costs: 79.00.
Carol L. Wittig, Alvordton, OH. One Way Traffic. Waived amount: 150.00.
Jacob A. Beltz, Bryan, OH. Stop Sign. Waived amount: 150.00.
William J. Brackenberry, Bryan, OH. 77/55 speed. Fine: 65.00, Costs: 85.00.
Julia K. Rudolph, Montpelier, OH. Stop Light. Waived amount: 130.00.
Sarah J. Wolford, Bryan, OH. 65/55 speed. Fine: 46.00, Costs: 79.00.
John D. Collins, Bryan, OH. 68/55 speed. Waived amount: 130.00.
Allison J. Taylor, Montpelier, OH. Tag/Sticker Violation. Fine: 46.00, Costs: 79.00.
Tod L. Schaffner, Bryan, OH. Seat Belt. Fine: 30.00, Costs: 40.00.
Jacob D. Bowers, Pioneer, OH. 68/55 speed. Fine: 65.00, Costs: 85.00.
Ashley R. Gambler, Pioneer, OH. OVI/Breath Low. Fine: 650.00, Costs: 90.00. Jail: 20, Suspended: 17. Operator license suspended from 04/12/2014 to 10/09/2014. No future violations within the next 2 years.First Timer’s Retreat within 90 days. Vacate ADM license suspension and fees.
Ashley R. Gambler, Pioneer, OH. Marked Lanes. Fine: 50.00, Costs: 40.00.
Vicki L. Wilson, Bryan, OH. OVI/Breath High. Arraignment.
Vicki L. Wilson, Bryan, OH. Reckless Operation. Waived amount: 150.00.
Gary R. Dunn, Jr., West Unity, OH. Driving Under Suspension. Arraignment.
Gary R. Dunn, Jr., West Unity, OH. Stop Sign. Waived amount: 150.00.
Mary A. Andriotis, Bryan, OH. 70/55 speed. Waived amount: 130.00.
Holden L. Stipe, Pioneer, OH. Stop School Bus. Fine: 200.00, Costs: 85.00.
Edward L. Brandon, Bryan, OH. Financial Responsibility Suspension. Arraignment.
Edward L. Brandon, Bryan, OH. Tag/Sticker Violation. Waived amount: 125.00.
Edward L. Brandon, Bryan, OH. Seat Belt. Waived amount: 70.00.
Michelle L. Fry, Bryan, OH. 46/35 speed. Waived amount: 130.00.
Daniel C. Hand, Montpelier, OH. 38/25 speed. Waived amount: 125.00.
Jeffrey A. Boskovitch, Montpelier, OH. 46/35 speed. Waived amount: 130.00.
Robert A. Bentley, Bryan, OH. Expired Plates. Waived amount: 125.00.
Paul A. Eckert, Montpelier, OH. 46/35 speed. Waived amount: 150.00.
Christina H. Harding, Montpelier, OH. Driving Under Suspension. Arraignment.
Aaron J. Filson, Alvordton, OH. Display Registered Plates. Costs only: 85.00.
Amber L. Jarboe, Montpelier, OH. 54/35 speed. Fine: 40.00, Costs: 85.00.
Jason M. Spry, Bryan, OH. No Driver’s License. Fine: 250.00, Costs: 120.00. Operator license suspended from 04/17/2014 to 10/14/2014.
Jason M. Spry, Bryan, OH. Stop Sign. Fine: 35.00, Costs: 40.00.
James G. Long, Montpelier, OH. No Operator License. Fine: 150.00, Costs: 85.00.
Shontel D. Farr, Montpelier, OH. 51/35 speed. Fine: 45.00, Cost: 97.00.
April Moore, Alvordton, OH. Passing Bad Checks. Fine: 100.00, Costs: 114.00. Jail: 30, Suspended: 30. No future violations within the next 2 years. Restitution of $107.15 by 4-25-14 to prosecutor.
Theodore B. McDaniel, II, Bryan, OH. Assault. Arraignment.
Aaron P. Tucker, Bryan, OH. Aggravated Menacing. Fine: 300.00, Costs: 45.00. Jail: 180, Suspended: 157. No future violations within the next 5 years. No contact with victim, Wal-Mart. Attend and complete Maumee Valley Guidance Center.
Aaron P. Tucker, Bryan, OH. Criminal Mischief. Fine: 200.00, Costs: 45.00. Jail: 30, Suspended: 30. No future violations within the next 5 years. No contact with victim, Wal-Mart. Attend and complete Maumee Valley Guidance Center.
Aaron P. Tucker, Bryan, OH. Aggravated Menacing (2nd charge). Fine: 300.00, Costs: 268.02. Jail: 180, Suspended: 157. No future violations within the next 5 years. No contact with victim, Wal-Mart. Attend and complete Maumee Valley Guidance Center.
Jeremiah D. Shiver, Edgerton, OH. Assault. Arraignment.
Jeremiah D. Shiver, Edgerton, OH. Resisting Arrest. Arraignment.
Jeremiah D. Shiver, Edgerton, OH. Drug Paraphernalia. Waived amount: 175.00.
Benito Diaz, Bryan, OH. Disorderly Conduct. Fine: 250.00, Costs: 130.00. Jail: 30, Suspended: 30. No future violations within next 2 years.
Benito Diaz, Bryan, OH. Disorderly Conduct (2nd charge). Dismissed with costs: 40.00.
Justin A. Wilkinson, Montpelier, OH. Telephone Harassment. Fine: 300.00, Costs: 260.67. Jail: 180, Costs: 165.00. No future violations within the next 3 years. No contact with victim.
Steve A. Smith, West Unity, OH. Theft. Arraignment.
Jade W. Herzog, Kunkle, OH. Theft. Fine: 250.00, Costs: 90.00. Jail: 30, Suspended: 25. No future violations within the next 2 years. Pay restitution.
Jacob R. Moore, West Unity, OH. Passing Bad Checks (3 counts). Fine: 100.00, Costs: 84.00. Jail: 30, Suspended: 30. No future violations within the next 2 years. Pay restitution.
William I. Orner, Edon, OH. Menacing. Fine: 250.00, Costs: 90. Jail: 30, Suspended: 30. No future violations within the next 2 years.
Leslie Coblentz, Montpelier, OH. . Passing Bad Checks. Fine: 100.00, Costs: 84.00. Jail: 30, Suspended: 30. No future violations within the next 2 years.
George C. Vallejo, West Unity, OH. Passing Bad Checks (2 counts). Arraignment.
Tamara R. Mears, Pioneer, OH. Passing Bad Checks. Arraignment.
Michael R. Chappuies, Bryan, OH. Drug Paraphernalia. Fine: 150.00, Costs: 85.00. Operator license suspended from 04/17/2014 to 10/14/2014. Agency to destroy contraband.
Michael R. Chappuies, Bryan, OH. Possession. Fine: 150.00, Costs: 40.00. Operator license suspended from 04/17/2014 to 10/14/2014. Agency to destroy contraband.
Jason C. Collins, Bryan, OH. Failure to File State Taxes (2 counts). Arraignment.
Debra D. Kepler, Bryan, OH. Failure to File State Taxes (2 counts). Fine: 200.00, Suspended: 200.00, Costs: 84.00. Jail: 30, Suspended: 30.
Kylie K. Bishop, Bryan, OH. Failure to File State Taxes (2 counts). Arraignment.
Rodney L. Tingle, Montpelier, OH. Theft. Arraignment.
Hailey D. Duty, Bryan, OH. Drug Paraphernalia. Fine: 150.00, Costs: 79.00. Operator license suspended from 04/17/2014 to 10/14/2014. Agency to destroy contraband.
Hailey D. Duty, Bryan, OH. Possession. Fine: 150.00, Costs: 40.00. Operator license suspended from 04/17/2014 to 10/14/2014. Agency to destroy contraband.
Colton M. Stiltner, Bryan, OH. Drug Paraphernalia. Waived amount: 275.00.
Taylor T. Curry, Archbold, OH. Theft. Arraignment.
Sabrian J. Nagel-Young, Stryker, OH. Underage Consumption. Fine: 100.00, Costs: 85.00.
Amanda M. Fifer, Bryan, OH. Credit Misuse. Fine: 250.00, Costs: 84.00. Jail: 30, Suspended: 30. No future violations within next 2 years.
Johnathon L. Sanders, . Drug Paraphernalia. Fine: 150.00, Costs: 79.00. Operator license suspended from 04/17/2014 to 10/14/2014. Agency to destroy contraband.
Jason M. Spry, Bryan, OH. Assault. Fine: 250.00, Costs: 204.00. Jail: 180, Suspended: 180. No future violations within the next 5 years. No contact with victim.
Jason M. Spry, Bryan, OH. Felonious Assault. Arraignment. No contact with victim.
Jason M. Spry, Bryan, OH. Burglary. Arraignment.
Dustin R. Vanauken, Stryker, OH. Drug Paraphernalia. Waived amount: 280.00.

Ronnie M. Louchart – Community Control Violation. 6 days at CCNO.
Mark A. Mason, Montpelier, OH – Domestic Violence, a 1st degree misdemeanor. 1 year community control. If violated, up to 180 days CCNO with 11 days credit. Successfully complete the Hand’s Down Domestic Violence program. $500 fine. 100 hours community service.
Justin Day-Hemenway – Community Control Violation. 23 days at CCNO with credit for 23 days served. Enter into and successfully the SEARCH Program and follow all recommendations including aftercare.
Taz A. L. Rathburn – Community Control Violation. 33 days at CCNO with credit for 33 days served. Enter into and successfully the SEARCH Program and follow all recommendations including aftercare.
The following indictments were handed down on April 15 by the Williams County Grand Jury:
Stephen A. Asher, Battle Creek, MI – Failure to Comply with a Signal/Order of a Police Officer, a 3rd degree felony. Receiving Stolen Property, a 4th degree felony.
Heather K. Bayliss, Edgerton, OH – Identity Fraud, a 5th degree felony, and Forgery, a 5th degree felony.
Robert K. Burlew, Jr., Hillsdale, MI – Illegal Manufacturing of Drugs, a 1st degree felony; Illegal Assembly or Possession of Chemicals for the Manufacture of Drugs, a 2nd degree felony; Endangering Children, a 3rd degree felony; and Aggravated Possession of Drugs, a 3rd degree felony.
Gene E. Ferrell, Bryan, OH – Theft, a 4th degree felony.
Erik L. Flinn Bryan, OH – Failure to Appear, a 4th degree felony.
Alicia E. Fritz, Edon, OH – – Illegal Manufacturing of Drugs, a 1st degree felony; Illegal Assembly or Possession of Chemicals for the Manufacture of Drugs, a 2nd degree felony; Endangering Children, a 3rd degree felony; and Aggravated Possession of Drugs, a 3rd degree felony.
Barton D. Hart, Lancaster, OH – Failure to Appear, a 4th degree felony.
Jade M. Herzog, Kunkle, OH – Theft and/or Grand Theft of a Motor Vehicle, a 4th degree felony.
Amy J. Miller, Edon, OH – Failure to Appear, a 4th degree felony.
Francis E Heller, Unknown – Theft, a 5th degree felony.
Dennis C. Posey, Bryan, OH. Aggravated Possession of Drugs, a 5th degree felony
Travis J. Rath, Kunkle, OH – Burglary, a 4th degree felony.
Austin K. Guise, Unknown – Breaking and Entering, a 5th degree felony.
Thomas P. Moy, Toledo, OH – Non-Support of Dependents, a 4th degree felony.
Marriage License
Robert K. McConnell, age 31, Inventory Management, and Alecia L Wineland, age 26, Stocker, both of Bryan, OH.
Jayson M. Franks, age 32, Truck Driver, and Erin M. Hunter age 29, Factory Worker. Both of Bryan, OH.
Brian K. Ogden, Jr., age 28, Factory Worker, and Alycia K. Cook, age 24, Medical Transcriptionist. Both of Bryan, OH.
Norman E. Tritsch, age 43, Self Employed, Cecil, OH, and Tammy S. Gibson, age 46, Waitress, Edon, OH.
Frank A. Dewitt, age 56, Not Employed, and Sarah J. Beattie, age 48, Accountant, both of Montpelier, OH.
Aaron T. Snyder, age 35, Engineering Technician, and Marjory R. Johnson, age 26, Teacher, both of Bryan, OH.
Daniel E. Bray, age 43, Mechanic, and Vicki L. Manning, age 42, Industrial, both of Pioneer, OH.
Melinda K. Wanner and Douglas S. Wanner, both of Bryan, OH. Petition for dissolution of marriage filed.
Barry J. Leitch and Michelle M. Leitch, Petition for dissolution of marriage filed.
Telesha Toward versus Philip Toward. Complaint for divorce granted.
Jerod R. Yedica, Archbold, OH. Domestic Violence. Dismissed with costs: 78.00.
Jerod R. Yedica, Archbold, OH. Domestic Violence (2nd charge). Dismissed with costs: 88.00.
Alexander T. Thomas, Swanton, OH. Criminal Damaging. Fine: 250.00, Costs: 70.00. No violation of law for next 5 years. 30 hours community service. Restitution of $250. Probation.
Hussam Sweidan, Delta, OH. Petty Theft. Arraignment.
Dalton J. Hageman, Delta, OH. FRA Suspension. Dismissed, no costs.
Mark Raymond, Wauseon, OH. Seatbelt/Driver. Waived amount: 81.00.
Lori L. Jamarillo, Fayette, OH. Tinted Windows. Costs only: 88.00.
Brandon S. Fahrer, Lyons, OH. Registration Violation. Waived amount: 125.00.
Donna P. Bailey, Wauseon, OH. 66/55 speed. Waived amount: 125.00.
Julie S. Romaker, Fayette, OH. Seatbelt/Driver. Waived amount: 81.00.
Denny D. Miller, Archbold, OH. 70/55 speed. Waived amount: 135.00.
Beckyannn Ploughe, Bryan, OH. Red Light. Waived amount: 125.00.
Richard K. Davis, Archbold, OH. Assured Clear Distance Ahead. Waived amount: 190.00.
Verlan W. Klinger, Archbold, OH. Stop Sign. Waived amount: 125.00.
Emilie Cain, Pioneer, OH. 38/25 speed. Waived amount: 125.00.
Ryan L. Spiess, Delta, OH. 66/45 speed. Waived amount: 188.00.
Nathan L. Whitehead, Wauseon, OH. DUS/OVI. Arraignment.
Wynemia M. Waidelich, Archbold, OH. 69/55 speed. Waived amount: 125.00.
Jordan L. Rosebrock, Wauseon, OH. Open Container. Arraignment.
Randy A. Solly, Delta, OH. Driving Under Suspension. Arraignment.
Matthew D. Poorman, Swanton, OH. 66/55 speed. Waived amount: 117.00.
Andrew W. Hatt, West Unity, OH. 55/50 speed (amended). Fine: 37.00, Costs: 80.00.
Susan Whipple, Wauseon, OH. 55/40 speed. Waived amount: 125.00.
Aimeth G. Rosillo, Archbold, OH. 69/55 speed. Waived amount: 117.00.
Robert T. Brubaker, Fayette, OH. 70/55 speed. Waived amount: 127.00.
Elizabeth Roberts, Swanton, OH. Seatbelt Driver. Waived amount: 73.00.
Robert J. Veres, Swanton, OH. Seatbelt Driver. Waived amount: 73.00.
Grace K. Owens, Swanton, OH. 85/55 speed. Waived amount: 230.00.
Christine M. Smith, Delta, OH. 67/50 speed. Waived amount: 127.00.
Gary L. Scott, Delta, OH. 53/40 speed. Waived amount: 117.00.
Jason S. Hanefield, Delta, OH. 64/50 speed. Waived amount: 117.00.

Lucas O. Buck, Swanton, OH – Community Control Violation. Community control will continue. Original sentence of 180 days at CCNO remains suspended. Original charge: Attempted Trafficking of a Controlled Substance, a 1st degree misdemeanor.
Brandy J. Roberts, Swanton, OH. Community Control Violation. Original sentence re-imposed for charges of Aggravated Possession of Drugs, a 5th degree felony. 11 months at Ohio Reformatory for Women. Original sentence re-imposed for charges of Failure to Appear on a Personal Recognizance Bond, a 4th degree felony. 17 months at Ohio Reformatory for Women.
Tamera M. Green, Wauseon, OH – Community Control Violation. Original sentence re-imposed for charges of Domestic Violence, a 4th degree felony. 12 months at Ohio Reformatory for Women.
The Fulton County Crime Stopper Program would like your help in solving the following crimes:
Authorities are investigating the theft of a 4-wheeler. On Wednesday, March 19, 2014, between 7:50 a.m. and 12:15 p.m., a blue 2007 Yamaha Grizzly, YFM455GWL ATV was taken from the residence at 1540 County Road 6, Delta, Ohio. The vehicle was parked next to the driveway when it was stolen. The 4-wheeler is valued at $6,000.
Authorities are also investigating a burglary at 1653 County Road C, Swanton. On March 18, 2014, the homeowner reported that between 12:45 p.m. and 2:30 p.m. his residence was broken into. The front door had been kicked in to gain entrance. Items were thrown around and drawers ransacked. Missing is approximately $1,961 worth of items including sliver dollars and 50-cent pieces, pocket watches, an antique pocket watch with gold case, a man’s jewelry box, a paper white 3G Kindle, a Masonic diamond ring, tie clasp, and lapel pins.
If you have any information concerning these crimes that could lead to the arrest and incarceration of the person(s) involved, please contact the Fulton County Crime Stopper Hotline. Anyone with information about these or any other felony will be eligible for a reward of up to $1,000 cash. Call is confidential and anonymous. The number to call day or night is 1-800-255-1122, toll free.