The Lyons Village Council held their meeting on Monday, August 1st. The meeting began at 7:00 p.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance.
The following items were discussed by council. Council member AJ Call stated that he is still working on dump truck pricing. The salt bid completed with the state was received.
The Chicken BBQ in the park event was then discussed with it being stated that everything went well. The second ARPA money has been reconciled and THM testing will take place next week.
Discussion next took place regarding pricing that needs to be obtained for engraved pavers. The BWC credits have been finished and dwarf trees are being looked at as an addition to the park.
Lastly, Premium Patching will be fixing issues on Sawmill for Anderzack Pitzen in the first week of September. With no other business needing to be discussed, the meeting was adjourned.