AWARD… Brigadier General McCue presents Colonel Michael J. DiDio with the Legion of Merit for his exceptionally meritorious conduct in the performance of outstanding services. (PHOTO BY JACOB KESSLER, STAFF)
By: Jacob Kessler
The 180th Fighter Wing, located by the Toledo Express Airport just East of Swanton, held a change of command ceremony on Saturday, October 15th. The Wing, previously under the command of Colonel Michael J. DiDio, was transferred to Colonel Chad E. Holesko who assumed command during the ceremony.
During the ceremony Father Michael Dandurand gave an invocation before the official party came on to the stage.
While on the stage, Brigadier General Gary McCue, Adjutant General for Air, Ohio National Guard, presented Colonel DiDio with the Legion of Merit for his exceptionally meritorious conduct in the performance of outstanding services.
During the presentation of the award the following was read aloud. Part of the statement is as follows.
“Colonel Michael J. DiDio distinguished himself by exceptional meritorious conduct in the performance of outstanding service to the United States as the Wing Commander, 180th Fighter Wing, from 10 November 2019 to 30 September 2022.”
“Colonel DiDio excelled in this assignment by providing command and guidance to four Groups, twelve Squadrons and over one-thousand military personnel and two-hundred fifty civilian employees; directing an annual $100 million budget and managing over $1 billion in military assets.”
The statement continued with, “Colonel DiDio’s strategic leadership facilitated the deployment of over four hundred Airmen to seven countries in 2020, during the initial stages of the COVID-19 pandemic, while providing over one hundred Airmen to support state humanitarian COVID-19 relief efforts.”
“With half of the Wing members activated, Colonel DiDio’s steadfast leadership enabled the remaining Wing members to continue expertly maintaining the Aerospace Control Alert homeland defense mission, safeguarding the lives of over six million American citizens.”
Following the award presentation, Brigadier General McCue and outgoing commander Colonel DiDio participated in the passing of the flag.
According to the Air Force, this tradition stems from military history and goes back to the 18th century during the reign of King Frederick the Great of Prussia.
The flag for the 180th Fighter Wing was passed to Colonel DiDio who then passed it to General McCue to signify his relinquishment of command.
New commander Colonel Holesko then proceeded to receive the flag from General McCue, thereby taking command of the wing.
Following the passing of the flag, a name change took place on the lead F-16 Fighter Jet that was in the hanger.

The name was changed from Pilot: Col Michael “Guido” DiDio to Pilot: Col Chad “Stitch” Holesko.
Both the outgoing and incoming commanders gave speeches as well before the ceremony concluded.
Following the ceremony, Colonel Michael DiDio received items from Congresswoman Kaptur, Congressman Latta and Perrysburg Mayor Mackin.
A certificate was received by Congresswoman Kaptur, a proclamation was received by Mayor Mackin and a flag that had been specially flown over the Capital Building was presented by Congressman Latta.
The flag was flown to honor his retirement after twenty-seven years of dedicated service to the United States Air Force and Air National Guard.
Colonel Holesko steps in to the fill the role of commander for the 180th Fighter Wing. Colonel Holesko’s career spans more than twenty-three years in the United States Air Force.

He currently has more than 3,300 flight hours in the T-37B, T-38A, AT-38B and the F-16. Colonel Holesko was previously the Commander of the Maintenance Group for the 180th Fighter Wing.
Before heading out from the ceremony, the previous and current commanders had the following to say.
“It’s a tremendous honor to be a wing commander and this is one of the premier fighter wings in all the Air National Guard and the Air Force.”
“It’s kind of overwhelming, especially to be following in Colonel DiDio’s spot.”
“He’s been such a really really good commander and all of our commanders in the past have been amazing.”
“Hopefully I follow in their footsteps and execute at the level that they do. This community in Northwest Ohio is awesome.”

“We have a great pool to recruit from, it makes us as good as we are and I hope to continue that,” said Colonel Holesko.
“It was an honor. I feel like the three years that I had as wing commander of this fine organization was an incredible experience, and I am also excited about the wing’s future under Colonel Holesko.”
“I think he’s going to do great things for it. Overall, it’s a joyous day and I think it’s not only a good traditional ceremony that were doing here in front of everybody but also a symbolic one of continuing the guard, of leading the wing into new things,” said Colonel DiDio.
Jacob can be reached at