Question: The President has proposed jail time for those who burn the American flag. Do you agree?
1,127 readers voted with 917 (81%) in favor of jail time for flag burning while 210 (19%) are opposed to it.
Comments included:
Melony Mercer-My heart says yes, but my mind knows that it is their right. However, if they want to burn the flag …. maybe they should move to another country that supports their beliefs.
Catherine Summers-While I personally DO NOT believe in burning the flag, it is not my right or place to tell someone they cannot as it is their constitutional right per the 1st amendment to do so.
Rachel Pridham-Nope. Freedom of expression. Or do we only protect rights that the supreme ruler agrees with , now? In that case do away with the constitution all together.
(Reply) Josh Straka-I think people have the right to burn the flag even though pains me to see people do it. Not disagreeing with what you shared Devyn.Burning the flag is an expression of idea. Expression of ideas is protected under first amendment. That’s what I understand and that’s what the court concluded in US vs Eichman. I’m saying, there is no freedom of expression. You are free to express many things, but not all expressions are free to be expressed.
Elizabeth Jaclyn-As much as I find it an ugly thing to do, it is protected under the First Amendment.
Terry McIntosh-Jail time no but a free ticket to the country of their choice yes, if your not happy here or don’t like the rules and laws move..Russia, China, South America, Africa or where ever….Move there and convert them to your ways of thinking please, don’t forget to let us know how that works out for you
Paul Lawson-Looks like 78% of people are ok with government infringing on our 1st amendment. I wander if they would be ok if they did the same with the 2nd amendment
(Reply) Melony Mercer–Paul Lawson, if they want to burn it….move to a country that better supports their beliefs.
(Reply) Lynette Rosendaul–Melony Mercer, You mean better supports your beliefs. Americans are allowed to disagree with their government and burn flags to express it
(Reply) Liam Feathers–Melony Mercer, you can’t simultaneous demand others go back to their country and change it before coming here and tell people here to leave this country for trying to change it.
Jennifer Beroske O’Brien-NO burning flags!!!! It is one of THEE most DISRESPECTFUL acts towards our great nation. It is NOT a right. Love the country you’re in or get out. Go try and burn a flag in France or Germany or Russia or anywhere else. Bet you don’t have a “right”. Tired of people taking our AWESOME constitution and trying to use it for wrongful acts. It’s a disgrace to our military, our government and to our fine people. How far do you really think the disgusting disrespect should go?