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By: Timothy Kays
The Fulton County Board of Commissioners convened in regular session on the morning of August 27. The Commissioners adopted Resolution 2020-584, entering into Cooperative Agreement 2020-81 with York Township. According to the agreement, York Township and Fulton County are entering into the cooperative agreement to submit an application to the Ohio Public Works Commission for the resurfacing of Road C (SR109 to Swancreek Township Line) and Road L (West of 25 to SR66).
York Township will provide funds for the resurfacing of Road C (SR109 to Swancreek Township Line) equal to approximately 17% of the total application. York Township agrees to pay its portion of the resurfacing of Road C as invoices are due.
Fulton County will provide funds for the resurfacing of Road L (West of 25 to SR66) equal to approximately 83% of the total application. Fulton County agrees to pay its portion of the resurfacing of Road L as invoices are due.
Funds for the Fulton County local share will come from Engineer’s 2420 Fund. York Township authorizes Fulton County to serve as lead applicant and to sign all necessary documents. Fulton County agrees to be the lead applicant and sign all necessary documents.
In action on behalf of the Fulton County Dog Warden, the Commissioners instated a $20.00 per trip ‘Retrieval Fee’ for requests for the mobile pick up of a dog. The fee will take effect in 2021.
The Commissioners agreed to Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) #2020-82 with the German Township Trustees to install ‘Welcome to Pettisville’ signs at the Pettisville Lift Station. The MOU states that the Township agrees that it shall maintain the sign in good order (i.e., that it is neatly painted, free of rust, etc.).
The license described in the MOU may be revoked by the County at any time by providing written notice to the Township.
The County agrees that if the license described in this MOU is revoked, the Township shall be provided with a reasonable period of time to remove the sign. The parties further agree that nothing in the MOU shall require the Township to place or keep a sign on County property, and that the Township is free to remove the sign at any time.
The Commissioners agreed to a video surveillance policy to define the regulation of installation and use of video surveillance systems of all property owned or otherwise occupied by the Commissioners.
This policy regulates the installation and use of video surveillance systems for safety and security purposes on the real property owned, leased or otherwise maintained by the Fulton County Board of Commissioners.
This policy is adopted to formalize procedures for the installation of surveillance equipment and the handling, viewing, retention, dissemination, and destruction of surveillance recordings. This policy does not imply nor guarantee that surveillance cameras will be monitored in real time.
The Commissioners received notice that three delinquent Northeast Water System accounts have been paid in full, and they thereby granted a request to remove the current certified amount of lien against the accounts.
Christina Deehr, a planner at Maumee Valley Planning Organization, addressed the Commissioners about CARES Act grant applications. She said that she was working closely with the Ohio Development Services Agency to apply for CARES Act money for organizations within the county.
The Federal and State government/agencies are in the early planning stages of this grant, and pre-apps are currently accepted.