The minutes of the previous meeting were approved as presented along with the bills, financial reports, and investments as presented. A $40 donation from the Wauseon Exempted Schools Bus Drivers, in memory of Donald Frank, to the Joseph Sevenich Step on the Starter Scholarship was also approved.
Also gaining approval was a resolution written as a necessity and waiving competitive bidding to procure security camera equipment and video recording hardware and software. Included in the approval is the purchase and installation of a video camera and video camera equipment from Xtek Partners, Inc. in the amounts not to exceed the building costs of $18,846 (Wauseon Primary School), $36,754 (Wauseon Elementary School and Wauseon Primary School) and $54,939 (Wauseon High School) with a total purchase order cost not to exceed $110,539.
Personnel matters approved included:
•CONTIUED CERTIFICATED CONTRACTS – Stephanie Badenhop, Katie Black, Carrie Jeffires, Andrea Stevens.
•ONE YEAR LIMITED CERTIFCATED CONTRACTS – Amanda Aniolowski, Elizabeth Brodman, Donald Clark, Angelica Dunsavage, Derek Eddings, Linday Gordon, Brittany Schroeder, Terry Lind, Katie Miller, Shawn Moore, Abby Mouch, Carla Richer, Sara Rupp, Myriah Wooley, Walter Jordan Smith, Kyle Storrer, Chris Thoma, Laura Vorwerk, Carrie Wanemacher, Brittany Webster, Melanie Johnson, Catherine Lemley, James Devine, Chris Roberts, Bobbie Simpkins.
•TWO YEAR LIMITED CERTIFICATED CONTRACTS – Adam Baird, Kyle Borton, Mindy Cheney, Michael Colon, Caitlyn Lay, Laura Leininger, Corinna Miller, Michael Webster.
•TWO YEAR LIMITED CLASSIFIED CONTRACTS – Amanda Booth, Karen Cheezan, Tammy Chochrane, Rachel Drenning, Trina Fry, Katelynn Mount, Mike Parker, Molly Pfund.
•CONTINUING CLASSIFIED CONTRACTS – Eric Fry, Bonnie Lange, Elizabeth Shannon, Glen Tappan, LaChelle Thomas.
•ONE YEAR LIMITED NON-ATHLETIC SUPPLEMENTAL CONTRACTS – Amanda Aniolowski (Assistant Instrumental), Adam Baird (Spanish Club, WHS Quiz Bowl), Katie Black (FFA), Tom Brady (National Honor Society), Tom Burkholder (Aquatics Director), Don Clark (Summer Instrumental, Orchestra Director), Mike Colon (Art Guild), Angelica Dunsavage (Summer Vocal, Spring Musical), Kim Hinton (WMS Quiz Bowl), Mandy Hunter (Flag Corp, Majorette), Joy Hutchison (WMS Student Council), Caitlyn Lay (WES Choir), Jana Leininger (Junior Class Advisor), Laura Leininger (FCCLA), Katie Miller (WHS Student Council), Dolores Muller (Speech Team), Kelsey Newman (Spanish Club), Carrie Nofziger (Girls Christian Fellowship), Jason Robinson (Assistant Speech Team, Mock Trial), Carol Rorick (District Mentor Coordinator), Sara Rupp (WHS Student Council), Chris Thomas (FFA).
•ONE YEAR LIMITED ATHLETIC SUPPLEMENTAL CONTRACTS – Joe Allen (Cross Country Head Coach), Bill Blanchong (Volleyball Head Coach), Kyle Borton (Assistant Varsity Football), Shelly Borton (JV Girls Basketball), Ken Brandon (Assistant Varsity Football), Tom Burkholder (Diving Coach), Chad Burt (Boys Basketball Head Coach), Travis Cooper (Football Head Coach), Angie Hill (Fall WMS Cheerleading, Winter WMS Cheerleading), Shawn Kauffman (Boys Soccer Head Coach), Stacie Kessler (Fall WHS Assistant Cheerleading, Winter WHS Assistant Cheerleading), Amy Kreiner (7th Grade Girls Basketball), Kevin Kreiner (Assistant Varsity Wrestling), Matt Lane (8th Grade Football, JH Wrestling), Terry Lind (Assistant Varsity Football), Jordanne Marks (Girls Soccer Head Coach), Shawn Moore (Assistant Varsity Football), Adam Moose (9th Grade Football), Kelsey Newman (Assistant Varsity Girls Soccer Coach), Ashley Oyer (Girls Basketball Head Coach), Mike Ritter (Wrestling Head Coach), Landon Schaffner (7th Grade Football Coach), Jessica Schuette (Fall WHS Cheerleading, Winter WHS Cheerleading), Kyle Storrer (JV Boys Basketball), Tara Tedrow (7th Grade Volleyball Coach), Joe Torres (JH Wrestling), Tom Vernot (Assistant Cross Country), Michael Webster (9th Grade Football, 8th Grade Boys Basketball), Roger Wilson (8th Grade Football).
•ONE YEAR LIMITED CERTIFICATED CONTRACT OFFERED TO – Allison Maison as a WMS 7th Grade English/Language Arts Teacher for the 2016-17 school year pending receipt of both proper licensure and a clean BCI/FBI background check.
•ONE YEAR LIMITED OUTSIDE NON-ATHLETIC SUPPLENTAL CONTRACT OFFERED TO – Mark Cook as Instrumental for the 2016-17 school year pending receipt of a clean BCI/FBI background check.
•Troy Lind as a volunteer high school Football Assistant for the 2016-17 school year pending receipt of both a Pupil Activity Permit and a clean BCI/FBI background check.
In building reports given by the prinicipals, the Board heard:
•We held student led conference on March 14 and 15. We ended up having 91% of our parents attending and teachers touched base with parents who were not able to attend.
•On the night of conferences we held the book fair in our library. Overall we brought in $4,190.57 at the spring conference! Scholastic then gives us points to purchase books for our library. I spoke with Auenta Herr and due to our overwhelming success, Scholastic will upgrade us to a premium book fair next year.
•April 4 through April 8 was Reading Week. The theme was the Old West. Our building had many guest readers last week. They were Larry Brown, Brock Mealer, Theresa Vietmeier, Jeremy Shirkey, and Kathy Huner.
•Reading Night on Thursday, April 7 was a huge success. Many families came and read with their children and our 2nd grade students were able to get on computer to take additional AR tests.
•Fire Fighter Phil, presented by the Wauseon Fire Department, visit our building to teach the students about fire safety.
•Kindergarten informances will be April 18 through April 22.
•Math Committee met Wednesday, March 30 and made a final decision on the new math series. Next year we will be using Envisions by Pearson in grades K5.
•Staff Inservice was today. Our staff received training in differentiation. Lisa Williams and Kayla Simon led our building staff in differentiation activities. The elementary and primary staff met together to continue our discussion of the RTI process and set up our process for how we will keep student RIMP documentation.
•The following students were selected to perform at the Northwest Ohio Orff Festival at the Maumee Performing Arts Center on March 12th: Cameron Hunter, Jackson Clark, Ava Pelok, Dominic Barajas, Carson Wenger, Ann Spieles, Teagan Rupp. These children spent the day with many clinicians working on a variety of songs that encompassed movement, singing, and playing a variety of instruments! Our 7 students helped make up the 175 students that participated in the event. In preparation for the day, Wauseon students met every morning two weeks prior to the festival.
•The Math Committee met with Michelle Leatherman, curriculum director, and will be adopting the Pearson EnVision series in grades K5. Teachers are piloting till the end of the year in order to become familiar with all the components of the series.
•We purchased Reflex Math for the 35 students. Reflex is an online math fact program that groups math problems into fact families. It tracks data and growth digitally, alleviating the time consuming task of grading, and tracking this data manually (which has been the current practice. PSS paid for approximately 1./3 of this program).
•Sheltered Reality Assembly was a big success. This adult and student drumming ensemble entertained our student body and discussed the themes of antibullying, tolerance of others, high academic achievement, confidence, core values, and promoting a high level of effort with regard to academics.
•Fire Fighter Phil Assembly focused on fire safety with the 3rd and 4th grade students. The presenter used magic, humor, and games in order to give basic fire safety tips to the students.
•Daddy/Daughter Dance will occur on May 13, 2016 (the week after prom). The PSS Committee met this past week to discuss details.
•Friday, April 8th, we completed a fire drill, safety drill (reverse evacuation), and a tornado drill. Mixing up the safety drills has forced both students and staff to think differently about how we approach safety and drills in general.
•Thanks to the leadership of Mrs. Leatherman, a decision has been made regarding the selection of Math classroom materials for next year. The vendor will provide some professional development in the use of the new resources.
•We will start making plans this week for a special reading event to take place in May. All three grades will participate and activities will be based around a central theme. The timing is meant to coincide with the end of the year with activities meant to keep the students engaged right up until the last day of school.
•The “dress up dance” is scheduled for April 29th. Students are required to get a parent’s signature to attend. I have provided a copy of the permission slip for your review.
•Mrs. Hutchinson had a gentlemen that is an Abraham Lincoln “impersonator.” He has performed in Washington DC in front of United States presidents as well as having appeared on shows like the Today Show and Good Morning America. He spent the day and presented to individual classes. He talked to students about the events that lead up to the Civil War as well as some anecdotal tales from Lincoln’s background and story. Toward the end of each period he opened it up to questions from the class. The questions were very good. He was truly interesting and fun to listen to.
•SENIOR SUCCESS DAY – This event was held on Friday, April 8th. Mrs. Westfall organizes this event and coordinates with Mr. Collar and his Government classes to meet financial literacy requirements. The day included an interactive game of life simulation along with presentations on job interviewing skills, personal health information, and financial decision making.
•TEACHER INSERVICE – Our inservice day included final testing preparation for teachers. They were given their individual responsibilities for each day and time to review the testing portal. A group of instructional leaders from the high school presented on the topic of differentiation. They presented to the high school staff as a group and then we had departmental discussion related to this topic. We also did master schedule planning for the 2016-2017 school year.
•WAUSEON HS CAREER DAY – Career Day is being organized in conjunction with the Fulton County Economic Development Corporation and Job1USA. This event will take place on April 20th from 8:00 11:30 AM. All juniors and senior will have a chance to interview with local area businesses in the areas of manufacturing, healthcare, construction, banking, and automotive. Students have heard soft skills and resume writing presentations through their English classes to prepare for this event.
•BLOOD DRIVE – Student council along with advisors Miss Katie Miller and Miss Sara Rupp are working with the American Red Cross to organize a follow up blood drive on May 10th from 3-8 PM. This blood drive will be in memory of Thane Wooley.
April 24: Chorale Performance Trip to New York City, NY
April 25: WHS National Honor Society Induction
April 29: Academic Hall of Fame Induction
May 2: Mock Accident Assembly Presented by the WFD and WPD
May 3: Freedom Shrine Assembly
May 7: 2016 WHS Prom
May 12: Spring Arts Program
May 16: Senior Local Scholarship Awards Night
The board entered into executive session for the discussion of the employment of personnel, purchase or sale of property and to prepare for, conduct, or review collective bargaining strategy. No action was taken.
The next Wauseon Board of Education meeting will be held on Thursday, April 28 at 12:00 PM at the Wauseon Primary School.