On Monday December 2nd, 2014 the West Unity Area Chamber of Commerce Board Meeting was called to order and pledge of Allegiance was followed by roll call finding all 15 Directors present, 1 absent and 1 guest.
Board heard from Assistant Chief Eisel with the Brady Township Fire Department about a unique equipment need. Eisel demonstrated a two-way radio headset used by the firemen who operate the pumper during fire calls. The headset cost $438 and the Fire Department was looking for donations to cover the cost of a second one since they currently only have one that was purchased with pancake breakfast fundraiser money. The Board asked questions and after discussion, it was moved and seconded to donate $219.00 or half the cost of the equipment needs.
After hearing from the guests, the Board continued with regular session approving the minutes of November 5th, 2013 and approving the December 2014 Treasurers Report. The Santa Committee provided an update detailing upcoming Santa Parade and Visit set for December 6th . Old Business and New Business was next. The Board covered updates to insurance, reviewed By –Laws, approved the 2015 schedule and accepted, with regret, the resignation of Katie Baltosser effective Dec. 31st .
A motion to suspend the rules and enter into elections was made and seconded. Nominations for the 2015 Officers was Alan Bennett, President; Kathy Merillat, Vice President; Dan Woodring, General Manager; Pat Burkholder, Treasurer; and Ann Spicer, Secretary. Nominations were accepted and the vote was unanimous.
In closing, committee assignments will be handed out during the January meeting and the Board thanked Terri Lebowsky and Katie Baltosser for their hard work these past years on the Chamber. Meeting adjourned at 8:22PM with the next meeting scheduled for January 5th, 2015 at 7pm in the Library Conference Room.