OATH … Wauseon Local Schools Treasurer John Kahmann administers the oath of office to Board President Amy Fisher (left) and Board Vice President Larry Zimmerman, Jr. (right).
By: Jacob Kessler
The Wauseon Board of Education held their organizational meeting on Monday, January 13th at 4:30 p.m. The meeting began with nominations for board president and board vice president.
Amy Fisher was nominated as president and Larry Zimmerman was nominated for vice president, with the board approving both motions.
The meeting schedule for the regular meetings to be held throughout 2025 was then approved, along with the setting of Superintendent Troy Armstrong as the purchasing agent for Wauseon Exempted Village Schools.
Then came approval of the Records Commission, consisting of the board president, superintendent, and treasurer, as well as a motion to waive the reading of the previous meeting’s minutes provided copies of said minutes are circulated to board members in accordance with the Ohio Revised Code.
Numerous measures were then approved that provide the superintendent and treasurer with their authority to conduct business, before the board heard nominations for Legislative Liaison and Student Achievement Liaison.
Chad Richer was nominated for legislative and Curt Crew was nominated for student achievement, with both nominations being approved. It was then that the organizational meeting for the Wauseon School Board was adjourned at 4:42 p.m.
The regular meeting for the board then began at 4:43 with a public meeting being held on the issue of the employment of Athletic Director Matt Hutchinson.
Members of the public were invited to provide input to the board on the issue of Hutchinson’s reemployment with the school district following his retirement.
This retirement is scheduled to take place in February, Hutchinson then being rehired for the rest of the school year and the following school year.
With no members of the public present to speak on the matter, the issue was considered closed. A list of additions made to the agenda was then looked over before continuing on to speak about Board Recognition Month.
January is that month and the Ohio School Board Association sent in a new poster for the year, along with a certificate for each school board member.
Minutes for the previous meeting were then approved before moving on to also approve the following items as part of a consent agenda for the Treasurer.
Motions to approve the monthly bills and financial reports and a list of donations made to the school for various items and functions. A list of consent agenda items was also approved for the Superintendent and included the following items.
A motion to approve a list of personnel items, including hiring, transfers and resignations. Motions to approve Appendix B of the 2024-2027 OAPSE Local 533 negotiated agreement as presented, a revision to the Wauseon High School Handbook Revision, early completion and approval to attend graduation for Madisyn Woodby, and motions for two overnight trips.
These trips are for the OSDA High School Speech and Debate Finals in Wooster, Ohio from January 17th to January 18th, and for the OSDA Middle School Speech and Debate Finals in Wooster, Ohio from February 21st to February 22nd.
With no other items to attend to, the meeting was adjourned at 5:01 p.m.