SHORT WEEK …WC Commissioners Brian Davis and Lew Hilkert approved resolutions as presented by Commissioners Clerk of Office, Anne Retcher, at the April 25, 2022 regular session. There was no Thursday meeting last week. (PHOTO BY REBECCA MILLER, STAFF)
By: Rebecca Miller
During the last week of April 2022, with Commissioner Terry Rummel on vacation and Commissioner Lew Hilkert scheduled to attend a CEBCO conference in Columbus, the Thursday session was cancelled.
On Monday, April 25, 2022, with Hilkert and Brian Davis present, they voted to approve the following:
-Resolution 115 Supplemental appropriations on behalf of Victim Assistance
-Resolution 116 Accepting the amounts and rates as determined by the Budget commission and authorizing the necessary tax levies and certifying them to the county auditor.
-Resolution 117 Entering into a contract on behalf of WC Engineer, between WC Engineer and Kelly Rhodes at a cost of $16 hour for approximately 5 plus hours per week for office cleaning, with term beginning April 25, 2022 and continuing until services no longer needed or terminated with or by contractor.
-Resolution 118 Advertising for sealed bids for Project #04-2022 Courthouse Window Replacement
-Resolution 119 Entering into a Road Crossing agreement on behalf of WC Engineer with Williams County Landfill, Inc. (Republic) and Superior Township for constructing a road crossing running east and west over Township Road 12, with the county incurring no costs.
-Resolution 120 Rescinding Resolutions 22-0050 and 22-0100 regarding use of ARPA funds (American Rescue Plan Local Fiscal Recovery Funds) with WC IT department. It was clarified that the department will still get the money, but it will be re-routed due to a change in the government rules on how to handle the funds.
-Also signed: Notice of Non-renewal of contract with Hyper-Reach for Mass Notification System; Monthly expenditures for Credit Card for Commissioners office for May, 2022; Travel request for April Gonzales, Todd Roth and John Waterston to attend CEAO Admin Professionals and County Engineers’ Conference; Request for pay for Maumee Valley Planning; Notice of Award, agreement between owner and contractor, and sales and use tax exemption certification regarding Project #2-2022 – Bruce Drive Road Improvements
-Minutes dated April 21, 2022 and bills as submitted by auditor
With no further business, the commissioners went into a short recess before re-entering regular session and voting to go into executive session to meet with Williams County Department of Health Commissioner Jim Watkins and Dee Custar.
The purpose of the executive session was to discuss purchase or sale of property. They came out of ES 33 minutes later with no action.
With nothing further before the board that day, they adjourned.
Rebecca can be reached at