Montpelier Village Council met on May 9, 2022 at 6 p.m. with all council members present. Following prayer led by Rev. Mary Beth McCandless and the Pledge of Allegiance, council voted to approve the agenda, the minutes for the previous meeting and the financial reports from April 2022.
Street Superintendent Dennis Bishop, introduced Cody Grimm, the newest member in his department, to the council. Rev. McCandless informed council that the Montpelier Baccalaureate Service, sponsored by the Ministerial Association will be held on Wednesday, May 18 at 7 p.m. in the school auditeria.
Councilman Kevin Motter reported that the County Engineer’s Office is working on a GIS program (Geographical Information System) to locate and map county grave sites of all veterans from the Revolutionary War to the present.
The program is called Williams County Veteran’s Grave Locations and everyone is invited to help gather the information.
In legal business, council voted to approve:
-Resolution 1347 (suspend and pass) A resolution changing the electric superintendent wage range contained in resolution 1312 from salary to hourly compensation.
Mr. Tim Fry is the new electric superintendent and plans to stay in the on-call rotation. Administration feels hourly pay is the best way to compensate him appropriately. Mr. Fry’s total hours worked in 2021, including overtime, were reviewed and will still be under the budgeted amount for the supervisor position.
-Resolution 1348 (suspend and pass) A resolution to amend appropriations for current expenses and other expenditures of the village of Montpelier, Ohio during the Fiscal year ending December 31,2022. This is for the equipment grant the fire department received from the state fire marshal.
Village Director of Finance, Nikki Uribes reported that Income Tax collections at the end of April 2022 were $842,482.26 as compared to $646,799.22 in 2021 and $624,315.69 in 2020. This is up 30.25% from 21 and up 34.94% from 2020.
In his Village Manager’s Report, Jason Rockey informed council of the following:
-A preconstruction meeting for the Brown Rd. Turn Lane project was scheduled for May 17 at 10 a.m.
-The trailer at 507 W. Madison has been removed and proceeds from the scrap paid the majority of the disposal fees.
-219 E. Lawrence will be transferring to the WC Land Bank later this month. The owner of 523 S. Pleasant is interested in donating their property to the land bank also. Rockey is trying to get contact info for a property on W. Court St. to see if they would be interested in the program.
-Rockey and Uribes met with Mr. Conrad Beck regarding the renewal of property and liability insurance. This year’s premium is $111,509, which is a 6% increase from last year.
Following the reports, council voted to move into Executive Session to discuss the appointment, employment, discipline, promotion, demotion, or compensation of a public employee.
Council resumed in open session at 8:25 and will no further business the meeting adjourned.