JUNIOR FAIR BOARD INVOLVEMENT Lengthy discussion was held on how to best impact the local youth as well as how to give them the best junior fair board experience possible
By: Anna Wozniak
The Williams County Agricultural Society met for November on the 16th at 7 p.m. They were in executive session with no action from 7:58-8:18 p.m., and adjourned at 8:51 p.m.
The treasurer’s report was accepted as presented after discussion was held on why the bank charged the society an excessive use fee for cash deposits and withdrawals during fair week.
The minutes from the October 2023 meeting were approved as presented, and then committee reports were given.
An interactive presentation was given relating to the junior fair board, and details concerning the annual conference were discussed.
More research will need to be done into what will be installed in honor of Crista Wortkeotter for being crowned both Williams County and Ohio State Fair Queen, as well as into whom the board will be partnering with to replace the hog pens.
The quotes received thus far are putting each pen at $400, which the board is concerned is just not feasible to accrue via sponsorship and fundraising.
Signers were then approved for the checking, livestock, and savings accounts, and the financial institutions and standing policies were approved as presented.
It was upon returning from executive session that the board voted on three Auxiliary Director applications, unanimously voting to approve Caleb Haines and Tanner Stickney as Auxiliary Directors.
It was also decided that a holiday arrangement class will be held at the grounds on December 14th.
Then discussed was the tentative schedule for the upcoming fair, with promises on all sides to contact vendors and solidify plans.
Details were then confirmed for the upcoming director’s Christmas party before President Pam Goll shared that the Williams County Pork Producers made a donation for the roof on the Swine Barn.
When Goll shared details on winter storage, it was decided that locks would be purchased for the campgrounds before the meeting was adjourned at 8:51 p.m.