The last meeting of the Franklin Blue Ribbons 4-H Club was May 19. Quality Assurance is required to be done by May 31. If you do not attend one you cannot exhibit at the fair. If you are wanting to drop a project notify Kelly by June 1st. Hogs, Sheep, Feeder Calves, and Rabbits must be in your possession by June 1st.[emember_protected custom_msg=”Full content protected for online subscribers. Purchase a one week subscription from the top menu bar for just $1.99 to read all online content (full access). Longer subscription plans are also available. Subscriptions cover our costs to attend local events; bringing forth Hometown News Coverage to our communities.”] The rabbits skillathon is July 16th, Poultry is July 15th, and beef, sheep and swine is on August 28th. The rabbits mandatory tattoo date is July 23 from 4-8pm at the Rabbit Building. Demonstrations were done by Trista, Alexis, Brayden, Carli, Roman and Ashton. The next meeting is June 17th at 7pm at Kyle Link’s home.
Reported By: Cady Stockburger