•702 Siegler Dr., Welfare Check
•401 Vine St., Welfare Check
•305 Ditto St., Neighborhood Trouble
•901 Stryker St., Special Detail
•N. Defiance St.@Stryker St., Traffic Offense/Warning
•N. Defiance St. @ Norfolk Southern RR, Road Blocked
•Franklin St.@Norfolk Southern RR, Road Blocked
•407 E. Lutz Rd., 911 Hang Up
•600-B Stryker St., Traffic Detail
•701 E. Lutz Rd. Unit 203, Unwanted Person
•701 E. Lutz Rd. Unit 201, Larceny
•300-B Frey Rd., Traffic Offense/Warning
•600 Park St. Unit 06, Loud Noise
•2001 S. Defiance St. Unit 132, Animal Call
•901 Stryker St., 911 Hang Up
•820 Ringenberg Dr., Fraud
•600 Park St. Unit 12, 911 Hang Up
•1103 N. Buehrer St., 911 Hang Up
•103 N. Defiance St., Unlock Vehicle
•207 E. Mechanic St., Larceny
•S. Buehrer St.@W. Lugbill Rd., Juvenile, Curfew (2)
•600-B Lafayette St., Traffic Detail
•22611 SR 2, Parking Violations
•1925 S. Defiance St., Fraud
•302 Ditto St., Threats or Harassment
•400 E. Holland St., Unit 000, Assist Fire or Rescue
•100 Willow Way, 911 Hang Up
•600-B Lafayette St., Traffic Offense/Warning
•508 W. Barre Rd., 911 Hang Up
•100-B Fairlawn Dr., Unlock Vehicle
•1200 Stryker St., Parking Violations
•N. Defiance St.@Norfolk Southern RR, Road Blocked
•Franklin St.@Norfolk Southern RR, Road Blocked
•306 Murbach St., Vandalism
•S. Buehrer St.@W. Lugbill Rd., Traffic Detail
•300-B Frey Rd., Suspicious Vehicle
•100-B N. Clydes Way, Miscellaneous Complaints
•100-B Mechanic St., Juvenile
•904 Stryker St., Suspicious Person
•Nolan Pkwy@Weires Dr., Traffic Offense/Warning
•700-B E. Lutz Rd., Traffic Offense/Citation
•600-B Lafayette St., Traffic Offense/Warning
•733 W. Barre Rd., Unlock Vehicle
•300-B Stryker St., Unlock Vehicle
•200-B Christine Sr., Community Service
•S. Lincoln St.@Union St., Traffic Detail
•200-B Sylvanus St., Community Service
•300-B N. Clydes Way, Miscellaneous Complaints
•600-B Lafayette St., Traffic Offense/Warning
•1800-B S. Defiance St., Traffic Offense/Warning
•600-B Lafayette St., Traffic Detail
•1925 S. Defiance St., Miscellaneous Complaints
•200-B Stryker St., Traffic Detail
•100 Willow Way, Suspicious Vehicle
•500 N. Defiance St., Traffic Detail
•802 Walnut St., Animal Call
•402 S. Defiance St. Unit 000, Threats/Harassment
•600-B Lafayette St., Traffic Offense/Warning
•Church St.@N. Defiance St., Traffic Offense/Warning
•405 E. Lutz Rd., Miscellaneous Complaints
•S. Defiance St.@ W. Barre Rd., Traffic Offense/Warning
•E. Mechanic St. @ West St., Suspicious Activity
•S. Defiance St.@Union St., Special Detail
•100-B N. Defiance St., Road Blocked by Train
•Meadowcreek Apartments. Disturb peace. Noise complaint.
•Garver Park shelter. Suspicious auto. Persons were advised of the park hours and they left.
•Maumee Valley Guidance Center. Assist civilian.
•1304 E Wilson St. Harassment. Gave advice and extra patrol.
•1300 E Wilson St. Disturb peace. Report of disturbance.
•Meadowcreek Apartments. Juvenile complaint. Report of issues with juvenile.
•Thrift shop. Trash complaint.
•300 W High St. Harassment.
•1300 E Wilson St. Disturb peace. Report of disturbance; report taken.
•511 Olive Dr. Non-injury accident.
Bryan Theatre. Lockout.
•1323 E Wilson St. Assist other department. JFS request officer; report taken.
•Testament Tattoo. Lockout.
•Walnut St/Trevitt St. Assist civilian. Request officer.
•1004 Stonehedge Dr. Assist other department.
•Shell Spee-D-Mart. Assist civilian. Report of drive-off.
•High St/Avenue A. Traffic stop. Warning issued; expired registration.
•Bryan Police Department. Warrant served.
•YMCA. Suspicious person. Report taken.
•Union Trailer Court. Assist other department. WCCA requests officer.
•1323 E Wilson St. Assist civilian. Request officer.
•123 Avenue A. Assist other department. Agency assist; unable to locate.
•512 Sunny Dr. Assist other department. Agency assist; report taken.
•16654 County Road E. Injury accident.
•321 W Perry St. Non-injury accident. Report persons truck has a dent in it.
•123 Avenue A. Assist other department. Stryker Police Department request Bryan Police make contact with person.
•South St/Union St. Traffic stop. Citation issued; speed.
•S Union St/Titan Tire. Traffic stop. Citation issued; speed, Warning issued; expired tags.
•Best One Tire. Property found. Request to speak with officer; report taken.
•Wal-Mart. Non-injury accident. Report of vehicle being struck.
•Wal-Mart. Lockout.
•Roseland Shelter. Assist civilian. Report of open door with clothes inside.
•204 N Walnut St. Assist civilian. Request to speak with officer.
•Faith United Methodist Church. Assist civilian. Request to speak with officer.
•US 127/County Road 15-75. Injury accident. Possible entrapment.
•Wal-Mart. Lockout.
•600 S Lynn St block. Assist civilian. Report of a 4-wheeler driving up and down the road repeatedly.
•219 W Trevitt St. Lockout.
•414 E Perry St. Assist civilian. Flagged down by a citizen.
•Bryan Ford. Traffic stop. Citation issued; speed.
•PNC Bank. Traffic stop. Citation issued; speed.
•SKLD. 911 Hang-up.
•Main St/High St. Traffic stop. Citation issued; speed, failure to operate with attention.
•300 S Cherry St. Assist civilian. Report of juveniles on dirt bikes; unable to locate.
•Wilson St/Union St. Suspicious person. Report of male staggering on a bicycle.
•Main St/Bryan St. Traffic stop. Citation issued; speed.
•123 Avenue A. Assist other department. Stryker PD handled.
•200 S Main St block. Traffic stop. Waning issued; loud exhaust, driving behavior.
•Bavarian Ln/Union St. Traffic stop. Warning issued; two light required, no registration light.
•Plaza Motel. Breaking & Entering. Report taken; unable to locate.
•Bryan Mobile Home Court. WCCA requests officer.
•210 S Main St. Harassment. Report of phone harassment; gave complainant advice.
•High St/Walnut St. Traffic stop. Warning issued; speed, display of registration.
•US 6/State Route 15. Traffic stop. Citation issued; speed, Warning issued; expired registration.
•724 S Main St. Assist civilian. Complainant reported her keys were stolen; person warned for disorderly conduct.
•Toy St/High St. Traffic stop. Warning issued; turn signal, expired operator’s license.
•339 Arthur Dr, Dog complaint. Report of barking dog.
Wal-Mart. Lockout.
•123 Avenue A. Assist other department. Stryker Police Department request Bryan Police make contact with person.
•420 Oakwood Ave. Dog complaint. Report that dogs have been barking for 4 hours.
•915 E Bryan St. Narcotics. Report of neighbors smoking marijuana.
•303 Center St. Hazardous condition. Report of vehicles blocking the line of sight leaving the alley.
•Bryan Ford. Auto violation. Unable to locate; gone on arrival.
•Center St/County Road 13. 911 hang-up.
•Main St/Wilson St. Assist civilian. Broke down vehicle.
•Wal-Mart. Warrant. Unable to locate; gone on arrival.
•Huntington Bank. Traffic stop. Warning issued; speed.
•Bryan Police Department. Warrant. Arrest made.
•902 Shady Ln. Assist civilian. Requests officer.
•Union Trailer Court. Assist civilian. Request to speak with officer about his wife.
•Union St/Titan Tire. Traffic stop. Warning issued; speed.
•Union St/Titan Tire. Traffic stop. Citation issued; speed.
•1323 E Wilson St. Assist civilian. Request to speak with an officer regarding trespassing.
•303 Center St. Parking violation. Report of 3 vehicles parked that makes it difficult to get out of the alley.
•Goodwill. Lockout.
•Union Trailer Court. Assist civilian. Request officer.
•US 6/State Route 127. Non-injury accident.
•Lynn St/Wilson St. Non-injury accident. Citation issued; stop sign.
•S Union St/Titan Tire. Traffic stop. Citation issued; speed.
•Bryan Recycling. Assist civilian. Report of disabled vehicle there.
•100 S Main St block. Traffic stop. Warning issued; speed.
•874 E Bryan St. Lockout.
•Main St/Bryan St. Traffic stop. Citation issued; speed.
•Main St/Bement St. Traffic stop. Citation issued; speed.
•Main St/Bryan St. Traffic stop. Citation issued; speed and temporary permit violation.
•N State Route 15. Traffic stop. Warning issued; speed.
•Main St/Trevitt St. Traffic stop. Warning issued; headlights required.
•908 Center St. Assist civilian. Request to speak with officer; complainant does not know full details to the story and wanted advice on the situation.
•Bard Manufacturing. 911 hang-up.
•Union St/YengFang. Citation issued; driving under suspension; warning issued; speed.
•511 Olive Dr. Neighbor trouble. Report of juveniles screaming from 8 am-4 pm; advised of complaint.
•1117 Fairlawn Dr. 911 hang-up.
•Wal-Mart. Harassment. Report of harassment; spoke with both parties and advised to leave each other alone.
•415 N Williams St. Dog complaint. Report of the neighbor’s dog on his property.
•Wal-Mart. Shopifting. Report of attempted shoplifting.
•Union St/High St. Auto violation. Report of semi blocking the roadway.
•Bryan Police Department. Assist other department. Person at department for fingerprinting.
•Main St/Brunicardi Way. Non-injury accident.
•300 W Mulberry St block. Non-injury accident.
•215 S Portland St. Dog complaint. Report of 3 German Shepherds running loose.
•Markey Dr/Center Ridge Rd. Property found. Abandoned adult tri-cycle found in the middle of the road.
•500 E Perry St. Dog complaint. Report of dog running loose.
•S Union St/Hill Forklift Repair. Traffic stop. Citation issued; speed.
•Plaza Motel. Auto violation. Report of a possible intoxicated person.
•Bryan Police Department. Warrant. Warrant service; report taken.
•US 127/Pahl’s Ready Mix. Warning issued; speed.
•416 N Walnut St. Breaking & Entering. Complainant reports that when he returned home a person was in his residence.
•200 N Main St block. Traffic stop. Warning issued; speed.
•Walnut St/Trevitt St. Traffic stop. Citation issued; stop sign, Warning issued; expired registration, two tail lights required.
•632 S Cherry St. Assist civilian. Request to speak with an officer.
•Walnut St/Eagles. Traffic stop. Warning issued; failure to maintain lane.
•Mulberry St/Beech St. Assist civilian.
•509 S Lebanon St. Fire alarm. Homeowner advised to cancel.
•327 Arthur Dr. Lockout.
•403 E Wilson St. Assist civilian. Request to speak with officer.
•Tiffin River. Warrant. Ohio State Patroll was out with Justin Lantow; warrant out for him.
•County Road 13/Townline Rd. Auto violation. Report of blue Honda Odyssey; unable to locate.
•700 S Main St block. Dog complaint. Dog running loose.
•Center St/Beech St. Juvenile complaint. Report of a 3-5 year old female on a bike with no supervision.
•415 Olive Dr. Mischief. Report that the registration sticker was removed from his license plate.
•429 E Wilson St. Dog complaint. Report of an injured German Shepherd beside the street at his residence.
•State Route 15. Traffic stop. Citation issued; speed, no motorcycle endorsement.
•Enterprise St/High St. Traffic stop. Warning issued; speed.
•539 Center St. Harassment. Report of telecommunication harassment; report taken.
•Shell Spee-D-Mart. Traffic stop. Warning issued; two headlights required.
•100 S Cherry St block. Suspicious person. Advised person to have proper lighting on his bicycle when riding at night.
•Main St/Maple St. Traffic stop. Citation issued; driving under suspension.
•Current Office Solutions. Lockout.
•Evansport Rd/Union St. Traffic stop. Warning issued; speed.
•High St/County Road 16. Traffic stop. Citation issued; driving without license on him, Warning issued; speed, seat belt.
•923 Mayer St. Forgery/fraud. Report of fraud; report taken.
•Mulberry St/Lynn St. Assist civilian. Well-being check requested; person returned home.
•871 E Trevitt St. Breaking & Entering. Request to speak with officer regarding possible breaking & entering; no report, extra patrol requested.
•211 Carson Dr. 911 hang-up.
•Powertrain Components. Lockout.
•Bryan Police Department. Assist civilian. Request officer to speak with juvenile.
•Amtrak Station. Suspicious person. Report of suspicious person; unable to locate.
•334 N Walnut St. Assist civilian. Request officer.
•Wilson St/Union St. Assist civilian. Disabled vehicle.
•Mulberry St/Cherry St. Dog complaints. Report of loose canine.
•600 Circle Dr block. Assist other department. WCCA requests officer.
•Dollar General. Assist civilian. Report of loud truck; only truck in the parking lot was a semi unloading goods.
•Domino’s Pizza. Traffic stop. Warning issued; failure to display registration.
•Main St/Bement St. Traffic stop. Warning issued; two headlights required.
•907 E Maple St. 911 hang-up.
•Dollar General. Disturb peace. Noise complaint.
•Dollar General. Disturb peace. Noise complaint.
•Arrested Kayla Hammond, age 33, of 104 W. Washington St., Montpelier, OH on a warrant out of Bryan Municipal Court. She was taken to CCNO.
•Arrested Dillion Tingley, age 20, of 46 Colonial Dr., Edgerton, OH, for Possession of Marijuana. He was released.
•Arrested Nathan Lam, age 30, of 614 S. Jonesville St., Montpelier, OH, for Domestic Violence. He was taken to CCNO.
•Arrested Tina Johnson, age 41, of 107 E. Jackson St, West Unity, OH, on a warrant for Failure to Appear out of Bryan Municipal Court. She was taken to CCNO.
•Airport Hwy., Found Phone
•Dodge@Walnut, Non-Injury
•Chestnut St., Citizen Assist
•W. Airport Hwy., Accidental Alarm
•E. Airport Hwy., Assist Rescue-ill
•Airport Hwy., Reckless Driver
•Co. Rd. F, Assist Deputy
•Airport Hwy., Runaway Located
•SH 64@Airport, Assist OSP-Crash
•Waterville Sw. Rd., Suspicious Persons
•Waterville Sw. Rd., Kids in Roadway
•S. Fulton Lucas, Assist Deputy
•S. Fulton Lucas, Assist Rescue
•Maddie St., Harassment
•Main St., Parade Assist
•W. Airport Hwy., Suspicious Person
•E. Airport Hwy., Suspicious Person
•W. Airport Hwy., Unlock Vehicle
•S. Main St., Citizen Assist
•Crestwood Dr., Damaged Pole
•S. Munson Rd., Theft
•Garfield Ave., Door-To-Door Sales
•Chestnut St., Loose Dog
•W. Airport Hwy., Dispute
•N. Main St., Domestic Dispute
•Dodge St., Trash Dumping
•E. Airport Hwy., Suspicious Person
•S. Hallett Ave., Unlock Vehicle
•E. Airport Hwy., Injury Accident
•Peachtree Lane, Delta, Assist Deputy
•Dodge St., Unruly Juvenile
•Paigelynn St., 4-Wheelers On Road
•Crestwood St., Smoke Investigation
•E. Airport Hwy., Suspicious Person
•Dodge@Ivy St., Loud Music
•Bassett@Main St., Suspicious Vehicle
•Airport@Girdham, Warrant Arrest
•S. Hallett Ave., 911 Hang Up
•Main@Chestnut, Unlock Vehicle
•Dodge St., Parking Issue
•Fairfield Dr., Unruly Juveniles
•Holiday Ln., 911 Hang-Up
•Memorial Park, Fight
•Airport@Hallett, Non-injury Crash
•Main@St. Clair, Loose Dog
•Peachtree Crt., Suspicious Vehicle
•W. Airport Hwy., Suspicious Person
•E. Airport Hwy., Reckless Driver
•E. Airport Hwy., Non-injury Crash
•W. Airport Hwy., Road Rage
•Lincoln St., Abandoned Vehicle
•SH 64@Co. Rd. J, Assist Deputy
•Dodge St., Welfare Check
•Lawrence St., Found Bike
•N. Main St., Non-Injury Crash
•N. Main St., Traffic Assist
•Kierra Ln., Civil Dispute
•McDonald’s Lot, Injury Accident
•E. Airport Hwy., 911 Hang Up
•Allen Dr., Property Damage
•Memorial Park, Non-Injury Accident
•Airport@Co. Rd. 2, Possible Fireworks
•Paigelynn St., Fireworks
•Dodge St., Loud Music
•Lawrence St., Citizen Assist
•N. Main St., Car vs. Building
•Airport@SH 64, Drugs
•Chestnut St., Suspicious Person
•Memorial Park, 911 Hang Up
•Swanton Reservoir, Drug Abuse
•Airport@Scott Rd., Animal Complaint
•Paigelynn St., Suspicious Person
•Chestnut St., Tree in Roadway
•N. Main St., Neighbor Dispute
•N. Lincoln St., Lost Items
•Woodland Ave., Unruly Juvenile
•Fairway@Lawrence Ave., Debris/Item in Roadway
•Jefferson St., Lost/Found/Recovered
•230 Clinton St., Threats/Harassment
•231 W. Leggett St., Animal Call
•230 Clinton St., Investigate Complaint
•1024 Mohawk Way, Structural Fire
•E. Linfoot St.@Glenwood, Animal Call
•495 E. Airport Hwy., Accident-Injury
•140 W. Leggett St., Investigate Complaint
• 465 E. Airport Hwy., Alarm Drop
•320 Sycamore St., 911 Hang Up Contact In Person
•Dwight Ave.@Leggett St., Lost/Found/Recovered
•844 N. Shoop Ave., Accident (Property Damage)
•1285 N. Shoop Ave. Unit 106, Juveniles
•203 E. Oak St., Assault
•100-B S. Shoop Ave., Suspicious Activity
•N. Ottokee St.@W. Linfoot St., Suspicious Activity
•840 E. Elm St. Unit 102, Trespassing
•227 Sycamore St., Suspicious Person
•135 W. Linfoot St., Open Door
•820 Highland Dr., 911 Hang Up Contact In Person
•230 Clinton St., Identity Theft
•485 E. Airport Hwy., Larceny
•W. Elm St., Juveniles
•137 S. Franklin St., Juveniles
•247 W. Elm St., Larceny
•1496 N. Shoop Ave., Alarm Drop
•400-B N. Fulton St., Suspicious Vehicle-Maybe Disabled
•Lawrence Ave.@W. Elm St., Debris/Item In Roadway
•1085 Barney Oldfield Dr., Animal Call
•1285 N. Shoop Ave. Unit 93, Suicidal Threats
•248 N. Fulton St., Threats/Harassment
•550 W. Linfoot St., Lost/Found/Recovered
•510 W. Leggett St., Animal Call
•1105 N. Shoop Ave., 911 Hang Up Contact In Person
•230 Clinton St., Run Away or Unruly
•425 Cole St. Unit 208, Burglary
•1400-B N. Shoop Ave., Juveniles
•Fulton Street@RR, Welfare Check
•250 E. Linfoot St. Unit 20, Loud Noise
•1495 N. Shoop Ave., Alarm Drop
•312 Birch St., 911 Hang Up Contact In Person
•1493 N. Shoop Ave. Unit A, Suspicious Vehicle
•288 E. Linfoot St., 911 Hang Up Contact In Person
•840 W. Elm St., Hit-Skip
•840 W. Elm St. Unit 1008, 911 Hang Up Contact In Person
•1285 N. Shoop Ave. Unit 146, Dog Bite
•960 Fairway Ln., 911 Hang Up Contact In Person
•1496 N. Shoop Ave., Investigate Complaint
•840 W. Elm St. Unit 1008, Welfare Check
•404 Cedar St., Investigate Complaint
•222 Darlene Dr., Disorderly Conduct
•525 Vine St., Suicidal Threats
•485 E. Airport Hwy., Accident (Property Damage)
•1462 N. Shoop Ave., Suicidal Threats
•600 Wood St., Suspicious Activity
•1275 N. Shoop Ave., Disorderly Conduct
•1290 N Shoop Ave. Unit 10, Suspicious Vehicle
•619 E. Chestnut St., Suspicious Vehicle
•624 Douglas Dr., Threats/Harassment
•225 E. Linfoot St., 911 Hang Up Contact In Person
•911 Hang-Up
•Medical Emergency
•Medical Emergency
•Wanted Person/Arrest
•Suspicious Activity
•Animal Complaint
•Found Property
•Ordinance Violation (4)
•Property Damage
•Suspicious Activity
•Keep the Peace
•Medical Emergency
•Suspicious Person
•Equipment Violation/Warning
•Unsecured Premise
•Keep the Peace
•Speed/Warning (2)
The following individuals were sentenced in Fulton County Common Pleas Court according to county prosecutor Scott A. Haselman.
•Robert Sweet, 31, of 8050 Co. Rd. 7-2, Delta, OH, previously pleaded guilty to five counts of Pandering Sexually Oriented Matter Involving a Minor. He did knowingly solicit, receive, purchase, exchange, possess, or control materials that showed a minor participating or engaging In a sexual activity.
Judge Jeffrey L. Robinson sentenced Mr. Sweet to 4 years of community control and ordered him to pay prosecution costs and court appointed counsel costs, stay out of bars/taverns, not possess or consume alcohol, abide by an 11:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m. curfew, be held at CCNO until a bed is available at the SEARCH Program, successfully complete the SEARCH Program, and all recommended aftercare, complete the Adult Sexual Offender Treatment Program with the CCFA, to have no electronic devices with internet or photo capabilities, to have no sexually explicit materials; and to have no unsupervised contact with any child under age 18 and to have no relationship with any person who has minor children without the approval from the Probation Officer.
Failure to comply could result in Mr. Sweet spending 17 months in prison for each of the five counts, said sentences to be served concurrently with one another, for a total prison term of 17 months.
Mr. Sweet was found to be a Tier II sex offender, which requires address registration for 25 years, with in-person verification every 180 days with the sheriff of all counties in which he resides.
•John H. Beach, age 25, of Fayette, OH, previously pled guilty to Domestic Violence. According to Fulton County Prosecutor Scott Haselman, Mr. Beach knowingly caused physical harm to a family or household member. Judge Jeffrey Robinson sentenced Mr. Beach to serve 17 months in prison.
The Court ordered that Mr. Beach pay any fees, court-appointed counsel fees, and all prosecution costs.
•Gary Hollstein, Jr., age 46, Toledo, OH, previously pled guilty to Identity Fraud. According to Fulton County Prosecutor Scott Haselman, Mr. Hollstein used the personal identifying information of another person with purpose to represent the other person’s information as his own. Judge Jeffrey Robinson sentenced Mr. Hollstein to one year of community control. He ordered Mr. Hollstein to serve 30 clays in CCNO; pay prosecution costs; successfully complete the Fulton County Cognitive Behavioral Treatment program; not enter bars and/or taverns; comply with an 11:00 p.m. to 6:00 am. curfew; and provide proof of a high school diploma or GED.
Failure to abide by these conditions could result in Mr. Hollstein serving eight months in jail.
•Blackburn, Samuel D (Edgerton, OH) Stop sign. Fine: $71. Costs: $79. Seat belt. Fine: $30. Costs: $40.
•Downs, Kelci L (Montpelier, OH) Theft. Fine: $250. Costs: $154. Jail time: 30 days with 26 days suspended. No future violations within next 5 years, no contact with Walmart.
•Fisher, Zachary A (Bryan, OH) Obstruct official business. Fine: $200. Costs: $90. Jail time: 60 days with 60 days suspended.
•Gipple, William E Jr (Bryan, OH) Dispose of garbage. Fine: $96. Costs: $84.
•John, Brandon S (West Unity, OH) Theft. Fine: $200. Costs: $109. Jail time: 180 days with 180 days suspended. No future violations within next 5 years, restitution $394.17 to Walmart. Criminal trespass. Fine: $200. Costs: $45. Jail time: 30 days with 30 days suspended. No future violations within next 5 years, no contact with Walmart.
•John, Brandon S (West Unity, OH) Theft. Fine: $250. Costs: $109. Jail time: 180 days. No contact with Wild Bill’s Tobacco, restitution $9.86 to prosecutor.
•Maddox, Annette S (Bryan, OH) Resist arrest. Fine: $250. Costs: $204. Jail time: 90 days with 90 days suspended. No future violations within next 3 years, counseling at Shalom, shall report to Bryan Municipal Probation Department on 6-15-20. And follow any and all recommendations of probation and counseling. Disorderly conduct. Fine: $100. Costs: $40.
•Tingley, Dillon M (Edgerton, OH) Possession. Fine: $90. Costs: $85.
•Andres Villalovos, Noah R (Bryan, OH) Speed. Fine: $71. Costs: $79.
•Apt, Corey A (Edgerton, OH) Operator’s license suspension. Fine: $300. Costs: $90. Jail time: 90 days with 90 days suspended. Operator’s license suspended until 9/6/2020. Turn signal. Fine: $35. Costs: $40.
•Bassett, Burton J (Bryan, OH) Speed. Fine: $46. Costs: $79.
•Box, Rachel N (Bryan, OH) Speed. Fine: $46. Costs: $79.
•Brandeberry, Shawn A (Bryan, OH) Stop sign. Fine: $71. Costs: $79.
•Cargle, Jena L (Bryan, OH) Traffic control device. Fine: $46. Costs: $79. Seat belt. Fine: $30. Costs: $40.
•Chaney, Iris R (Bryan, OH) Temporary instruction permit. Fine: $75. Costs: $79.
•Coward, Christina M (Bryan, OH) Speed. Fine: $46. Costs: $79.
•Crisenbery, Bobbi L (Bryan, OH) Assured clear distance ahead. Fine: $71. Costs: $79.
•Deck, Sonya L (Bryan, OH) Stop sign. Fine: $71. Costs: $79.
•Grube, David G (Bryan, OH) Speed. Fine: $46. Costs: $79.
•Juarez, Benjamin A (Bryan, OH) Speed. Fine: $71. Costs: $79.
•Livensparger, Cody E (West Unity, OH) Speed. Fine: $40. Costs: $85.
•Mohley, Elaine M (Edgerton, OH) Traffic control device. Fine: $46. Costs: $79.
•Mohre, Brendon C (Bryan, OH) Failure to yield private drive. Fine: $71. Costs: $79.
•Moore, Ronald L (Bryan, OH) Improper starting and backing. Fine: $71. Costs: $79.
•Morrison, Caleb (Defiance, OH) Speed. Fine: $46. Costs: $79.
•Smead, Scott E (Pettisville, OH) Speed. Fine: $46. Costs: $79.
•Smith, Sharon R (Ney, OH) Stop sign. Fine: $71. Costs: $79.
•Villalovos, Hailey M (Bryan, OH) Speed. Fine: $46. Costs: $79.
•Walz, Ashley E (Montpelier, OH) Stop sign. Fine: $71. Costs: $79.
•Woods, Jeffrey L (Bryan, OH) FRA suspension. Fine: $750. Costs: $79. Operator’s license suspended until 12/15/2020. Plates of another vehicle. Fine: $50. Costs: $40.
•Boyers, Gregory L (Wauseon, OH) Failure to yield. Fine: $102. Costs: $93.
•Ginn, Connor J (Archbold, OH) Assured clear distance ahead. Fine: $102. Costs: $93.
•Hoag, Angela R (Edgerton, OH) Speed. Fine: $47. Costs: $93.
•Miller, Matthew T (Wauseon, OH) Traffic device. Fine: $102. Costs: $93.
•Capital One Bank vs Mireles, Ramiro (Archbold, OH) Judgement amount: $2,904.20.
•Farmers & Merchants State Bank vs Baumgartner, Jared R (Wauseon, OH) Judgement amount: $404.49.
•Farmers & Merchants State Bank vs Ludenman, Benjamin Joseph (Fayette, OH) Judgement amount: $179.57.
•Farmers & Merchants State Bank vs Mcleod, Donald Lee (Archbold, OH) Judgement amount: $634.38.
•Farmers & Merchants State Bank vs Sutton, Travis Levi (Wauseon, OH) Judgement amount: $812.54.
•Hagerman Family Physicians vs Fields, Catherine W (Alvordton, OH) Judgement amount: $130.00.
•Oldfield Village, LLC vs Moore, Angela (Lyons, OH) Judgement amount: $856.53.
•Pondview Veterinary Clinic vs Bennett, Kaitlyn M (Wauseon, OH) Judgement amount: $126.25.
•Pondview Veterinary Clinic vs Hitt, Matthew C (Swanton, OH) Judgement amount: $337.57.
•Pondview Veterinary Clinic vs Lambert, Irene L (Stryker, OH) Judgement amount: $162.17.
•Pondview Veterinary Clinic vs Matthews, Angel (Wauseon, OH) Judgement amount: $141.02.
•Pondview Veterinary Clinic vs Mullins, Christine M (Stryker, OH) Judgement amount: $392.56.
•Pondview Veterinary Clinic vs O’Neill, Brad (Bryan, OH) Judgement amount: $690.93.
•Pondview Veterinary Clinic vs Stuckey, Felicia M (Ridgeville Corners, OH) Judgement amount: $709.46.
•Pondview Veterinary Clinic vs Taylor, Andrea J (Delta, OH) Judgement amount: $85.01.
•Pondview Veterinary Clinic vs Taylor, Theresa (Archbold, OH) Judgement amount: $1,313.92.
•Skates Apartments I vs Montes, Charlene (Wauseon, OH) Judgement amount: $840.31.
•Tri-state Medical Supply vs Scott, Gary (Delta, OH) Judgement amount: $477.30.