The friends of the Montpelier Public Library will be holding their 3rd annual tea on February 24th. This year’s theme is “Tea on the Titanic”. Costumed stewardesses will help to give you a memorable social experience as they explain how the passengers in the various classes would have enjoyed their tea. From the fine silver and gentle music of the first class to the relaxed gathering of the third class passengers, you will enjoy spending time with friends and learn how the ill-fated Titanic was the beginning of a new and modern approach of serving all classes that would travel on ocean liners in the future.
The tea will include tea, sandwiches, scones, and a variety of pastries. Tea hats are encouraged but not required. Passengers are asked to bring their favorite tea cup. There will be two seatings for the tea, one at 2:00pm and the second at 6:00pm. To purchase your boarding pass or make reservations please call the Montpelier Public Library at 419-485-3287.