EFFICIENCY … Williams County Commissioners Terry Rummel and Brian Davis signed paperwork as it was read and handed to them by Clerk Anne Retcher at the recent September 12, 2022, regular session. (PHOTO BY REBECCA MILLER, STAFF)
By: Rebecca Miller
In one minute and twenty-seven seconds, Williams County Commissioners minus Lew Hilkert who was on vacation, approved the following at the September 12, 2022 regular session:
-Resolution 242 Supplemental Appropriations-Williams County EMS – from fuel to auto repairs $15,000; Williams County Engineer -$898.90 from Workers Comp and $900 from Contract projectst to: cover fuel costs, total $1,798.90; Williams County Hillside Country Living – $143.00 from unappropriated to other expense to fund activity supplies; Williams County JFS – $56,477.50 from PCSA contract services to transfer out to cover transfer of balance of SFY22 SCPA to FCFC flexible funding, also $40,000 from Child Support Health Insurance to Child Support Court Costs to cover increased court costs due to method of counting services; Williams County Sheriff’s Office – $2000 from Workers Comp to Travel/Lodging/Meals to replenish line.
-Resolution 243 approving transfer of funds for Williams County JFS-balance of SFY22 State Child Protective Allocation from the Public Children Service Agency to the Family and Children First Fund.
“After using the SFY2022 SCPA allocation to offset the unreimbursed foster care expenses as allowed, there is a balance of $74,455.50 in that allocation which will liquidate in September.”
“We would like to transfer that amount to the Family and Children First Council to be used to support children in Williams County, rather than have those funds revert to the state.”
-Also signed – travel request for Kyle Miller to attend Drone Training in Columbus
-Minutes of previous meeting and payment of bills
With no further business for the day, the commissioners adjourned.
Rebecca can be reached at rebecca@thevillagereporter.com