MONTPELIER: June 5, 2014- The “Friends of the Montpelier Parks, Inc.” held their quarterly meeting on June 5 at the Parks Recreation Office. In attendance were public board members Paul McCord, Chris Kirk, and Marilyn McKelvey. Also in attendance were Park Board Representatives Lexie Zuver, Darold Moore and Doug Summers along with Kelly Hepner (Finance Director), Don Brown (Park Supervisor) and Sandy Gordon (Recreation Director and Secretary).
The first item on the agenda was the adoption of the previous meeting’s minutes, which were unanimously accepted. The board also received the financial report and unanimously accepted it into the record.
Next on the agenda was a presentation by Rev. Richard Blank to the board regarding a proposed “Student Shelter” at the “Storrer Park” sponsored and supported by the Montpelier Ministerial Association. The purpose of the shelter would be to provide students waiting for the bus to school protection from unpleasant weather conditions and also to provide the community a nice addition to the park facility. The project would be funded by the Ministerial Association with the funds given to the Park Board for management during the scope of the project. A contractor would complete concrete work for the proposed project, but volunteers through the Ministerial Association would provide the remaining construction labor. After a motion to establish a budget line for the project, the proposal received unanimous support to proceed.
The next item on the agendas was a brief on the recreational activities for the park. It was noted that the summer’s guide for Montpelier Parks and Recreation was complete and may be picked up at the village library or through the parks Department. The guide is also available online the Montpelier parks and recreation Website ( It was also noted that the Village Swimming Pool will open its doors on Monday, June 9 as well as the Summer Parks Lunch Program.
The board also heard a park facility update. The main activity being completed was the ongoing spring maintenance and preparation for summer activities. In additional business, it was motioned and approved that a plaque will be installed in memorial of Norman Willaby and will be placed on the flagpole by the park shelter. The board also approved the movement of funds from the general account to the Main Street Park in the amount of $250.00 for Trick-or-Treat events in October, which received unanimous approval.
Don Brown, Park Supervisor, briefed the board on upcoming work and projects in the park over the summer. It was noted that funds from the Village Council for renovation of the Tennis Courts and Basketball Courts have been approved and work will commence in the near future on the approved project. Mr. Brown also noted a new employee, Montpelier’s Dalton Surby, came on board and is now working for the summer in the park maintenance department.
The board’s next meeting will be held in the recreation Office on September 4th, with a meeting also on the agenda scheduled for December 4th, 2014.