HANDLING LEGISLATION … Council members Shawn Blaisdell, Nathan Massie, and Terri LeBowsky deliberate on Ordinance 2025-4.
By: Brenna White
The West Unity Village Council meeting took place Thursday, March 13th, at 7:30pm. In attendance were all but council member Dave Short. The meeting was opened with a prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance.
First on the agenda was the approval of the employment of Buckeye Pumps to diagnose any issues within the township. This would be the first step of deciding what needs to be fixed in the community.
After approving the minutes of last month’s meeting on February 13th, Mayor Don Leu introduced speaker Mike Pilaski, from Superior Communications.
Pilaski told the council that there has been an agreement on all drawings and their project will be on track for mid-summer completion.
This is a demolition process for the building located next to the local AT&T tower. The leftover lots are being considered to be put up for sale.
Leu presented the legislative ordinances. Ordinance 2025-1, involving cap fees, passed its second reading. No additional changes were made.
Ordinance 2025-2, which omits burial fee requirements, also had its second reading. Higdon commented that recent legislation has passed that would reimburse the town for burial fees upon request.
Ordinance 2025-4 would permanently increase water and sewer funds for West Unity. A motion was passed to suspend the current rules before approving the ordinance.
Resolution 3-2025-3 would focus on fixing the culvert on Route 127. This would be a state funded project, and once finished, handed back over to the township.
They expect the road to be closed during construction, but not much information is available to the public yet. No start time has been released.
The West Unity monthly police report showed no significant uptick in crime. The administrative report mentioned how construction on South Main Street has almost been completed. They estimated one more day to finish on Friday the 14th, and to focus on cleaning up afterwards.
The administration expressed interest in fixing the parking lots on the same street as well, as they are experiencing a lot of wear and tears.
There is also a plan set in motion to redo the sidewalks on Jackson Street, specifically the one outside of Wyse Guys, with leftover funds.

Sarah Higdon gave the clerk’s report. The American Legion will be donating flags and banners for all of uptown. This includes the village office and both local parks. They will be responsible for all damage and future replacement.
The liquor license has been approved for the Millcreek Deli and a secondary location. The council requires no hearing.
There will be two big trash pick-ups days for West Unity. The northside’s will be the 8th and 9th of May. The southside’s will be the 15th and 16th of May.
Mayor Leu gave a proclamation declaring the month of February as Career and Tech Education month in honor of the students at Four County.
It is meant to encourage the youth to participate in authentic, meaningful experiences that improve the quality of their education.