PROGRESS … Sean Rupp updates Williams County Port Authority on Grass Roots #1 building progress while Dawn Fitzcharles looks on. (PHOTO BY AMY WENDT, STAFF)
By: Amy Wendt
The Williams County Port Authority met on Wednesday, October 26 in the East Annex Conference Room. Board members present included: Dawn Fitzcharles, Sean Rupp, John Drinnon, Richard Reed and Bart Westfall.
Approval was given for:
-the September 30, 2022 regular meeting minutes;
-financial activity for month to date that included expenses for the first round of construction materials to Menards in the amount of $25,645, a bill for builders risk insurance and a contractor bill.
Rupp updated the Port Authority on the construction progress of Grass Roots #1, the group’s first building project in Montpelier.
He advised that the foundation is finished, the walls are being built and the trusses will be coming on Friday. “When you build something small, it goes a lot quicker.” Rupp commented.
Siding will likely be installed in December if the windows are on schedule and the interior should be finished during the colder winter months.
The natural gas service has been set up with Ohio Gas and electric service has been ordered from the Village of Montpelier Electric.
The project is currently on track with the January completion date.
When inquired by another Authority member, Rupp advised that there have been no major problems with supply delivery so far.
He also indicated that since the project started, the architect’s original design has been modified slightly to ensure stock windows and trusses were being used.
The design changes added about a foot of width to the house and ultimately saves money and time in the long run.
In the future, Rupp will be meeting with Menards to go through the entire house package and make sure all materials are stock items so the building of future homes is even more efficient and cost effective.

According to the Port Authority’s Facebook page, a real estate listing has been created for the house on 503 Ohio Street, Montpelier with the price set at $149,900.
The open concept ranch home features 3 bedrooms, 1 full bath, and a garage.
Rupp advised that as construction progresses, they will make some videos of the home to gauge public interest.
Fitzcharles touched on the tour and lunch with representatives from the Ohio Housing Finance Agency, Williams County Employers, State Representative Jim Hoops and municipal officials from Bryan, Edgerton, Holiday City and Montpelier that took place earlier in the week.
The goal of the tour was to share with the State all areas for development that are not currently included in the criteria mapping for federal housing credits.
The group went into executive session to discuss the acquisition of property, asking Stacy Lilard to stay for the session. No action was expected to be taken.

Due to the Thanksgiving holiday, the November meeting date was rescheduled from Wednesday, November 23, 2022 to Wednesday, November 30 at 5:30 p.m.
Amy can be reached at