•600-B Lafayette St., Traffic Offense / Warning
•22611 SR 2, Animal Call
•1396 S. Defiance St., Crash
•700-B E. Lutz Rd., Traffic Offense / Warning
•200-B Lafayette St., Traffic Offense / Warning
•Ditto St. @ Stryker St., Traffic Offense / Warning
•N. Defiance St. @ Stryker St., Traffic Offense / Citation
•100-B S. Clydes Way, Traffic Offense / Warning
•SR 2 @ Village Limits, Assist Sheriff Department
•Frey Rd. @ Stryker St., Traffic Offense / Warning
•900-B Stryker St., Suspicious Vehicle
•S. Defiance St. @ Short-Buehrer Rd., Traffic Offense / Warning
•S. Defiance St. @ E. Mechanic St., Traffic Offense / Citation
•1200-B S. Defiance St., Suspicious Vehicle
•1600-B S. Defiance St., Traffic Detail
•1200-B Stryker St., Traffic Detail
•S. Defiance St. @ W. Lugbill Rd., Traffic Offense / Warning
•1100 S. Defiance St., Crash
•600-B Lafayette St., Traffic Offense / Warning
•500-B Stryker St., Traffic Offense / Warning
•100-B S. Defiance St., Road Blocked
•500-B Lafayette St., Traffic Offense / Warning (2)
•100-B N. Clydes Way, Traffic Offense / Warning
•300-B Walnut St. Loud Noise
•100-B Eicher St., Loud Noise
•811 Stryker St., Telephone Complaints
•500-B Lafayette, Traffic Offense / Warning
•100-B N. Defiance St., Miscellaneous Complaints
•1808 S. Defiance St., Unlock Vehicle
•Burke St. @ S. Defiance St., Traffic Offense / Warning
•600-B Lafayette St., Traffic Offense / Warning
•2020 S. Defiance St. Unit A, 911 Hang Up
•200 W. Williams St. Unit 000, Suspicious Activity
•431 Clover Ln., Assist Fire or Rescue
•103 N. Defiance St., Unlock Vehicle
•600-B Sauder St., Crash
•205 Nolan Pkwy, Unlock Vehicle
•200 Lafayette St., Unit 000, Parking Violations (18)
•200 W. Williams St., Animal Call
•405 E. Lutz Rd., Lost Property
•Lafayette St. @ CR24, Traffic Offense / Warning
•204 Farmington Rd., 911 Hang Up
•Nolan Pkwy @ Weires Dr., Traffic Offense / Warning
•405 E. Lutz Rd., Fraud
•N. Buehrer St. @ W. Lugbill Rd., Traffic Offense / Warning
•500 Lafayette St., Special Detail
•600 Lafayette St., Special Detail
•606 Pleasant St., Telephone Complaints
•S. Defiance St. @ E. Lugbill Rd., Crash
•1104 S. Defiance St., 911 Hang Up
•Franklin St. @ Stryker St., Road Blocked
•200 W. Williams St. Unit 000, Suspicious Person
•100-B S. Defiance St., Suspicious Complaint
•904 Stryker St., Suspicious Vehicle
•600-B Lafayette St., Traffic Offense / Warning
•300 Park St., Juvenile
•600 Lafayette St., Traffic Detail
•930 W. Barre Rd., Unlock Vehicle
•600-B N. Defiance St., Animal Call
•408 Walnut St., Suspicious Activity

•1010 S. Defiance St., Suspicious Vehicle
•400-B E. Lutz Rd., Community Service
MAY 16
•Lincoln St., Property Damage
•Paigelynn St., Loose Dog
•Lincoln St., Hit-Skip Accident
MAY 17
•N. Munson Rd., Assist Rescue
•Dodge St., Loud Noise
MAY 18
•Swanton Reservoir, Welfare Check
•Dodge St., Citizen Assist
•E. Airport Hwy., Unlock Vehicle
•Turtle Creek Dr., Accidental Alarm
MAY 19
•Crestwood Dr., Inappropriate Comments
•Redbud Ln., Suspicious Person
•Pilliod Park, Vandalism
•Brookside Dr., 911 Hang Up
MAY 20
•Veronica St., Threats
•Airport Hwy., Theft
•Harrison St., Abandoned Vehicle
•Memorial Park, Unwanted Person
•N. Main St., Dispute
MAY 21
•Brookside Dr., Loose Dog
•S. Main @ Airport, Child Custody
•Sanderson St., 911 Hang Up
•Airport @ Scott, Assist Deputy
•N. Main St., Domestic Violence
MAY 22
•Swanton Reservoir, Trespassing
•W. Garfield, Open Door
•E. Airport Hwy., Attempted Shoplifting
•Lincoln St., Animal Call
•Airport @ SH 64, Reckless Vehicle
•E. Airport Hwy., Disorderly Conduct

MAY 23
•Swanton Reservoir, Suspicious Persons
•Veronica St., Welfare Check
MAY 24
•Cypress St., Loud Noise
•W. Airport Hwy., Road Rage
•Airport @ Girdham, Assist Car / Deer Crash
•S. Main St., Phone Harassment
•Chestnut St., Harassment
•W. Garfield, Unruly Juvenile
MAY 25
•Brookside Dr., Assist Rescue
•Woodland Ave., Accidental Alarm
•Maddie St., Welfare Check
•Chestnut St., Child Custody
•Chestnut St., Trespassing
•Peachtree Ln., Unruly Juvenile
•N. Main, Runaway
•Lincoln St., Harassment
MAY 26
•Promenade Dr., Loose Dog
•Hickory St., Found Property
•Maddie St., Dispute
•Buckthorn, Domestic Dispute
•N. Main St., Loose Dog
MAY 27
•E. Airport Hwy., Unlock Vehicle
•Forrester, Sick Animal
•E. Airport Hwy., Parking Issue
•Lyons, Ohio, Assist Deputy
•E. Airport Hwy., Unlock Vehicle
MAY 28
•Co. Rd. K @ 4, Assist OSP
•E. Airport Hwy., Trespassing
•S. Main St., Trespassing
•W. Garfield, Unruly Juvenile
•Airport @ Scott Rd., Warrant Arrest
MAY 29
•Cass St., Domestic Dispute
•Zeiter Way, Resisting Arrest
MAY 30
•E. Garfield, Loud Noise
•Lincoln @ Church, Juveniles
•Orchard View, Animal Call
•N. Main St., Found Property
•Airport @ Main, Reckless Driving

MAY 31
•Harrison St., Found Dog
•W. Airport Hwy., Gas Leak
•Woodland Ave., Accidental Alarm
•Maddie St., Welfare Check
•Church St., Loose Dog
•Hallett Ave., Welfare Check
•130 Chestnut St., Civil Matter
•476 E. Airport Hwy., Suspicious Person
•1120 N. Shoop Ave. Unit 39, Welfare Check
•330 Enterprise Ave., Civil Matter
•315 E. Chestnut St., 911 Hang Up Contact In Person
•1408 Clermont Dr., Loud Noise
•123 S. Fulton St., Alarm Drop
•621 E. Oak St., Accident (Property Damage)
•243 E. Oak St., Animal Call
•204 Barney Oldfield Dr., Larceny
•1000 N. Glenwood Ave., 911 Hang Up Contact In Person
•250 E. Linfoot St., Loud Noise
•115 W. Leggett St., Welfare Check
•840 W. Elm St. Unit 1100, Suspicious Person
•414 Detwiler Dr., Identity Theft
•N. Shoop Ave. @ E. Oak St., Juveniles
•W. Leggett St. @ Lawrence Ave., Disabled Vehicle
•Ottokee St. @ Airport Hwy., Debris in Roadway
•238 Madison St., Civil Matter
•840 W. Elm St., Loud Noise
•248 N. Fulton St., Larceny
•310 Virginia Dr., 911 Hang Up Contact In Person
•1496 N. Shoop Ave., Accident (Property Damage)
•1379 N. Shoop Ave., Welfare Check
•224 Birch St., Possible Wire Over Roadway
•738 Fairway Dr. Unit 13, Investigate Complaint
•514 W. Leggett St., Loud Noise
•840 W. Elm St. Unit 902, Mental
•514 W. Leggett St., Loud Noise
•495 E. Airport Hwy., Lost / Found / Recovered
•250 E. Linfoot St. Unit 6, 911 Hang Up Contact In Person
•211 S. Fulton St., Alarm Drop
•340 W. Leggett St., Open Door
•415 Cole St. Unit 18, Welfare Check
•623 E. Elm St., Accident (Property Damage)
•224 Birch St., Investigate Complaint
•407 Cherry St., Animal Call
•Arrowhead Trail @ Apache Dr., Investigate Complaint
•1170 N. Shoop Ave. Unit 52, Welfare Check
•1130 N. Shoop Ave., Alarm Drop
•200-B N. Fulton St., Lost / Found / Recovered
•830 N. Shoop Ave., 911 Hang Up Contact In Person
•00 E. Leggett St., Juveniles
•840 W. Elm St. Unit 1103, Neighborhood Trouble
•250 W. Oak St., 911 Hang Up Contact In Person
•559 N. Shoop Ave., Investigate Complaint
•656 Meadow Ln., Zone Violation
•Mulberry St. @ N. Fulton, Animal Call
•1130 N. Shoop Ave., Welfare Check
•330 Frances Dr., 911 Hang Up Contact In Person
•228 Sycamore St., 911 Hang Up Contact In Person
•1368 N. Shoop Ave., Investigate Complaint
• 237 E. Leggett St., Civil Matter
•1290 N. Shoop Ave. Unit 10, Animal Call
•485 E. Airport Hwy., Animal Call
•531 N. Fulton St., Welfare Check
•E. Linfoot St. @ N. Shoop Ave., Disabled Vehicle
•700-B Ottokee St., Loud Noise
MAY 31
•Disorderly Conduct
•Speed / Warning
•Lost Property
•911 Hang-Up
•Disabled Vehicle
•Child Abuse / Neglect
•Golf Cart Inspection
•Juvenile Problem
•Ordinance Violation
•Speed / Warning
•911 Hang-Up (2)
•Ordinance Violation (3)
•Speed / Warning
•Noise Complaint
•Unsecured Business (3)
•Rules for Marked Lanes / Warning
•Speed / Warning
•Fail to Obey Traffic Control Device / Warning
•Vandalism (2)
•Speed / Warning
The following individuals were sentenced in Fulton County Common Pleas Court according to county prosecutor Scott A. Haselman.
•Larry C. Frost, 47, of Toledo, Ohio, previously pleaded guilty to Attempted Having a Weapon While Under Disability. He attempted to possess a firearm while being under weapons disability due to a prior felony offense involving Trafficking in Cocaine.
Judge Jeffrey L. Robinson sentenced Mr. Frost to 1 year of community control and ordered him to pay prosecution costs, pay a $100 fine, stay out of bars/taverns, not possess or consume alcohol, and successfully complete the Cognitive Behavior Therapy Program.
Failure to comply could result in Mr. Frost spending 12 months in prison.
•Sareen Torres, 28, of Montgomery, Illinois, previously pleaded guilty to Theft. She stole a check.
Judge Jeffrey L. Robinson sentenced Ms. Torres to 2 years of community control and ordered her to pay prosecution costs, pay half of the court-appointed counsel fees, stay out of bars/taverns, not possess or consume alcohol, abide by an 10:00 pm. to 6:00 am. curfew, complete a dual diagnosis with Recovery Services of Northwest Ohio, and complete any recommendations, and all aftercare, have no contact with the victim, complete the Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Program, and pay restitution in the amountof $596.42 to the victim.
Failure to comply could result in Ms. Torres spending 8 months in prison.
•Leopoldo Suarez, III, 42, Wauseon, previously pleaded guilty to Domestic Violence and Harassment With a Bodily Substance. He did knowingly cause or attempt to cause physical harm to a family or household member, and while being arrested he spit in an officer’s face.
Judge Jeffrey L. Robinson sentenced Mr. Suarez to 3 years of community control and ordered him to pay prosecution costs and court-appointed counsel fees, stay out of bars/taverns, not possess or consume alcohol, abide by a 10:00 p.m. to 6:00 am. curfew, have no contact with the victims, be held at CCNO until a bed is available at the SEARCH Program, successfully complete the SEARCH Program, and any recommended aftercare, be placed on TAD monitoring once released from the SEARCH Program, successfully complete the Drug Court Program, and any recommended aftercare, complete a dual diagnosis assessment at Recovery Services of Northwest Ohio and complete any treatment, and any recommended aftercare, and write a letter of apology to the officer. Mr. Suarez served 120 days at CCNO.
Failure to comply could result in Mr. Suarez spending 16 months in prison for Domestic Violence, and 10 months In prison for Harassment With a Bodily Substance, said sentences to be served consecutively with one another for a total prison term of 26 months.