The Wauseon City Council held their meeting on Monday, January 3rd. The meeting began at 5:00 p.m. followed by the Pledge of Allegiance and a moment of silence. Council first moved to hear department reports.
Police Chief Kevin Chittenden gave a report regarding the police department before swearing in a new full-time officer.
Officer Allan Donnett was sworn in and welcomed to the department. Chief Chittenden then thanked Public Works Director Keith Torbet and city employees for helping with an accident on New Year’s Eve.
Torbet then gave his department report. He first thanked the public works employees and water treatment plant employees for all their hard work over the holidays.
The water plant was run for almost 24-hours straight to keep up with the two water main line breaks.
Two projects are ongoing. These projects are with First Edison redoing their lines on Lawrence Avenue, and clean-up crews doing remediations at the bridge property on West Chestnut Street.
Council next moved to approve the second reading of Resolution 2022-40 authorizing the mayor to renew an agreement with Schoenhardt and Associates for accounting services needed to handle the “gaap” accounting.
With no further business needing to be conducted, council moved to adjourn at 5:10 p.m.