BOARD OF DEVELOPMENTAL DISABILITIES … The Williams County Commissioners hand the Board of DD a proclamation for Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month. Pictured are (First Row L-R) Leigha Busha, Kenli Good, Andrea Hammond, Lindsey Ames (Second Row L-R) Ben Baldwin, Nicki Rigelman, Michelle Rose, Commissioner Westfall, Michael DeBona, Dan Bell, Commissioner Lirot, Jason Miller, Dawson “Turkey” Miller, Ashley Nowak, Megan Allman, Ashley Hendress.
By: Renea Kessler
Williams County Engineer Todd Roth met with the Williams County Commissioners on Thursday, March 6, to discuss whether the county should adopt a fourth five-dollar motor vehicle license tax.
The county receives gas tax, which the state of Ohio increased in 2019 to 38.5 cents; however, the percentage received by the county is only 5/100 of a penny per gallon of gas.
This license tax took effect in 2017, and Roth believes it would benefit the county to assist in funding capital projects. “We work hard to offset the costs and secure funding for capital projects,” said Roth.
The engineer’s budget amounts to $5.6 million, with 32% allocated for wages, 7% for fuel, 10% for equipment, 4% for salt, 4% for facilities, 4% for miscellaneous expenses, 10% for the asphalt program, 10% for the chip seal program, and 19% for capital projects.
The county has to cover 396 miles of roads for repairs, and with that comes many issues.
-Rising material costs: Stone costs up 30% and Emulsion costs up 15%. Equipment costs up 8%
-Bridges are infrastructure and cost money: River Crossings: roughly $1 million per bridge; Creek Crossings: roughly $0.6-.08 million per bridge; Ditch Crossing: roughly $125-250k per bridge; Large pipes: $35-70k per bridge
-Lack of funding opportunities.
-EV’s and high efficiency vehicles: Pay an annual fee in addition to other registration fees. The fee is $200 for EVs, $150 for plug-in hybrid electric vehicles, and $100 for hybrid electric vehicles.
-Subdivisions: Costly, the last phase cost was $678,511

-Evolution of the farmer
Projections for gas tax collections in the upcoming years do not look favorable, indicating that the state may experience significant revenue loss. By 2050, it is estimated that this revenue loss could reach approximately $1 million.
Currently, the county imposes two $5 license taxes. For one license tax, the county is receiving $130,000, while the other brings in $135,000.
Additionally, there is a cap on the amount that can be collected, and the Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR) determines how these funds are distributed.
Roth is requesting a resolution from the commissioners to proceed with adopting the fourth five-dollar motor vehicle license tax.
This tax needs to be implemented by July 1 to ensure that the county can start collecting it next year on new vehicle registrations.

The commissioners did not reach a decision during the meeting; instead, they agreed to hold a work session to discuss the matter in further detail.
Additionally, during the meeting, the commissioners signed a proclamation declaring March 2025 as Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month in Williams County. They also recognized the week of March 10, 2025, as Developmental Disabilities Advocacy Week.
The next commissioners meeting will be held at Cookies on Demand in Montpelier on Tuesday, March 11 for Coffee with Commissioners.