Superintendent Ken Boyer said that the North Central Eagles were all having a successful season thus far, as part of his report at the October 15, 2012, meeting of the North Central School Board.
In other board business, members approved the consent agenda which included minutes from the last meeting, financial statements and investments from September, and employments. The following persons were added approved for employment:
Joe Fidler E.D. #48 Entry Year Mentor
Nicole Geiser Reading Intervention Specialist (1/2 time) She will also continue as Pre-K Instructor, making her full time.
Lisa Taylor Cafeteria Substitute
Renee Roesener Crossing Guard (1 hour/day)
Pauline Goble Crossing Guard ( 1 ½ hour/day)
Ben Fiser Weight Room Supervisor Volunteer
The board also approved the following resignation:
Reva Goshia Grade 2 Instructor (effective March 7, 2013 for the purpose of retirement)
In his report, elementary principal Paul Jones told the board that the Eagle’s Landing after-school program was being held from 3 pm to 6 pm. Parents are allowed to pick their children up between the hours of 5 – 6 pm. There are also some students in the half-hour Start Your Day Right morning program. In the afternoon program, there are over 55 children enrolled, and they break into groups to work with teachers.
The third grade achievement tests went well. Test results will come back November 16 and will be posted online on November 26.
There will be a Veteran’s Day/Grandparents Day on November 12. The RTI (Read to Intervention) program will start soon. This program will help 4th through 6th graders with their reading skills. The North Central Quiz Bowl team will travel to Montpelier on October 25 for a match.
There will be a two hour delay on October 23, due to teacher’s evaluation. Evaluators will also be with teachers in their classrooms that day.
Superintendent Ken Boyer gave the principal’s report in the absence of junior high/high school principal Tim Rettig. He said that all of the fall sports teams were having a successful year. He noted that the golf team had done particularly well this year, playing 1st in district and 9th in regionals, and were the BBC champions.
He added that the volleyball team would be playing in tournament October 17, and that they had shown improvement this year. The fall season will be ending soon, and he was glad to be able to report a successful season for all of the teams.
Treasurer Eric Smeltzer reported on funds received for the general fund and other funds as follows:
Capital Outlay $174.99
Total General Fund $ 174.99
Misc. State Grant Fund $ 236.84
IDEA Part B Grants $33,535.00
Total Other Funds $33,771.84
He explained that the Food Service fund was running low, but that this would change once their reimbursement from the government was received for the months of August and September for free and reduced lunches for students. Boyer added that 50% of North Central’s students were receiving free or reduced lunches.
Boyer also addressed a rumor about tax abatement monies received from Menards. He said that they were receiving just under $200,000 this year, contrary to the $500,000 some community members believed. He added that they had received $190,000 in 2010, and $193,000 in 2011.
The board approved by-law revisions before going into executive session to discuss personnel items. The meeting was adjourned following the action.