Monday, May 10, 20121 held the meeting of the Bryan Board of Education at 7 p.m. in the Bryan Elementary Commons, with all members present. Following the approval of the minutes for the April meeting, and no public participation, Mark Rairigh, on behalf of Mrs. Keeler gave a report on Four County.
His info included that Daisy Jack was a Silver medalist in the State Skill USA completion and will compete at Nations; the sixth annual Job and Career Fair was held recently; Senior Recognition Day video will go live on May 25, 2021 at 7 p.m. and will feature Bryan Seniors Brooklynne Ramos, Daisy Jack, Austin Tomaszewski, Jacob Washington, Isaac Funes, and Elijah Seiler.
Mr. Savage gave an update on athletics, saying that dead week for this summer will be July 4-11. Baseball will play at Fifth Third Field in Toledo on May 11 at 7 p.m. This month Bryan will host the following events: D2 Section Boys Tennis May 13/15; D2 Section Girls Softball Championship; JH NWOAL Track meet May 15; D4 District Girls Softball May 18/21; and D4 District Boys Baseball May 26/28.
In Curriculum, Mr. Basset reported that Bryan will be participating in the Seamless Summer Program again which provides each student with a free Type A lunch every day. Bryan has had a very high participation rate in Advanced Placement testing which allows students to receive college credit for high school work.
The Elementary School report, given by Mrs. Cox included the following: Right to Read week just finished and over 400 books were given away to students. First grade students will be visiting the Fountain City Amphitheater for the biography fair.
Parents and special guests are invited. Students recently took their last STAR assessment of the year and the data will be reviewed over the summer.
210 students in 3-5th grade earned their Accelerated Reader award. On May 21, 6 grade will be reading with kindergarten at the park. Preschool graduation will be held at the A&E building on May 26. Field day will be held on May 12-14. Report cards will be sent home with students on May 27.
Middle School/High School by Mr. Alspaugh: Souper Bowl raised $2,580 for Sanctuary Homeless Shelter. On April 30, the senior class picture was taken, senior breakfast was held, and they celebrated Signing Day for spring athletes. Prom and Post-Prom was held successfully over the weekend.
The next two weeks are filled with activities including HS exams, award ceremonies for MS & HS, concerts by band, orchestra, and choir for both MS & HS, graduation practice on May 24, senior clap-out, and finally graduation on May 30 at 2:00 pm in the stadium, weather permitting.
Treasurer, Mr. Schafer, gave a Five Year Forecast report and the Financial report for the month, which was all approved. Recommendations included: Amended permanent Appropriations fo FY21; Five Year Forecast and Assumptions; OHI Charter Workers Compensation Group Rating; New Horizons Academy and Sara’s Garden Agreement; Authorization to advertise for Milk Bids; Authorization to participate in all federal programs for the 21-22 school year including all Federal Grants; and donations of $1500 for Softball Uniforms from Bryan Girls Softball Association, and $404 for Chelsea Cordy’s Classroom from Academic Booster Club.
Superintendent Rairigh recommended and received approval for:
-Class of 2021 graduates

-Lunch prices for 21-22 school year (Adult $4, 6-12 Student $3.50, PK-5 Student $3.25, Breakfast $1.75 and Milk 50 cents)
-Workbook and Supply Fees for 20-21 (Preschool $85 per month, Grades KG-8 $50, and Grades 9-12 $110)
-Handbooks and addendum for 20-21 K-12, Preschool, and Athletic
-NWOESC Mentor Program 21-22
-Service agreement with Edon Northwest Schools
-Agreement with UT – School Psychology Externship

-Agreement with NSCC
-OHSAA Membership Agreement for 2-22 school year
-Defiance College MOU
Personnel Recommendations were also approved, including:
-IT Student Summer Workers Chase Kammeyer and Miles Wanzer
-Retirement of Joy Betts, head cook, effective June 1, 2021

-Classified Staff Adjustment Jennifer Stratton, Middle School Secretary
-Two-Year Administrative Contract Adam Swisher, School Psychologist for 20-21
-HS Summer School Teachers Matt Neff and Brad Eickhoff
-Approval of Winter 21-22 Supplemental Contract Brock Homier, Head Boys Basketball Coach
-Non-renewal of Supplemental Contracts of Non Certificated Staff
-Non renewal of Certified and Classified Substitutes for 20-22
-Approval of 21-22 Supplemental Contracts and Volunteers
-Non-renewal of supplemental contract for non certificated staff Madison Stockman Assistant Softball Coach
-Policy items
Points of information shared were that the next Board of Ed meeting will be held in BE Commons at 7 p.m. on June 21; Business Advisory Committee will meet on May 19 at 7 a.m.; and Board Retreat and Work Session will be held on June 10.
Upcoming Dates: Academic Booster Club Awards will be held on Monday, May 17 at 7 p.m. in the HS Gym; Senior Scholarship Night is scheduled for May 24 in the Arts and Ed Auditorium at 7 p.m.; and Graduation will be on Sunday, May 30 at 2 p.m. in the Football Stadium.
With no further business, the board voted to enter executive session for the purpose of discussing the appointment, promotion, and/or compensation of employees and the purchase of property for public purposes of the sale of property at competitive bidding. There was no action taken following the Exec. Session and them meeting adjourned at 9:57 p.m.