At the March 8th meeting of Successful 4-Hers, Old Business was covered, and who attended the 4-H Advisor training was discussed. 4-H Week was also announced as the week of March 8-14. New Business included upcoming events and workshops for members to participate in, along with when and where they would be held.
Our club also discussed what activities the Program committee would plan. Past ideas and new ideas for options for the Fundraising committee were also discussed. Lastly, our Community Service committee took ideas that would help us show how important our community is to us.
At the end of the meeting, new officers were elected into office. Pictured are: Front Row: Tyler Suboski, President; Austin Schaffner, Vice President; Sam Shilling, Secretary; Brooke Wheeler, Treasurer; Second Row…Alora Siegel, Health Leader; Gabby Rodriguez, News Reporter; Zoi Bauer, Recreation Officer; Chase Whitman, Safety Leader; Sarah Laney and Laurynn Wieland, Recreation Officers.