On Monday, April 19, 2021, Edgerton School Board met. After the minutes of the previous meeting and the agenda for the present meeting were approved, they heard from Edgerton Area Foundation concerning the Capital Campaign donation and accepted the minutes for the March Board meeting at Four County.
The board voted to approve the financial reports, bills for payment, appropriations and estimated resource modifications for the month of March and the investments made, as well as a transfer of $25.50 from the Legacy Fund to the the HS Student Council.
The board voted to approve the following Superintendent Recommendations:
-Accept donations: from Edgerton Area Foundation of $15,000 for Capital Campaign; from Class of 2021 Senior Parents $1,749 for Graduation Caps and Gowns; from Senior Parents $128.50 for Winter Homecoming flowers/sash; and from Edgerton Music Boosters $125 for Band Camp
-Haley Lewis as a graduate of the Class of 2021 effective April 19, 2021, having met all requirements
-Commendations for students on 3rd Quarter Honor Roll and all involved in the production of All Shook Up
-Purchase from the Permanent Improvement and the Wellness funds of two School Gate Guardian Kiosk Systems for elementary and HS entrances, at a cost of $26,458.17
-Current NwOESC sub lists for paraprofessionals and teachers
-Hiring of Marie Moore as an aide/accompanist on an as needed basis for the 20-21 school year at a rate of $15 per hour
-Resignation of Matt Ripke as Varsity Boys Basketball Coach effective retroactively to the conclusion of the 20-21 season
-Resignation of Nathan Davis as Varsity Girls’ Basketball Coach effective retroactively to the conclusion of the 20-21 season
-20-21 Supplemental contract for Faith Herman Volunteer in Athletic Dept. – Track
-Non renewal of supplemental contracts (advisors) for the 20-21 school year (annual action)
-Supplemental contracts for Tom Nye Varsity Wrestling; Rick Herman Assistant Varsity Wrestling; and Bryse Batt Jr. High Wrestling
-Payment of $109 to Alicia Krill for Band Camp supervision/instructional time
In his report, Superintendent Kermit Riehle, covered the following topics:
1.Student enrollment; 2. Franklin B. Walter Award to Karen Dominique; 3. Thank you from Janet Leppelmeier; 4. First Reading of NEOLA policy; 5. NWOCA security policy; 6. Bus barn vs. Administrative annex; 7. Last week of Senior Activities; 8. Virtual State FFA Convention; 9. Summer Reading program; 10. BinaxNow COVID Rapid Test kits (66); 11. Vaccination survey sent to Edgerton families; 12. Flag poles set in front of Elementary campus thanks to Gaskill Construction and CCI Concrete; 13. Red Rover Absence Management Solution; 14. 1:00 Early Dismissal on May 27, 2021 for students; 15. First Reading of 21-22 Athletic Handbook
In his Elementary Principal report, Brett Grieser shared that they are starting two new traditions this year, laughing a Kindergarten graduation and a Sixth Grade Graduation as end of year celebrations.
The Bulldogs with T.I.E.S. continues and they have “been able to welcome in some tremendous role models to speak to our students.” On Monday, March 22, DARE Officer Miller spent his last day the fifth grade students. Grieser expressed their gratefulness for his time spent and the impact on the students and said he will be back for a DARE Graduation.
During the week of March 22-26, a successful book fair was held. The Fourth graders did a great job with their Indian Dwelling projects. On March 26, goodbyes were said to Miss Stockman as Mrs. Miller made her full return to the classroom.
Kindergarten Screening was held on April 8 and 9. Internet Safety Training was shared with students by School Counselor Dinah Rice and Librarian Mrs. Pahl on April 12-16. Both PTO and Junior Achievement continue to support the school.
The Leader in Me program continues to run effectively as they are holding virtual Leader in me assemblies with the students. The current focus has turned to Habit #6 Synergize. Bulldog’s Best Habit #5 winners were recognized on March 23. Paws-iTive Referrals, Staff Shout outs and Staff Spotlights continue to be an effective tool.
Upcoming Dates: April 21 Professional Day; April 30 Arbor Day; May 3 Teacher Appreciation and Junior Achievement; May 4 My Plate Grade 3; May 7 District Wide Health Walk and PTO lunch for Staff; May 10 Project Respect 6th grade; May 12 Nurse Tracy Day; May 19 Ms. Dominique Retirement Party; May 24 Bulldog’s Best Sarpen the Saw; May 25 Elementary Awards, Kindergarten Graduation and 6th Grade Graduation; and May 27 Field Day.
High School Principal Ben Wilhelm reported: Spring Sports have begun; March 4-6 Senior Adam Vermillion participated in the State Speech and Debate Competition, placing 2nd in participants for Toledo Region; March 16 Seniors Mason Goebel and Avrey Degryse participated in a Welding Open House; March 23 Mr. Blakely delivered presentations to the Senior Government classes on tax returns and the filing process; March 25, FFA held Officer interviews; During April students are working through Habit #5 Seek First to Understand, then to be Understood; March 26 HS LIM groups held a Celebration Day where teachers offered game rooms and a community service project; April 15, EHS Graduate Tyler Eustace graduated from 2nd Battalion, 60 Infantry Regiment Basic Training in Ft. Jackson, SC, at the top of his regiment, earning two promotions and the rank of Private First Class. Coming up at the High School: 4/19-4/30 State testing; 5/1 EHS Prom; 5/12 Senior Awards Night at 7 p.m.; 5/25 4CCC Recognition Day at 7 Virtual; and 5/30 Graduation.
In her Technology Report, Ms. Shari Saneda spoke about new cameras during Spring Break, installed in Elementary First Floor restrooms, Elementary Administrative hallway, Elementary first floor elevators, HS Library/New STEAM lab, HS North Gym; eRate District Internet approved and waiting on WIFI for district and annex; ELA testing, 2 hour delay, makeups and schedule for Math and Science tests.
Upcoming: Testing, Kindergarten Grad/6th grade Grad, Elementary awards, Chromebook Distribution after testing with 4th, 5th and 9th graders getting new devices, Prom Walk Through Broadcast if there is rain, Graduation Broadcast.
With no further business the board meeting adjourned.