HELPING HANDS DONATION … Shown during the check presentation are Linda Willis, Connie Dye, Fred Miller, and Chad Adams.
In June 20/20 Custom Molded Plastics made a donation of $1,000 to Helping Hands. Chad Adams, the president of 20/20, shared insight into the donation and the meaningful relationship between 20/20 and Helping Hands.
The donation is part of the Inteplast Cares program, through which the company’s manufacturing leadership, including plant managers and presidents of affiliate companies, aims to strengthen and build bridges in communities and neighboring areas.
This can involve supporting food pantries, veterans’ groups, shelters, educational programs, or scholarships.
“Several years ago, 20/20 organized a food drive in our Holiday City location. Employees brought in items to donate to the Helping Hands Food Pantry.”
“Helping Hands is located in Montpelier which is the closest town to the plant. Montpelier is also the community in which the largest portion of our employees reside.”
“Personally, I became aware of the food pantry when I got involved in scouting 13 years ago. Our Cub Scout Pack and Boy Scout Troop would do a food drive in Montpelier annually.”
“The scouts would go around town picking up donations that the community left out on their porches. The items we picked up were then delivered to Helping Hands.”
“I was also on the United Way of Williams County’s board for 5 years. Helping Hands Food Pantry was one of the organizations that the United Way supported.”
“Helping Hands is doing a great service in our local community by providing food to those in need. I’m thankful that we were able to help them out with a donation as part of the Inteplast Cares program”, said Adams.