By: Lindsay Phillips
The Fayette School Board of Education meeting began at 6:30, on Monday, March 21, 2022. President Kirk Keiser called the meeting to order with the following Board members present: Mrs. Jennifer Wagner, Mr. Matt Johnson, Mr. Ryan Eberly. Angela Belcher, Superintendent, and Kelly Bentley, Treasurer attended as well.
The Board’s first order of business was approving minutes from the previous regular meeting on February 14, 2022.
Belcher gave her superintendent’s report, adding that spring break will begin April 11, 2022, and will end April 15, 2022.
Approved from the Financial Report were donations from the following:
•$1,000 from Ohio Means Jobs to the Class of 2023 for safe Prom activities.
•$100 from Fayette Fine Arts Council to National Honor Society(NHS) for NHS activities.
•$180 from Fulton County Health Department for Middle School Youth Program activities through Youth Advisory Committee.
•$200 from Jason and Tara Phillips to the Archery Program.
•$1,200 from an anonymous donor to purchase new central office chairs.
High School Principal, Jon Molter, shared, “The Band and Choir Concert took place on March 8, 2022, entertaining the audience with some great music.” Molter announced the FFA banquet will be held on April 2, 2022.
While giving her Elementary School Report, Elementary Principal, Olivia Selgo, communicated that on March 28, 2022, Fayette will begin State testing for grades third through sixth. Selgo also shared, “The Princess dance will be on Saturday, March 26, 2022.”
Fayette Elementary School will be hosting their Spring Carnival April 30, 2022, with food trucks and crafts.
The bid from Southwestern Ohio Educational Processing Council to purchase three new school busses was approved by the Board, along with the FFA class to attend the State FFA Convention May 5-6, 2022.
Kindergarten teacher, Tina Rufenacht is retiring effective May 31, 2022.
Kelly Bentley was approved as a designee for Ohio Sunshine Law Training on behalf of Newley elected officials Matt Johnson and Jennifer Wagner.
With no matters left to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 6:45 p.m.
Lindsay can be reached at