By: Anita Thomas
The West Unity meeting was called to order by Mayor Don leu at 7:30 at the Kissell building, led by the Pledge of Allegiance and was brought to order.
The following council members were present: Kevin Gray, Nathan Massie, Steve Marvin, David Short, and Michael Beals. The following officers were present: Chief JR Jones, Josh Fritsch-Village Administrator, Sarah Higdon-Fiscal Officer, and absent was Terri LaBowsky.
The meeting covered AN ORDINANCE TO MAKE APPROPRIATIONS FOR current expenses, for the Village of West Unity, State of Ohio, during the fiscal year ending December 31,2021.
Before resolutions were heard, safety Concerns for the City of West Unity were addressed. David Short , and Chief Officer Jones spoke on the resolutions from their follow up meeting April 8 ,2021. Both agreed upon adding Industrial parking lot signs for the post office. which will be reserved parking only. The motion was approved by all council members present.
Also addressed was the parking lot on the corner of North and Main. Chief Officer Jones stated that this parking space angles into the sidewalks, and that there are no stop barriers to keep cars from going onto the sidewalks, especially during the winter months and he believes “ that this is a danger to pedestrians “, and has recommended that stop barriers be put there.
Resolution 04-2021-8 – A Resolution opposing HB 157 Amending the law regarding withholding Municipal earned income tax for those working virtually and/or at home and declaring such an emergency. A motion to suspend the rules was voted upon, and the motion was granted. A motion to accept resolution 04-2021-8 was passed.
Resolution 04-2021-9 Authorizing Participation in the ODOT road salt contracts awarded in 2021 Declaring such an emergency. A motion to suspend the rules was taken and passed. A motion to accept resolution 04-2021-9 was passed.
Ordinance 2021-2 to Revised Permanent Annual Appropriations Ordinance. The Fiscal Officer Sarah Higdon was recognized and asked to explain expenses that were increased before voting on the ordinance.
Sarah Higdon addressed that the general fund was increased by $2,760.00 for Insurance, as the costs from the previous year had gone up. Also an increase of money was spent on park benches.
The park purchased 7 more benches. Originally the committee had appropriated only $2,000 dollars for the park benches, but exceeded their initial cost. The park benches were roughly about $1000.00 dollars each, and the total cost for the benches were $6,055 dollars.
The Capital project also increased $50,000 which is not finalized yet, but can be given back at the end of year if the money is not used. A vote to suspend the rules of Ordinance 2021-2 was voted on, and passed. A motion to accept Ordinance 2021-2 was passed.
Anita can be reached at publisher@thevillagereporter