PROMOTION … Edgerton police officer Matt Krill is promoted to captain. (PHOTO BY DANIEL COOLEY, STAFF)
By: Daniel Cooley
The Edgerton Village Council meeting on September 6 began with Pledge of Allegiance, followed by a prayer from Mayor Robert Day. In attendance were board members Pam Wampler, Leslie VanAusdale, Jason Gruver, Chuck Wallace, Tom Karnes, and Sharon Blinzler.
In the first order of business, council approved of the previous meeting minutes from the August 16 council meeting.
Mayor Day then reported that there will be a workday on September 17, at 9 a.m., at Miller Park. Day said to check with him if council members or village employees see anything in the village that needs to be cleaned up or repaired.
Village administrator Dawn Fitzcharles stated that there will be a wage and compensation committee meeting on September 12, from 5-6 p.m. and there will be a finance committee meeting on September 21, from 4-5 p.m.
Next, Fitzcharles reported that those working on the water tower number two project have asked for an extension on the project through spring.
Also, those working on the Oak Street project are also asking for a new timeline. On the plus side, Fitzcharles said that the low service pumps project has been completed and the pumps can now push water through, as they were designed.
In the fiscal officer report, Denise Knecht said that for the council members, the credit card report was attached to the review sheet.
Since the last credit card statement was late in coming in, there will be another credit card statement in the next meeting, in two weeks. She reported that the August financials went well.
Council then passed a motion to pay the bills.
Next, Police Chief Gary Plotts gave a report. He stated that the FOBS to get into the village hall building should be finished by the end of the week.
He also stated that every member of the police force has new vests, which they’ve had for a couple of months now, thanks to the attorney general grant.
Plotts also stated that the police department received a $1,000 grant which will be used to help pay for officer training. In addition, Plotts said that K-9 Jax is still going through training in oto be certified.
Plotts also said that Kyle Thurwell turned in his resignation letter and that four other employees are in line to be promoted to regular status from probationary status.
First, council voted to promote Matt Krill to captain. Next, council approved Thurwell’s resignation.
That was followed by council moving three police officers, Mike Thomas, Byron Adams, and Ashlyn Morey, from probationary to regular status.
Also, Fitzcharles said that Officer Ashley Eberley did an amazing job in helping the village get through a recent problem.
Next, council approved Ordinance 1108. Fitzcharles said that this ordinance pertains to executing an agreement with American Municipal Power for a wind energy schedule that begins October 1 and will run through September 30, 2025.
Council then passed the first reading of Ordinance 1109, dealing with two residential parcels on Oak Street.
Council then approved a contract amendment with Poggemeyer Design Group, for the Oak Street Sidewalk project. This approval adds in contract management and continues testing for the project, to ensure everything is going correctly.
Next, council approved a lease agreement with the Hicksville Village Players, allowing them to store props and have use of the community theatre when it is available.
Council also approved moving utility office employee Melanie Kaiser from part time seasonal status to full time seasonal status.
In another area, new water fountains have been installed in Miller Park and should be in working order very soon.
On a high note, Fitzcharles said that Edgerton’s positive response to its June crisis will be featured in Public Power. The article should be featured at the end of the month.
In council comments, VanAusdale said that the flowers in town park look nice and Gruver said congrats on getting the water pumps done and working well.
Dan can be reached at