The Edgerton Board of Education held their meeting on Monday, August 23rd at 6:00 p.m. The meeting was started with the Pledge of Allegiance followed by roll call.
The board then moved to approve the agenda as well as opened the floor to public participation. Public listed on the agenda to speak to the board were as follows: Hicksville bank to present a $12,000 donation to be split up through the years of 2021, 2022, 2023, and 2024 for $3,000 per year.
A presentation was also given by Tracy Rendleman, Olivia Schaffner and Seth Schroeder from S.T.E.A.M.
The board then moved to communications and the Treasurer’s Agenda before moving to Superintendent’s Recommendations.
Approval was given for the 2021-2022 bus routes based off of the 2020-2021 bus routes and approval was also given for the superintendent and or designee to make changes during the year as needed.
Commendations were given to Jim Saul, Mark Hall and their staff for their work improving and renovating the campus to be ready for the district. Such actions include the STEAM lab, moving of classrooms, interior painting, maintenance and summer projects and campus readiness.
A commendation was also given to the Special Education Department for reaching the highest rating of “Meets Requirements” for the 2020-2021 school year with the Ohio Department of Education.
The board then moved to approve an agreement with the Wood County Juvenile Detention Center of Northwest Ohio for the 2021-2022 school year.
A donation made from Mike Kimpel and Edgerton Auto Salvage collecting steel and the sale of steel funds in the amount of $519.50 directed to the student assistance fund was approved.
The board then moved to approve numerous Supplemental contracts, volunteers, substitute teachers and bus/van drivers.
The board then moved to hear a report from the Superintendent who spoke about student enrollment for the upcoming year, an update of Covid, a C.R.A. report regarding the community reinvestment area, and HB 99 ASM.
He also discussed a certificate of recognition given to Williams County Schools for exceptional service to the Williams County community to combat the coronavirus pandemic.
He also updated everyone regarding the annex renovation, the BASA conference taking place on September 10th, a safety report, Leader in Me update and gave a thank you to the Edgerton Village.
The board then heard reports from the principals present as well as a technology report before having the chance to enter executive session. The board then adjourned for the evening