TEACHER OF THE MONTH … Mrs. Sharon Hunt was chosen by fellow teachers and the students of Edon High School for recognition. Comments made concerning Mrs. Hunt were “Sharon always goes above and beyond for spirit days. She is always excited and shows enthusiasm around students. She is a positive person to be around.” And from the students, “Mrs. Hunt always makes my day. She is so funny and nice. She goes out of her way to do anything for us kids and always gives us second chances on everything and understands. When I first came here she made me feel so welcomed and that was very much appreciated. I just wanted to say thank you to her for being there and supportive through everything.” (PHOTO COURTESY EDON SCHOOLS)
By: Rebecca Miller
As the deadlines, for the expenditure of the CARES Act money, get closer, some entities have not had enough ways to spend it and have gotten permission to transfer the money to other entities. Edon Schools graciously accepted two large donations, one for $5000 from Florence Township and one for $20,000 from Northwest Township. Superintendent Anthony Stevens said that the money will definitely be a big help in paying for the PPE they have needed at the school this year.
In other business, the board voted to approve the Consent Agenda which included the minutes for the October 12 meeting, financial reports for October 2020, Amended certificate from auditor, and other donations which included $1497 from Jim Coleman Memorial for FFA; $50 from Dave Reitzel memorial for FFA; $277.12 from State Bank for FFA; $35 from Arion Award for Music; $417 from Music Boosters for Instruments/Drums; $315 from Black Swamp Equipment for Baseball; $125 from Edon Pizza for Volley for the Cure; and $310 from Volleyball 50/50 for Volley for the Cure.
Action Items approved were:
- Five-Year Forecast and Supporting assumptions for FY2021-25
- Recommendation to approve a resolution to participate in META Solutions Cooperative Advertising and Receiving bids for School Bus Chassis and bodies
- Accept the resignation of Casey Massie, Jr. High Cheerleading advisor, effective October 27, 2020 (Board member Jamie Schaffter voted No, while rest voted yes. Massey’s resignation letter said she has “been presented an opportunity closer to home.”)
- Accept the resignation of Carissa Fritsch, Cheerleading Advisor (Winter), effective October 29, 2020 (for Basketball season, and would like to be considered again for the Football Season in 2021)
- Recommendation to approve supplemental contracts for the 20-21 school year, tabling 5th and 6th Grade girls till December meeting
- Recommendation to approve a shared services agreement with Edgerton Local Schools for attendance officer services for 20-21 school year
- Recommendation to approve a Sub-Recipient agreement between Florence Township and Edon School District for CARES Act funding in the amount of $5000
- Same between Northwest Township and Edon School Disrict for CARES Act funding in amount of $20,000
Mr. Stevens informed the Board that “through 11/6/2020 we have reported six cases within our school system which has resulted in 68 close contacts being identified. We have also experienced some isolated quarantine orders for students and staff due to contact tracing that has stemmed from events outside of school.” He assured the board that he “has no intention, at this time, of moving to a remote setting as long as we can continue to staff our facilities.”
Stevens also reported:
- the decision has been made to not have sports practices for the week of November 9, due to the number of quarantines and increase in cases.
- The annual spot bus inspection was held on November 3 and all busses passed with no violations
- The situation caused by a sprinkler head being inadvertently activated, is under control and has been covered by an insurance claim
- October 19 was Professional Development day for the staff and it went really well, with the topic focused on how to take care of themselves mentally and emotionally during this difficult time.
- State Bank donated $5000 to the baseball program, for advertising purposes
- His recommendation that the Board Christmas Dinner not be held this year
- Logo Design that VIP Branding has been helping with for the past year is complete and he asked if they could accept it and move on. The board indicated that they approve.
In her report, High School Principal Kayla Lapham informed the board that the Students of month were Abbie Waters for JH and Ian Hickman for HS. Teachers have been receiving “Shout outs” and Mrs. Hunt was voted by the teachers and students as being October’s Winner. Lapham said that the Remote Learning Practice Days, October 29 and 30, went well for grades 7-12. The Practice ACT will be held on November 18.
As Elementary Principal Jen Ripke was not present, Superintendent Stevens mentioned that her report said that the Parent Teacher Conferences held on Google Meet were successful, despite the fact that the numbers, compared to past years, were down. There are currently eleven students enrolled in the after school support program, and a presenter from Erin’s House out of Fort Wayne is meeting with them once a week to talk about grieving. Som of the students have experienced the loss of a close family member and the school is hoping this helps to meet their needs. The Third Grade Reading Guarantee is wrapping up and all the 3rd graders have completed the state ELA testing.
The meeting ended with the Board going into an Executive Session to discuss personnel, with no action taken.
Rebecca can be reached at publisher@thevillagereporter.com