The Wauseon City Council held their meeting on Monday, October 18th at 5:00 p.m. The meeting was started with the Pledge of Allegiance followed by a moment of silence and roll call. A motion was then made to approve the minutes from the previous meeting which passed.
A summary was then given to council for the October 4th, Utility Committee meeting. It was stated that the current tap fees do not cover the cost of parts and that there is a set fee of $750.
Keith Torbet suggested council eliminate the set fee and revise the Codified Ordinance to provide that cost through figures set each December for the following year. A motion was made to approve the idea put forward by Mr. Torbet which passed.
A summary of the Tree Commissions meeting that took place on October 11th was then given to council. It was shared that a discussion took place regarding the cost of Memorial Trees and a potential Memorial Tree program at Homecoming Park.
It was also stated that the Tree Commission will be planting three chestnut trees and three Beech trees after the next meeting.
A summary of the Finance Committee meeting that took place on October 11th was then given. The City of Wauseon received $388,102.68 in COVID Relief Funds.
A recommendation was given to use $205,000 of these funds towards the Capital Items including a generator, R-Tech Fiber Optic, and improving the water line on Washington Street. It was also stated that $48,150 should also be used to offer a premium to essential employees.
A recommendation followed next for the budget to be amended for a transfer of funds due to the bond reissue, to increase land purchase by $51,704.01 for the purchase of the Hojnacki property and to increase pool construction by $7,825 for the construction of the Snack Shack.
It was also recommended to switch to Invoice Cloud, which is a new software system that will be used to handle the billing for the Utility Department.
The cost for the city will be $1,000 per year but will save around $7,000 per year because it will charge the customer a convenience fee. The Finance Committee would also like to let people know of other ways to pay and avoid a fee.
A motion was then made and approved to recommend the 2021 appropriation ordinance be amended to provide for the use of Covid Relief Funds for a generator, R-Tech Fiber Optic, Improving Washington Street water line, and a premium to essential employees.
Council then made an additional motion which was approved for the 2021 Appropriation Ordinances to be amended to provide for a transfer of funds due to the bond reissue, Hojnacki property and the construction cost for the pool Snack Shack.
Next was a motion to enter into an agreement with Invoice Cloud for Utility payment services which was approved. A summary was then given for the October 12th Park Board meeting. The Park Board is working on a memorial bench program, and they are looking for possible locations to put a pickleball court.
The Homecoming and Rotary Park rental deposits will also be increasing from $100 to $350 due to clean up costing more than the $100 deposit. City Council and the Mayor were hesitant on this idea and decided to go with a hold via check or credit card.
A motion was then made to increase the security deposits for the Homecoming and Rotary Park Shelters from $100 to $350 via check or credit card pending inspection. The motion was approved.

Council then moved to hear items of legislation. The First Reading for Resolution 2021-14 regarding the authorization for the mayor to enter into an agreement with Invoice Cloud for Utility Billing services and declaring an emergency.
A motion was made to suspend the rules which was approved followed by a motion to approve the resolution which was approved.
Council then heard the Third Reading of Ordinance 2021-7 regarding the annexation of real property to the City of Wauseon. A motion was made to approve the ordinance which passed.
Next, was the Third Reading of Ordinance 2021-9 regarding the annexation of real property to the City of Wauseon. A motion was made to approve the ordinance which passed.
In new business, a motion was made to appoint John Alexander to the Tree Commission which was approved. Mayor Huner then reminded everyone that Saturday, October 23rd is the Wauseon Rotary Club Auction and Saturday, October 30th is Trick-or-Treat.
A motion was then made to approve the bills which was approved. With all business concluding, council moved to adjourn for the evening at 5:46 p.m.