All Ages Participated … Pictured above are Pastor McCall’s wife Kayla McCall and daughter Merida McCall. (PHOTO BY KAYLI SHUMAKER, STAFF)
By: Kayli Shumaker
On Wednesday February 26, 2020 Montpelier’s St. Paul’s & First United Methodist Churches merged together to have a Ash Wednesday observance service. They started the evening with a potluck style meal.
Pastor Justin McCall of the First United Methodist Church started the service with a description on what to expect for the evening. They worshipped in song, Pastor Justin read Psalms 51:1-12, followed by another song.
Pastor Chuck Case of St. Paul’s United Methodist Church read Revelations 3:15-20 and Pastor Justin read Mark 9:33-37. They finished the service with a song, communion and receiving of the ashes.
Now, you may be wondering what Ash Wednesday is, it is the kick off of the 40 day season for Easter (not including Sundays). The receiving of the ashes is the recognition of we were born from ashes and to ashes we will return.
The ashes they use are from the palm leaves from Palm Sunday of the previous year! The two churches alternate these events on who hosts. Maundy Thursday they have a foot washing to represent how Jesus washed the feet of his disciples at the Then Last Supper.
Then on Good Friday St. Paul’s United Methodist Church will host a Community Good Friday Service, sponsored by the Ministerial Association.
Kayli may be reached at