TOP COP Lieutenant Darrell Higbie was presented the Williams County 2023 Top Cop Award by Williams County Prosecuting Attorney Katherine J Zartman on Monday August 21st
By: Anna Wozniak
The Top Cop Award for Williams County was given out Monday, August 21, 2023, and those in attendance could not have been prouder to help honor and congratulate Lieutenant Darrell Higbie.
Lieutenant Higbie has been with the Montpelier Police Department for a quantitative 25 years, serving under three police chiefs and five prosecutors.
Darrell, his wife, Chris, and their two kids, Sarah, and Aiden, were thanked for the commitment it takes as a family to have someone you love putting their life on the line to make the world a better place.
Williams County Prosecuting Attorney Katherine J. Zartman noted that Lieutenant Higbie’s efforts make “a difference in the community,” going on to share how Lieutenant Higbie has saved lives.
She then recounted two particular cases, one wherein Lieutenant Higbie received thanks from a former drug addict for being the only person in the world to believe in them, as well as an incident where Lieutenant Higbie saved a child that had been kidnapped in the 90s.
Lieutenant Higbie has been nominated for this award several times for his heroic deeds, and Prosecutor Zartman thanked him again for working to make Montpelier a safer place before officially presenting Lieutenant Higbie with the Williams County 2023 Top Cop Award.
Anna can be reached at anna@thevillagereporter.com