ALVORDTON SEWER PROJECT … An agreement was made to purchase easements for upcoming sewer projects in Alvordton.
By: Renea Kessler
On Thursday, September 5th, the Williams County Commissioners held their regular meeting, which began at 9:00 a.m. The first order of business was passing several resolutions.
The following resolutions were approved:
Resolution 24-0296: This resolution approves the Williams County Auditor to create new lines and make supplemental appropriations from the funds as follows: Williams County Commissioners: $29,400 from Unappropriated to Contract Services for Well Monitoring services through USGS; Williams County SWCD: $63,011 from Unappropriated to Salaries (Employees), Medicare, and PERS for amending the budget to hire a second H2Ohio Employee.
Resolution 24-0297: This resolution approves the Agreement for the Purchase of Easement between Joseph Kieffer and Williams County Ohio Commissioners for the Alvordton Sewer Project, at a cost not to exceed $3,000, on behalf of the Williams County Engineer.
Resolution 24-0298: This resolution approves the quote from P&R Communications for programming Link Layer Software in 4 Dispatch Radios, at a cost not exceeding $150.00 as a one-time programming fee. It also authorizes Heather Mercer to electronically sign through DocuSign for the sole purpose of the completion.
Resolution 24-0299: This resolution approves the U.S. Geological Survey Joint Funding Agreement for Water Resource Investigation, at a cost not to exceed $29,400.
The agreement is with USGS to continue well-monitoring services in Williams County for the study of the Michindoh Aquifer.
At 9:30 a.m., the commissioners entered an executive session to discuss Employment and Collective Bargaining, as per Resolution 24-0300.
Following the executive session, Resolution 24-0300 was approved. This resolution approves the Agreement submitted by Patrick Hire, Clemans Nelson, and Associates to the Williams County Commissioners, between the Williams County Board of Commissioners and the International Union of Police Association effective upon signing through December 31, 2026.
Upon returning from the executive session, the commissioners approved Resolution 24-0300, and a copy of the Agreement will be on file at the Williams County Communications Agency. With no further matters to discuss, the meeting was adjourned.