The Hilltop Cadets have enjoyed an exceptionally strong start to their 2015 football season, a trend they hope to continue as they square off against Ottawa Hills on October 9th. As the team has begun preparing for the game, the rest of the students have rallied behind them to show their support and selected those who will reign over the game and festivities.
This year’s freshman attendant, Haley Sexton, is escorted by Riley Burdine. Riley is the son of Riley Burdine, Jr. and Rachelle Burdine. Riley is involved in both football and quiz bowl. In his spare time, Riley enjoys hunting, fishing, watching football, and spending time with Haylee and his family. Riley’s future plans include joining the Army.
No information was available for Haylee Sexton at the time of this printing.
The sophomore attendant, Kara Brown, will be escorted by Mitchell Tule. Kara is the daughter of Ken and Laura Brown. Kara is involved in cross country, basketball, track, and her church youth group. In her spare time, she enjoys hanging out with friends, drawing, watching movies, photography, checking her social media, and playing sports. Her future plans include going to college, where she hopes to study Psychology, and then she wants to settle down and start a family.
Mitchel is the son of Sandy Cox and Chris Tule. He is involved in baseball and FFA. He spends his spare time lifting weights, hunting, and fishing. His future plans include going to college, but his major has yet to be determined.
Junior attendant Zoey Abner will be escorted by Quinn Smith. Zoey is the daughter of Maria Abner. She is involved in volleyball and softball. In her spare time, Zoey enjoys spending time with her family and friends. Her future plans include pursuing a career in cosmetology and working in a salon. After she saves enough money, she would like to own her own salon. Finally, she hopes to travel the world with her best friend, Caleb.
Quinn is the son of Mike and Abbie Smith. As a student of Hilltop, Quinn is involved in football, basketball, baseball, and FFA. In his spare time, he enjoys watching sports, spending time with his girlfriend, and hanging out with his friends. His future plans include going to college, earning a degree, and living on a farm with a lot of animals.
The senior attendant, Lauren Garett, will be escorted by Nate Dorsey. Lauren is the daughter of Abby and Homer Hendricks and the late Jim Garrett. She is involved in band and National Honor Society. In her spare time, Lauren is involved in Jazz, tap, and modern dance at the Bryan Community School of Dance and Ballet on Pointe at the Ballet Theatre of Toledo. Her future plans include going to college and majoring in Performing Arts and possibly Nutrition. After college, she hopes to move to a big city and join a dance company. Once retiring from ballet, Lauren plans to become a full-time nutritionist.
Reigning over the Homecoming game and festivities will be Queen Kaylista Underwood and King Joe Schilling. Kaylista is the daughter of Mishelle Hall and Troy Underwood. She is involved in cheerleading, the school drama club, musical, and class president. In her spare time, Kaylista going on adventures with her best friend, Malorie, crafting, painting, and being with her family. Her future plans include attending college and majoring in Journalism/Communications. After graduation, she would like to become a news broadcaster. She hopes to marry her Marine, start a family and live a “Happily ever after” kind of story.
Joe is the son of Jason and Hope Shilling. He is involved in football, track, and FFA, where he serves as Vice President. In his spare time, Joe enjoys hunting pheasant and deer, snowmobiling, vacationing, and hanging out with his friends. His future plans include heading out west to join a custom harvest crew for a season or two. After he has saved enough money, Joe wants to come back to attend college at The Ohio State University-ATI in Wooster.
Crowning Kaylista as the new queen this year will be last year’s king, Justin Ashenfelter. Due to a scheduling conflict, last year’s queen, Autumn Jermeay, will be unavailable. Last year’s king, Justin Ashenfelter attends Ashland University.
The flower girl for the festivities is Emily Marvin, daughter of Jason and Jennifer Marvin. Emily is a dancer at Bryan Community School of Dance, she is a Girl Scout Daisy, and she likes to color and paint with her brother. Emily hopes to be a music and art teacher someday. Carrying the crown this evening is the crown bearer, Liam Stover, son of Rachel Farnham and Ryan Mumaw. Liam’s activities include going to the library, playing with friends, playing video games, drawing and reading. In the future, he’d like to be a firefighter.
Chelsie can be reached at